The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 694 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 25

Liu Chun'e should not have said the following words to an unmarried girl, but when she thought about it, her girl was a fairy. Since she was a fairy, what could she not know?

So she only took her youngest son away, and then said to her stepdaughter and daughter-in-law with a mysterious face:

When Guo Wu was found this morning, something fell from his waistband.


A woman's... bellyband.

Is there such a thing? Tao Ran was stunned.

Yes, many people have seen it! Everyone is talking about it now, guessing whose bellyband the yellow background and green peony belongs to. Which girl's bellyband did he steal last night? Or was he talking to someone? Private meeting?”

Liu Chun'e took a piece of egg to Tao Ran and said, Daughter, which one do you think it is?

Tao Ran naturally spoke with certainty: I think it's the latter!

I think so! I don't know who is shameless enough to have sex with such a scum. What's the point of taking a photo of him? If you take a photo of his girl, won't you give me money?

Tao Ran took a spoonful of porridge and raised his eyebrows. Yes, who is so shameless? Soon they found out.

Liu Chun'e: Everyone guessed that he was caught stealing and was beaten. But people don't want to keep this kind of thing public, so we could only beat him and vent his anger.

Well, that's definitely the case.

Chen Fang spat: Knowing people but not their hearts. Seeing how sincere he is to others, who would have thought he was such a rotten person.

Also, I haven't finished speaking yet! Liu Chun'e still looked mysterious.

I heard that Guo Wu was injured all over his body. The doctor went to look at him for a while before he came out. Uncle Wang next door guessed that he might not lift it anymore!

Pfft! Tao Ran and Chen Fang both puffed out the porridge in their mouths.

Tao Ran shook his head secretly.

Although, when she stepped on him, she seemed to have hit him in the crotch.


Not to not to not to.

She is a good person!

She is not the kind of person who wants to stop a man's heirs from committing great evil!

There was a misunderstanding, but that didn't stop her from coming to terms with it.

Tao Ran said seriously: If he steals someone, there is a possibility that someone will disable his function. Let's wait and see! Interestingly, after this kind of thing spreads, then Guo Wu will not be able to get a wife, right? How can he prove that his ability is still there?

It’s funny just thinking about it.

You are a good person, help others to the end, and then help him to find a wife? …

After eating, Tao Ran followed Liu Chun'e and Chen Fang, and the three of them went to visit the village in high spirits.

Along the way, many villagers who heard about this incident joined in the fun and headed towards the head of the village.

Seeing Tao Ran, everyone lamented that she was lucky because she didn't accept the Guo family's marriage proposal and didn't get involved with that bad person. Otherwise it would be too late to escape now.

Before everyone reached Guo's house, they saw a commotion in the village from a distance.

I went over and saw that people from the Zhang family from the neighboring village were breaking up the Guo family's house.

When asked, he said that he suspected that the person who had a private meeting with Guo Wu last night was Widow Zhang from the neighboring village...

The corners of Tao Ran's lips raised slightly.

Those who murdered Ji Wenqing have long been in her little book. Not a single one will be left behind!

Zheng Qinqin, Guo Wu, the Zheng family, and the Guo family are all the masterminds, so she will naturally attack them hard. But she will not forget those accomplices, such as Widow Zhang.

She had colluded with Guo Wu before and framed Ji Wenqing for having an affair through letters, causing Ji Wenqing to be divorced.

As a widow, she should understand the importance of Mingming Festival to women. It's really abominable to do something like that just for some money.

So, how did you get here, and how do you get back!

She caused someone to have an affair, and this time Tao Ran also gave her the name of an affair. She colluded with Guo Wu, and this time Tao Ran allowed the two of them to collude further and become closer!

After dealing with Guo Wu last night, Tao Ran felt that he had achieved this point anyway, so he simply asked Widow Zhang to participate.

She covered her face with a black cloth, grabbed something from Guo Wu who fainted, and then took a small road to a neighboring village.

Since Widow Zhang had long been on her list and had been targeted by her, she was familiar with the business.

After releasing his mental power and confirming that all the surrounding households were sleeping deeply, Tao Ran climbed over the wall and entered the widow's house...

It is said that there are many disputes in the house of a widow, but that widow lives alone with her son and does not even have a dog. She is either very courageous or really restless.

When Tao Ran left, Widow Zhang was still awake and busy in the kitchen humming a song. With luck, Tao Ran slipped into the house and found a basin of dirty clothes in the corner in just a few seconds, and dragged out a bag full of dirty clothes...

Then, she climbed up the wall of Wang's house next door.

That house is for raising dogs.

Unfortunately, dogs cannot speak human language! Some people can only suffer the consequences of being dumb!

Tao Ran saw it right and took off one of Guo Wu's shoes and threw it directly at the big yellow dog.

For a while, the dogs kept barking, which not only woke up the Wang family, but even the people nearby started to curse.

Murakami, if a dog barks, it will quickly trigger a large number of domestic dogs and wild dogs to respond. And this incident became the most unusual thing in the quiet environment of the neighboring village last night.

In fact, as soon as the Wang family woke up this morning, they found the men's shoes that Dahuang had brought in.

The Wang family was dumbfounded. The dog was tied up and must not have gone out. So whose shoes are these? Why at home?

The yellow dog barked wildly at the wall of Zhang's house where Tao Ran lay down last night. The Wang family remembered the barking in the middle of the night last night. It turned out that someone was there at that time.

Isn't it Widow Zhang's house on the other side of the wall?

Dahuang calls her family that because the owner of the shoes is related to Widow Zhang? I just accidentally dropped my shoes at home and was picked up by Dahuang?

Soon, the Wang family picked up another copper plate from the dog hole, which smelled strongly of alcohol. Damn it! He actually climbed into the dog hole from his house, and then went from his house to the widow's house. Is this to deceive others?

What does this mean for their Wang family? A bridge?

What a beast!

You said it was okay to have an affair and just leave from his house! Cheap or not! If this was something that happened to come from his house, who would they ask to reason?

This will let them know who went so far and they will never forgive him lightly!

The Wang family observed the shoes.

The shoe size is quite large, so I guess I have a taller figure. The fabric of the shoes is good, and the family's conditions should not be too bad. There is dust on the toes and soles but no mud. I'm afraid they don't work in the fields very often!

Is there such a person in Murakami? The Wang family thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out who it was.

Originally, they only speculated that Widow Zhang was having an affair with someone, but when they opened the door and heard that Guo Wu from the next village was suspected of stealing someone, and there was a bellyband to testify, the Wang family suddenly became enlightened.

No wonder there is no such person in my village. It turns out that the one who came here to steal people is from the next village!

The owner of the shoes is Guo Wu!

Tall, right!

Blacksmiths don't have to go to the fields, it's right!

The conditions for blacksmithing are good, right!

The ashes on the shoes are furnace ashes and iron ashes, and they match!

Guo Wu's white female ticket was caught in front of the battle, she was just a flirt, it was right!

My legs and feet are not good, so I crawl into a dog hole; I have been drinking too much lately, so my copper plate smells like alcohol...all of them are correct.

Hearing it again, it turned out that the bellyband was yellow with green peonies. The Wang family all grew up and looked at each other.

Not bad at all!

Absolutely right!

The real name of the widow Zhang next door is Huang Cuihua!

Mother! Did these two people go to the woods to steal after being discovered by their own dogs?

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