The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 707 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 38

Soon, Tao Ran did something that created a huge reputation.

That day, all the ladies and ladies with some reputation and wealth in the entire county were invited to a banquet at the magistrate's house.

After three rounds of tea, everyone understood the core content of this banquet.

First, according to the county's plan, there are many places where roads need to be built. Second, the state capital next door suffered serious flooding and needed to raise funds. To put it bluntly, it just wants money. The two added together require more money and everyone’s generosity.

The county's donation amount last time was not large and ranked low among the entire state capital, so this time, the county magistrate hopes that everyone can be more enthusiastic. If the number and ranking meet the standards, the Yamen will post a red list, and will give certain rewards, exempt from taxes, etc.

Tao Ran has been here for a few months, so he naturally knows what kind of character the Yamen County Magistrate here is. It's no wonder that most of the ladies here were laughing after hearing this.

But even so, she still donated five hundred taels of silver on behalf of the Ji family in front of everyone.

The number of five hundred is almost all of my income from making makeup boxes for everyone in the past few months. I am willing to donate the money to those in greater need! She exaggerated in a serious manner.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

The county magistrate and his wife all had smiles on their faces, and they immediately praised the Ji family and Ji Wenqing to the sky.

You know, this number is almost catching up with the amount donated by the richest family in the county.

But she is just a little girl selling crafts.

No one has such courage!

But this time, those who had doubts about Tao Ran before could not say anything wrong about her.

Her reputation in the county instantly reached new heights. And her makeup box order was once again scheduled for two months.

Liu Chun'e and Chen Fang were shocked when they heard the news. In their minds, this was money they would have to earn from selling 500 makeup boxes! Doesn't this mean that the three months just now were all in vain?

Tao Ran reassured them. Although this little money is not a drop in the bucket, it is just a drop in the bucket.

My father will take the science and technology examination next month! Please think about it. I have donated such a large amount of money. Is it possible that my father will fail the science and technology examination? The county will taste the benefits and will not let me down. , I definitely don’t want this to be a one-and-done deal.”

In order to keep money from her for a long time, in order to win over a fool like her, in order to make friends with her, even if Ji Chun really couldn't pass, I'm afraid the county would squeeze out a quota for him in the provincial examination...

On the contrary, my father's talent is well-known in the surrounding counties. My father and I have donated so much money, and our reputation is enough. If this is the case, my father is not on the list of people who have passed the scientific examination. You How much pressure will the higher authorities face?

When the time comes, they are the ones who will be questioned and reviled! In the small case, he lost his reputation in the county, and in the big case, the fairness of this scientific examination was questioned! They won't even take this risk!

Therefore, this money can be considered as insurance for Ji Xiucai.

After the scientific examination, there is the provincial examination immediately.

The participant's reputation is also important. No matter whether you are apprenticed to a teacher again or in front of an examiner, you will always get points for impression. Even if you fail the exam, you will definitely be ranked high when you take supplementary admissions.

So it is not only to ensure that my father will definitely get the quota to pass the scientific examination this time, but also to pave the way for him to take the next round of provincial examination. This money will not be wasted!

After all, Ji Chun's fame is the greatest guarantee for Ji Wenqing. From now on, Ji Wenqing won't be afraid even if he lies down.

In addition, the donation of five hundred taels was also for Ji Wenqing's reputation.

If someone wants to frame her in the future, I'm afraid even the public's saliva will drown him! Even if someone like Feng Er wanted to forcefully marry her, no one would dare to do anything to her with such a reputation!

Of course, Tao Ran also had selfish motives.

The rewards in this world are definitely not the same as those in the entertainment industry, the interstellar world, and the world of cultivating immortals, so she still wants to earn as much faith as possible.

According to her experience, donating money is the simplest and most convenient way.

So, donate!

And this time, the benefits of spending a huge amount of money were quickly revealed.

When one day, overnight, many rumors appeared that slandered her person and her products, her reputation and that of her cosmetics box were defended by too many people!

It turned out that many shops had been robbed of their business, and they couldn't help but want to regain their market share.

They tried to smear and spread rumors about Ji Wenqing and her makeup box.

But all the ladies in the county, including the county magistrate's wife and the magistrate's family, are also loyal users of Taoran's products. Everyone knows whether it is useful or not.

Not to mention that the county magistrate's wife had just lost an inch from her waist with the help of aerobics taught by Tao Ran. Who dares to say that Ji Wenqing is not good, she will be the first to stand up and object!

What's more, a girl who donated five hundred taels in one breath would compromise the quality of the product just for a small profit?

As for Tao Ran's character... there's nothing to say about that. Everyone trusts you!

So this kind of smear campaign has not had much effect.

Instead, the Yamen used practical actions to support Tao Ran.

Not only were the names of Ji Xiucai and Ji Wenqing on the red list posted on the Yamen bulletin board, but the people in the Yamen also beat gongs and drums all the way to give Ji's family rewards for their good deeds.

They received a plaque customized by the yamen, they were once again on the tax-free list, and they were also rewarded with three hundred catties of rice, fifty catties of oil, two sheep and a pig, and various other daily necessities.

Although Tao Ran disliked these things compared to the five hundred taels given away, he had to say that when these things were swaggering all the way from the county town, they looked so majestic and majestic.

And those slanderous rumors were immediately disproven. With the support of the yamen, those who secretly make small moves can only shrink back and give up...

At that time, people from several villages came out to watch the fun.

Zheng Qinqin with disheveled hair, Guo Wu with dull eyes, Zheng Xiucai with twitching face... They all couldn't believe that since when, the girl beside them had reached a height beyond their reach.

Tao Ran, on the other hand, distributed all the rewards from the government to the villagers.

Even the sheep and pigs were all killed, and anyone who came to Ji's house to congratulate them would get a share.

The villagers are relatively simple and since they have received benefits, they naturally praise the Ji family a lot...

The scientific examination finally arrived a few days later.

When Ji Chun walked out of the examination room, he held Tao Ran in tears. He held back a sentence for a long time: All the questions in the exam are the correct ones!

Halfway through, I let go of my heavy heart, and after a few more days, I finally released the results.

On the red list, Ji Chun's name finally stood out. He finally got out of the cycle and could take the provincial examination in August!

After Ji Chun laughed, he cried again.

He pulled Tao Ran's sleeve and couldn't stop for a long time.

He knew in his heart that he could reach this point because of his daughter's efforts. He felt deeply indebted to his daughter in his heart, and he swore that even if his daughter did not marry, he would support and pamper her for the rest of his life.

Thank you Chuchenshanxinxin and Brother Long for the reward, I love you~

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