The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 686 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again 17

Tao Ran was already very satisfied with this result.

Now the Ji family has at least enough money to cope with the scholar's squandering on the scientific examination for another ten years, and the family also has spare money;

She doesn’t have to worry about the Zheng family’s various back-ups in the plot;

She managed to get a period of time where she could help Ji Wenqing keep fit with peace of mind;

All threats to the Zheng family have been eliminated;

In the eyes of the Feng family, the culprit is not the Ji family but the Zheng family. How wonderful.

With the help of the Feng family, she represents Ji Wenqing, so she can just watch the movie comfortably...

Bad reputation, being a concubine, being tortured... She had repaid most of what Zheng Qinqin had put on Ji Wenqing in different ways!

Therefore, Tao Ran's initial goals have been achieved.

The hard work of these two nights and one day is still worth it...

When we went to court again the next day, the situation suddenly changed.

The county magistrate acted swiftly and neatly, and it took less than three-quarters of an hour to sort out the case that was still sticky yesterday and make a final decision.

Ji Xiucai was thankful that it was indeed wise to listen to his daughter's words. Powers depend on each other, and the county magistrate and the Feng family are indeed in collusion. Fortunately, they have not completely offended the Feng family. Otherwise, the Feng family will lose face, and I am afraid that I will be the one who suffers the loss.

The case was settled after three times, five times and two times.

Even though Zheng Ping denied it, he climbed the wall to steal in full public view and took the stolen goods. Seeing his stubbornness, the county magistrate directly dismissed the case and gave him twenty pieces of board.

Zheng Ping was injured and had not received medical treatment. He was afraid that he would be disabled. After being beaten, he could only confess.

But he knew that his family relied entirely on his father for support, so he denied that Zheng Xiucai was the instigator.

He said that the theft was committed by himself. He wanted to help his father further his fame, so he stole the title; he was unhappy with Ji Xiucai, so he stole his seal; his arsenic was not used to harm others, but He wanted to use it to poison the Ji family's livestock and create trouble for the Ji family...

He begged the county magistrate to give him a lenient sentence considering that his wrongdoing was not done yet, caused no losses, had a good attitude in pleading guilty, and had been injured and punished.

Tao Ran knelt down and begged the county magistrate: The reason why the scientific examination system exists is to give all students fair and just opportunities to the greatest extent possible. What the Zheng family and his son did was contrary to the wishes of the emperor and the court, and it undermined the prestige of the court and the Yamen. Provocation is a challenge to the imperial power and a real disgrace!

Such a serious crime involves the authority of the country and the face of the government. If it is not punished severely, it will inevitably have a great impact on your reputation and official reputation.

As scholars, the Zheng family and his son did not cherish their opportunities and did not know how to rise to power through legitimate means. Instead, they were sneaky, dirty and knowingly guilty. They insulted the scholars all over the world, dragged down the scholars all over the world, and lost the face of the scholars all over the world. You've all lost it!

Such perverse behavior, if not severely punished, will affect the reputation of scholars all over the world! On this point, I think all the scholars in the world will disagree!

In addition, arsenic is poisonous. Is the Zheng family really just killing pigs? Even if the pig is poisoned, will it harm human life if someone accidentally eats it? If arsenic is scattered elsewhere, will it cause other losses?

If the girl hadn't been ill and hadn't found out what Zheng Ping had done in time, the most terrible consequence would have been that the lives of my Ji family would have been in danger!

Based on these three points, no matter from the perspective of national policy, morality, public opinion, the overall situation, the court, or the local government, this case must be reviewed strictly!

Tao Ran smashed his big hat down one after another!

The county magistrate was frightened by what she said, and the scholars who gathered around clenched their fists in support, and the common people even echoed her. With all-round incitement, she didn't believe that the county magistrate would not even care about his reputation and prestige, but would fight with so many people for the sake of a poor scholar...

Tao Ran still had something to say.

It is even more ridiculous for Zheng Ping to say that he has not caused actual losses! My mother is still in danger at this moment. My Ji family is poor. I borrowed money from everywhere yesterday, and my mother's condition has been even more delayed. If there is an accident, it will be a human life. .

My father is studying and my whole family is supported by my mother. If something happens to her, what will happen to our Ji family in the future? Who will do the housework? Are you coming from the Zheng family? Isn't this a loss? Is my mother’s life not life?

Where is my dad? He was originally concentrating on preparing for the scientific examination, but now how much time and energy has to be wasted because of the Zheng family? My father's distraction will definitely affect the next exam. The Zheng family has ulterior motives! My mother and I are both sick, and my father still has to take care of the family. How can he go to the exam? Isn't this a loss?

My family has become like this, and I will definitely not be able to get married in the short term. Could it be that what they delayed was not my future? Isn't this a loss?

My brother took my mother away for medical treatment, and no one was working in the farmland at home. This season’s harvest would definitely be gone. Will our whole family starve to death next? Isn't this a loss?

My backyard needs to be renovated and the wall needs to be heightened. Because Zheng Ping caused a lot of damage due to his behavior, don’t we need to count these things?

Ji Xiucai on the side kept thinking.

After all, my daughter has been guided by the Bodhisattva and can speak, so let her do the talking!

Finally, the verdict was handed down.

This matter was so big that the county magistrate ultimately sided with the Ji family and imposed a strict sentence.

Zheng Ping was sentenced to two years in prison and an additional fine of 20 pieces of fine.

Since there was no direct evidence that this incident was related to Zheng Xiucai, he was not directly punished.

However, the Zheng family needs to compensate the Ji family for various losses and medical expenses, which is temporarily calculated at thirty taels of silver. If Liu Chun'e of the Ji family incurs other medical expenses that exceed the amount, they will be settled separately with the Zheng family and borne by the Zheng family.

In addition, Tao Ran also made a request: She wanted everyone in the Zheng family, from Zheng Xiucai to Zheng Qinqin, to come and apologize to everyone in the Ji family.

This article is reasonable and reasonable, and the county magistrate directly settled on the verdict.

The most intolerable thing for the Zheng family was that Zheng Xiucai was told by the county magistrate that his name had been crossed out from the list of candidates for this scientific examination.

He can't pass the exam for the time being!

The county magistrate told him that at least until Zheng Ping is released from prison and everyone forgets about him, the Zheng family will be able to restore his place...

He was stupid. least two to three years?

How does this work?

Zheng Xiucai did not go home, but went directly to Feng's house to ask for help.

Naturally, the door of the Feng family was not opened for him, but only a housekeeper came out.

The housekeeper threw Zheng Qinqin's Geng Tie on the ground and told Zheng Xiucai that the marriage between the Zheng family daughter and Feng Er was cancelled, and the Zheng family's affairs had nothing to do with the Feng family anymore. He said that the Feng family has done their best to benevolent and righteous, and if the Zheng family still comes to pester them, they will beat them every time they see them!

Zheng Xiucai wanted to say more, but was driven away by the Feng family.

Zheng Xiucai had no choice but to return to the village in despair.

In this way, the Zheng family's future was over, their marriage was gone, their reputation was gone, and they still owed the Ji family a lot of debt.

His family's conditions are only slightly better than those of Ji's family, so thirty taels of silver is a big problem for his family.

But Zheng Xiucai, who was worried, was really dumbfounded when he got home.

As soon as he walked outside the fence of his house, he stepped on a piece of shit.

Take a closer look and you will see that there are piles of dog excrement and cow excrement everywhere outside the house.

Even on the windows of his house, there were puddles left by someone who didn't know whether they smashed them with yellow mud or cow dung.

When he entered the house, he was even more furious.

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