The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 678 The young lady doesn’t want to marry again09

Several people rushed out with sticks to greet them.

Of course, they also saw someone coming.

Although the guy was holding his head and covering his face, they still recognized him at a glance.

Sure enough, it was the one named Zheng.

It was Zheng Ping, the third son of Zheng Xiucai, who was seventeen years old.

Are you still polite?

While several people directly twitched the sticks in their hands, Liu Chun'e and Chen Fang shouted loudly together according to the plan, and the high-pitched female voices shouted catch the thief and come here.

The two yelled loudly, echoing in the quiet village in the middle of the night. They instantly caused dogs to bark and roosters to crow, and at the same time, they also directly lit up a large number of people...

It turned out that in order to ensure that the fish would take the bait, Tao Ran deliberately asked Liu Chun'e to find someone to let out some information, saying that the Ji family did not intend to give up on the Feng family and wanted to continue to fight for this marriage. For this reason, Liu Chun'e also made a special trip to the county seat.

Sure enough, as soon as the news came out, the Zheng family couldn't hold back their anger.

Just like in the plot, no, they came to the door in a hurry, trying to continue to create excuses for the evil star Ji Wenqing, so that the Feng family would not dare to provoke him, and the villagers would stay away from the Ji family.

However, even though the Zheng family sent the most agile boy, they couldn't resist Tao Ran, who was already prepared.

Ji Wenying had already followed her arrangement and rented multiple sets of animal traps from the market, lining them up along the wall. After many experiments and arrangements, whenever someone climbs down the wall, nine out of ten times, one foot will be pinched, and one out of ten, both feet will be pinched...

But no, at this moment, Zheng Ping's foot was in the air, while the other foot was caught by the clip.

You know, what Tao Ran asked to rent was the best animal trap on the market that could catch medium-sized animals. Liu Chun'e was reluctant to give up at first, but Tao Ran told them that the Zheng family would pay the bill...

As a result, the locking iron clamp was instantly clasped with sharp claws. In just half a second, Zheng Ping's ankle was already bloody and unable to move, and he could not even stand up.

But even though he was rolling on the ground in pain, he didn't dare to make a sound.

He tried to unlock it, to no avail. He could only climb the wall with his injured foot and animal trap, but it was difficult to stand on one leg. How could he climb the courtyard wall that was higher than him?

In this way, he tried in a hurry for a long time and was exhausted.

When the stick came to greet him, he naturally had no power to resist. All he could do was curl up and hold his head...

The Ji family has been resenting the Zheng family for a long time, and now that the other party has come to their door, it is impossible to let it go!

There were sounds of people outside, and neighbors knocked on the door of Ji's house.

That Ji Wencai, at Tao Ran's signal, not only opened the door, but also shouted loudly that a thief had entered his house. This was not enough, he rushed out and ran around the whole village while shouting...

As a result, in less than a minute, dozens of people came into the Ji family's house. Many neighbors heard that there was a burglar in the village and came to help with shovels and shovels.

As soon as they saw someone coming, the Ji family quietly took a few steps back to share the space with their neighbors. Ji Wenying also calmly took away the other animal traps near the pig pen...

Zheng Ping was unlucky because he was huddled up with his head in his hands and the light was not good. Who could recognize him? The heroes and neighbors who regarded him as a thief were not polite and waved the guy in their hands together...

Tao Ran groaned inwardly.

In this way, even if the Zheng family sues the officials, they will have nothing to say! After all, the law does not punish the public, right? If you get your neighbors on board, your confidence will be much stronger!

Indeed, the neighbors are dedicated. After all, today the thieves can steal Ji Xiucai, but tomorrow it may be them. We should help each other!

In less than five minutes, 70% to 80% of the entire village had arrived.

Zheng Ping, who was on the ground, also had someone tie him up.

Everyone has recognized him.

For a moment, everyone was in an uproar.

Who would have thought that such a scum would come out of Zheng Xiucai’s family in the neighboring village!

Zheng Ping was beaten all over, his hands, feet, ribs were broken, and several of his teeth were chipped. He almost emphasized that his chickens had escaped and he was just catching them. The chicken accidentally flew into Ji's house. In the middle of the night, he didn't want to disturb the Ji family, so he thought of climbing over the wall, grabbing the chicken and leaving. Unexpectedly, he accidentally stepped on a bear trap and was misunderstood...

Among the crowd, Fan Cunzheng has already arrived.

When Muramasa saw that the person he had captured was a member of Zheng Xiucai's family, he tried to reduce the big issue to a trivial one.

Tao Ran stepped forward, and when Muramasa didn't speak, she said to everyone: Zheng Ping is lying. He said he was catching chickens. Where is the chicken?

Zheng Ping: Flying. Already flying.

The chickens from the Zheng family are so strong. They came from a neighboring village and ran three miles and still had the strength to fly into my house? The third son of the Zheng family is also very capable. He couldn't catch the chickens after chasing them for three miles, but he still had the strength to fly over the walls of my house!

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter.

This girl from the Ji family is indeed a scholar. She speaks to the point and exposes Zheng Ping's lies directly!

Tao Ran took a step forward again and stood in front of Zheng Ping: For the sake of your father being a scholar, I will give you another chance. If you can be frank and lenient and apologize properly, my family will consider making the big issue a trivial one. If not, my family will You must sue the officials and seek justice!

Muramasa also stepped forward and said: Young man, apologize well. The Ji family is magnanimous and will forgive you for being confused for a moment!

Zheng Ping on the opposite side did not disappoint Tao Ran at all.

Before Muramasa finished speaking, he had already shook his head in denial, indicating that he was really not a thief, he really wasn't here to steal, he was really just passing by.

Tao Ran sighed and said to Muramasa: Grandpa Fan, our Ji family gave him a chance. It's because he is stubborn and can't blame others.

Her face was cold, but she was smiling in her heart. Zheng Ping naturally wouldn't recognize it. He did not steal. As long as he chased the chicken to death, it would be disrespectful at best. Even if he files a lawsuit against him, it won't make any difference considering that he has been seriously injured.

Not to mention that after she deliberately emphasized that it was for his father's sake, it was even less likely that he would admit to the theft. Otherwise, his father's face, status, and future will all be lost. This is a more terrible consequence than stealing.

Tao Ran waited for his denial, which not only gave Muramasa face, but also paved the way for his next move...

She faced Muramasa and said categorically: Again, he lied! He didn't come to catch chickens! I'm not in good health and I didn't sleep all night. When I heard the noise, I clearly saw him sneaking around my father's back window. . I don’t know what he did, but I suspect he has succeeded in stealing! In front of everyone, I hope to seek justice, Grandpa Muramasa, please make the decision!

You're talking nonsense! I didn't! Zheng Ping yelled.

Liu Chun'e and Chen Fang received Tao Ran's signal. They were crying and shouting. One of them couldn't stand up and the other wanted to pass over several times.

The three aunts and the six wives immediately started talking to each other, shouting, making trouble, and patting the legs.

For a time, various voices from the Ji family were heard.

In fact, even if Muramasa nodded, several big men from Murakami had already rushed forward and picked up Zheng Ping's clothes...

Three seconds later, Zheng Pingping was ashen, his eyes were like bells, staring at the object that fell from his body to the ground...

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