The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 705 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 36

Tao Ran naturally let Feng Er take this logical step according to his own wishes.

Otherwise, why would she come here specially? To be jealous? To make Zheng Qinqin feel uncomfortable? How can she be so boring? If she has this time, wouldn't it be nice to make an extra makeup box and earn a few more taels of silver?

She just wanted to help Guo Wu find a wife.

Look, with just a few words, everything comes naturally!

The Guo family doesn't even like Ji Wenqing who is married, and they can even sell their daughter-in-law who gave birth to their grandson. They are rotten from top to bottom, so tit for tat is basic.

According to Tao Ran's original idea, he wanted to find a good wife for Guo Wu and a good wife for the Guo family. Tao Ran originally planned to choose between Widow Zhang and Zheng Qinqin.

As a result, Widow Zhang was useless and failed to seize the opportunity, so Zheng Qinqin had to deal with it.

It's good for a scumbag man and woman to get together as a couple.

At least there is no need to worry about Zheng Qinqin running away or that Zheng Qinqin will have a good life.

Tao Ran had already heard from Feng Er about her inability to give birth.

This is a big deal!

Mother Guo is eager to have descendants in droves!

So from this point of view, we can basically predict Zheng Qinqin's next days.

In addition, Tao Ran also discovered something recently.

A few nights ago, when she went out for a run, she ran into Guo Wu, who was limping. It was past midnight and there was no one on the road. He didn't seem to have drunk much, and he was obviously sneaky.

Tao Ran followed him from a distance, approaching the end of the village, when he suddenly turned around and looked around.

Tao Ran easily avoided his sight, and when he looked again, he had disappeared.

With her extraordinary senses, she heard a slight creak.

The sound of a bolted door.

In this village, there is no one Tao Ran is not familiar with!

And this is the new place where Widow Zhang moved a while ago, no, now I should say, Huang Cuihua moved into after being kicked out of the Zhang family's house.

When I climbed up the tree, I saw that it was already this time, and there was still a faint candlelight shining through the woman's room.

Tao Ran didn't bother to climb the wall, so he simply crossed his legs on the tree and practiced his internal skills.

An hour later, Guo Wu came out of that house as expected.

The door was halfway open. After Guo Wu glanced around, he walked out with a playful smile. Before turning around and leaving, he reached out and touched the face of the widow who was waiting to close the door behind...

Be good!

Regardless of whether these two people had hooked up a long time ago, or whether they fell into each other's misfortune, Tao Ran could not say that he had wronged these two people...

Guo Wu, this man, is pretty bad.

Zheng Qinqin in the plot is very virtuous. In order to win over Feng Er's people and hearts, no matter how much Feng Er goes out of his way, she can agree to any conditions and do anything without a bottom line. I just don’t know if she can bear it when Feng Er is turned into Guo Wu?

Feng Er has always been very good at handling such things, especially after it was confirmed that the Guo family loves money but lacks it, and loves grandchildren but has no grandchildren.

He simply came to her door and said that as long as the Guo family married Zheng Qinqin, he would give her some money.

Upon hearing the offer of twenty taels, the Guo family was immediately moved.

Guo Wu is already disabled. He is disabled and drunk, and has a bad reputation and cannot work. If he misses this opportunity, he may not be able to earn twenty taels in his life. Why not let him be responsible for the continuation of the Guo family's heirs?

That's Zheng Qinqin, who has a bad reputation.

With a good reputation, he will marry your son? With all due respect, if your son is like this, it will be harder to find a wife as time goes by!

Feng Er snorted: No matter how bad Zheng Qinqin is, at least she can read and pronounce sentences. Her family members are all smart, so the children she gives birth to will not be bad. If your Guo family can also produce a scholar, it will be considered a glorious ancestor. Not to mention Zheng Xiucai. You will be able to take the scientific examination again in two years. If you have to go to high school, your family will follow the chickens and dogs to heaven and get glory!

Thirty taels! Father Guo agreed. If you give thirty taels, my family will marry that woman!

Feng Er readily agreed, But there are conditions!

You say.

After Zheng Qinqin gets married, you cannot divorce her without my permission. You cannot let her run away from home. You must let her stay at home in peace and contentment to support her husband and raise children! I only ask for these few things, and I want them to be put into words. I want you to Press fingerprints. I don’t care about anything else about her birth, old age, illness or death. Can you agree?

The Guo parents looked at each other and nodded together.

On the same day, they asked someone to go to Zheng's house and promised to give him a betrothal gift of three taels of silver.

Zheng Xiucai naturally looked down on Guo Wu, but upon hearing it, he realized that their proposal to marry was Feng Er's intention. He also thought that if his daughter got married, his family would not only have less people to talk to, but also one less person to eat, and more Guo family members to help. Farm work is not a bad thing.

Ten taels! The Zheng family raised the price.

Naturally, the Guo family would not do it. Five taels at most.

We won't talk about it if it's less than ten taels!

The Guo family informed Feng Er about this.

The Guo family wanted to ask Feng Er for money, but Feng Er didn't want the Zheng family to take advantage.

So the next day, news came from the prison that Zheng Ping had fallen again.

The Zheng family, who were anxious to get money to hire jailers, took the initiative to come to the Guo family and asked if six taels of silver would be enough to hire them. If they give him money now, he will marry his daughter tonight.

Zheng Qinqin didn't want to become a village girl, let alone marry a villager. She was still a disabled villager. She cried, made trouble, and hanged herself. But the Zheng family has already spent more than half of the six taels of silver they brought from the Guo family, so how can they break the contract?

So, Zheng Qinqin was directly tied into a sedan chair by the Zheng family and sent to the Guo family.

The Guo family did not play gongs or drums, nor did they entertain a banquet. They just worshiped at the hall, had a meal, and got the marriage certificate, and the ceremony was considered complete.

Guo Wu didn't care about Zheng Qinqin's reputation. After all, he was someone who even Huang Cuihua was not taboo about. But he couldn't stand it. Zheng Qinqin, whose reputation was ruined, dared to insult him, humiliate him, spurn him, ridicule him!

After drinking three glasses of wine, Guo Wu couldn't bear his anger and attacked his wife on their wedding night.

Swearing at me? What kind of good thing are you? You are just an ugly monster that is ridden by thousands of people and abandoned by thousands of people! Look in the mirror!

Zheng Qinqin not only screamed, but also cursed loudly. Her ugly words made Father Guo outside smash his wine cup.

Not only did Guo Wu not untie her, but in order to shut her up, he stuffed her mouth with a cloth.

In short, what needs to be done is done.

Before dawn the next day, Guo's mother came and called.

My family has a lot of work. Now that you're married, there's no reason to stand idle! Zheng's mother took a ruler and urged Zheng Qinqin to fetch water and make a fire...

From that day on, Zheng Qinqin was followed by Guo Wu and Guo Mu. She is not only a village girl, but also the maid who does odd jobs for the entire Guo family...

It took about half a month for the young master of the Lin family to release his confinement from home and find Murakami.

Although he heard that Zheng Qinqin was married, he still wanted to come and see her.

If she wanted, he could still find a way to take her away.

Until he recognized the woman who was squatting in the courtyard while washing clothes, cursing, with a ferocious face, scary looks, and vulgar behavior. She was the Empress Zheng Qinqin he was looking for...

All his fantasies of a reunion were shattered!

He ran away almost without looking back.

Only then did Zheng Qinqin notice the group of people leaving, and she saw the Lin family member.

She wanted to chase, but the Guo family's sticks had already come to greet her... She knew that even if she could escape from this cage, all her dreams would be shattered!

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