The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 703 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 34

Knowing that Zheng Qinqin had been kicked out by the Lin family, Feng Er's people immediately blocked her at the small back door of the backyard and dragged her into the carriage.

Furious Feng Er hated this woman who had repeatedly tortured him both physically and mentally.

When Zheng Qinqin saw Feng Er's behavior, she immediately knelt down and begged him to do something noble.

Feng Er chuckled.

The Lin family wanted to ruin this woman's appearance, why didn't he want to?

He really needs someone to take the responsibility for his appearance, and Zheng Qinqin will do the job! If you retaliate, you must retaliate in kind!

Feng Eryi waved his hand and his people came forward.

Then, Zheng Qinqin's scream was heard in the carriage.

A few dozen breaths later, Zheng Qinqin, like Feng Er, was missing his front teeth. And she was missing not just two, but four. She held her four big white teeth in her hands, covered her mouth and cried hard.

In this case, you have to calm down, right? Feng Er gritted his teeth and smiled ferociously: I want to see if any blind man would like you? With how good you are now, even if you are very skillful, , I’m afraid there will be no market for it anymore!”

Feng Er also asked people to search Zheng Qinqin's body.

Sure enough, this woman was no ordinary person. Even after being kicked out, there were still gold leaves hidden in the soles of her shoes and in her bun. There is a jade lock piece in the middle layer of the thick coat in the baggage.

After searching Zheng Qinqin three times and confirming that there was nothing valuable on her body, he ordered her to be thrown off the carriage.

Feng Erruo wanted to bring Zheng Qinqin back to his house to clean up the situation happily, but at this moment, even if it wasn't for Ji Wenqing, he couldn't let the Feng family have anything to do with this woman anymore.

There are now all kinds of rumors about this woman in a radius of hundreds of miles. It is known everywhere that she is restless and having affairs with others, causing men to fight over her...

He can't afford to lose this person!

But just because he let Zheng Qinqin leave, it didn't mean he would let her go...

Therefore, Feng Er took away all the belongings of Zheng Qinqin...

You can imagine how furious the Zheng family must have been when Zheng Qinqin returned to her parents' home empty-handed. Their family finally had some hope of seeing a future, and now it's gone? Hating her for not fighting, Zheng Xiucai wanted to slap this disgraced and shameless girl to death.

You can also imagine how Zheng Qinqin, who valued beauty more than self-esteem, was so devastated when she saw her appearance with huge flaws that her parents spent money to get her teeth!

In this day and age, dental dentures are rare. Those who can get dental implants are rich people, but Zheng Xiucai saw that his daughter could not generate more income for the family, and it would be impossible for him to get the money even if he was killed.

So throughout the night, the Zheng family was filled with all kinds of cries, threats, and noises. In the end, they all turned into threats, the sound of sticks hitting the ground, and Zheng Qinqin's begging for mercy...

Let’s continue to imagine, what will the Zheng family do when they receive news the next day that Zheng Ping, who is in prison, fell down last night and was seriously injured and needs medical treatment?

Zheng Ping is the precious son of the family, how can you ignore him? So the Zheng family not only had to spend money to take care of things, but also had to spend money to treat their son.

Xiucai Zheng was unlucky. He accidentally fell while walking at night and spent a lot of money.

Just like that, within a few days, the money that Zheng Qinqin had obtained from the Lin family to supplement her parents' family had once again bottomed out...

The Zheng family returned to its previous depressed situation, while Zheng Qinqin was commanded by sticks and had to start working in the fields.

During this period, Feng Er had been busy repairing his teeth and appearance, and was busy continuing the lawsuit with the Lin family, so he had not appeared for many days.

Tao Ran couldn't get it.

Although he didn't show up, Tao Ran paid him a lot of attention.

There was nothing I could do, who knew that what happened that night was exactly what Tao Ran did!

After she heard that the young master of the Lin family loved Zheng Qinqin, she quietly followed Feng Er to a neighboring county. And Feng Er was originally within Tao Ran's attack range. She wanted to take advantage of Feng Er before but never took action. Now...

She simply found a way to beat up Feng Er, and left various evidences to convince Feng Er that it was the Lin family who had dealt with him, and successfully brought the Feng family into confrontation with the Lin family, who were evenly matched with them.

How can the Lin family let it go if there is no undue disaster? How can someone who can become a prominent person in a place be just an ordinary person? The hatred of the stigma and the lawsuit are enough to make the Lin family bear a grudge. The hatred of taking away a concubine and the hatred of being beaten are enough to make Mr. Lin fight against him.

Alas, Tao Ran felt that for a village girl like her, the only way she could bring down a wealthy family like the Feng family in the short term was to take advantage of the situation...

Therefore, while Tao Ran was paying attention to the progress of the lawsuit, he also knew that Feng Er had secretly plotted against the Zheng family, making Zheng Qinqin ten times more miserable than Ji Wenqing, who was divorced and returned to her natal family that day. This revenge can be regarded as revenge!

A few days later, the swelling on Feng Er's pig-headed face finally subsided, his teeth were replaced, and his lawsuit finally came to an end.

The government found someone to reconcile the two families.

The Lin family had business outside and couldn't stand the Feng family's noisy methods. In order to settle the matter as quickly as possible, they agreed to pay two hundred taels of silver.

Feng Er never cared about money, he asked for an apology.

The two sides argued again, and the young master of the Lin family apologized and paid another three hundred taels of silver. The Feng family gave the government face, and the matter was finally settled.

The Lin family over there continued to be detained by their family, but Zheng Qinqin didn't know about it.

She felt that her only chance was to go find Master Lin again.

She didn't want to be reduced to a village girl who everyone made fun of and had nothing. She had to give it a try.

He cares about his old relationship, and probably won't mind his disfigurement. If he's lucky, he can be his concubine. If he's unlucky, he can still get some money to get his teeth fixed.

So one day, Zheng Qinqin saw the opportunity and ran away.

She ran all the way to the neighboring county.

As soon as she ran away, Ji Wencai, who had been staring at the Zheng family, came to tell Tao Ran.

Don't be impatient! Tao Ran disagreed.

Just run.

The Lin family would definitely not let her see that young master, and she would be asking for trouble if she went. And there is a high probability that Feng Er's people are still following her. You know she ran away again, she is still the unlucky one.

Sure enough, after just over an hour, Ji Wen came back to tell him that the woman had been captured. Moreover, Feng Er personally took her back.

Feng Er personally?

That being the case...

Tao Ran squinted his eyes, dusted himself off, and went out on his own!

Tao Ran went directly to Zheng's house.

When she arrived, Feng Er was teaching the Zheng family in the house.

After practicing martial arts, her ears and eyesight became sharper, and she could hear everything clearly. Feng Er was warning them, saying that this time Zheng Qinqin ran away, and he only knocked two more of her teeth. If she dared to run away again, he would break her legs directly.

The Zheng family was crying. They knew they were being targeted by Feng Er, and they didn't even dare to get angry...

As soon as Feng Er left Zheng's house, he saw Tao Ran. He was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly came up to him with a smile.

Why is Miss Ji here?

I heard that you and Zheng Qinqin were together, so I came to take a look. It seems that what I saw is true. Tao Ran glanced at Zheng Qinqin who was hiding behind the door...

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