The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 669 I want to sue them all

Although most netizens are very sensible, it proves that Tao Ran has done enough and good enough. Looking at the entire Chinese entertainment industry, and even the entire Asia-Pacific region, Tao Ran is the artist with the highest amount of charity. Even if she really leaves a villa, there is nothing wrong with it...

Some netizens strongly testified that the villa exposed by Xijing News was a rental house and was not purchased by Tao Ran.

But the reporter responded that even if it is rented out, the rent is tens of thousands a month. If Taoran really donated everything, she wouldn't be able to afford this house, and it would be impossible for her to live such a luxurious life.

She can rent a house like this with an unknown amount of money. Apparently she concealed her property and deceived the public...

In order to increase the popularity, another informed person revealed that Tao Ran has almost no income now, but still lives a glamorous and extravagant life. He must be a wealthy man...

Suddenly, Internet trolls also began to appear...

Tao Ran's anger gradually rose. But more importantly, it was directed at the Xijing Newspaper.

Is it easy for her?

She left one million for herself to treat her illness and wait for death. She did a great thing, but when she turned around, she was questioned by the media, saying she didn't cut off all the flesh on her body?

Is she feeling aggrieved? how? She must donate nothing, be selfless for the public, and live a poor life to be worthy of praise? She is not a saint! Not Buddha!

Are they saints? Why should they hold themselves to the standards of saints? At least I have real money to help others and lead people to do good deeds, but what about those who hide behind the screen to secretly take pictures and verbally criticize? What did they do?

The unscrupulous media does not know how to guide correct values. In order to gain traffic, grab eyeballs, and gain their wealth code, they don’t care about the truth at all.

They incite public opinion and kidnap morality without considering the consequences and social impact. They don't care whether the target will be exposed online or whether they will feel chilled.

They don't even consider that because of the existence of media like them, many people feel that they are not qualified and have no need to help disadvantaged groups.

It is precisely because of media like theirs that more ignorant and fearless bugs will follow them and hide behind the keyboard to abuse and attack at will. Whether they are celebrities or amateurs, they have become their targets and become a vast and stinky network. The violent army...

However, although Tao Ran was angry, she had an appointment with the principal of the drama school that night to discuss teaching, so she was not able to deal with the situation for the time being.

But never expected that those seeking death would still keep jumping around.

That day, Tao Ran went to a very remote Japanese restaurant for an appointment with the principal.

Because they were both in the same circle, there was a topic, and Tao Ran was also very interested in academic performances, so they had a pleasant conversation. The two chatted for two hours and basically settled on the matter.

Shanshan had left beforehand, so it was the principal who sent Tao Ran home...

However, when Tao Ran got home, he just took a shower and found that he was trending again.

The most popular search: Tao Ran had a secret date with a certain man for two hours, and then returned to the boudoir together - absurd!

Tao Ran couldn't help but curse, those people were really eager to catch her heat.

She took a look and saw that this time it was the Xijing News. It was still cutting off the beginning and ending. She didn't mention that Shanshan was present most of the time they met, almost all of which were about the contract. She also never mentioned that the principal sent her home. It takes less than ten minutes from entering the community to coming out...

It’s just making up a story!

The principal's identity was revealed, and conspiracy theories began to emerge.

Some say that the drama school has a very good relationship with so-and-so above and has a huge backer; some say that Tao Ran has actually been ingratiating himself with the principal for a long time just so he can take on the drama. This time we went to the Spring Festival Gala because of the help of the principal; some people even said that the villa was rented by the principal.

More and more outrageous!

So the next day, Tao Ran did his first live broadcast for the first time in his life.

I'm Tao Ran. I heard that someone has been spreading rumors about me recently. Now, I want to prove my innocence. Please forward it more and please open your eyes to the unscrupulous media!

Tao Ran handed the phone to Shanshan's hand.

She has asked her previous company to inform the live broadcast platform to confirm that the live broadcast will not be suspended due to any other factors.

Such a good thing came from the platform, and everyone was so happy that Tao Ran's live broadcast was pushed to almost everyone who was using this app.

In just five minutes, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached one million.

The comments from netizens are almost uniform.

Praise Taoran for her beauty!

I didn’t turn on the beauty function, so I took pictures of my face, but my condition was so good. The raw pictures look better than the ones with filters.

My sister is absolutely beautiful!

Ten minutes later, the number of people in the live broadcast room exceeded 3 million.

When Tao Ran came to the city's largest law firm while broadcasting, the number of people online exceeded six million.

Tao Ran took out the documents she had prepared: bank deposit certificate, all account expenditure certificates, rental contract, vehicle ownership certificate, copies of mail transactions, employment contract from the national television station, video provided by the owner of the Japanese food shop, vehicle entry and exit records in the community and A draft contract from the drama school and so on.

The bank and account certificates clearly show that the deposits in her name are only a few hundred thousand, and she has almost no large income in the past year. Those public service advertisements and films are also shot for free. In addition, in the past six months, except for some New Year purchases, she has not been to the mall once or bought clothes once;

The villa she lives in was rented by her former assistant Shanshan through an agency. The agency can prove that it has nothing to do with the principal. The rent was paid by assistant Shanshan from her personal account;

The little shabby car she drives is also named after her assistant Shanshan.

The reason why she has had a regular income in recent months is because she signed a work contract with the national television station, so she went to the Spring Festival Gala because of herself, not others.

The emails and contracts are all evidence that she was hired by the drama school. She and the vice-principal were just talking about official business, and they met for the first time yesterday. Her WeChat records and phone call records can prove...

At this time, the number of people online in her live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million.

Her online refutation of rumors and answers to netizens one by one are much more effective than any short essay.

I rent a villa because I like to be clean and need good security. I can't afford a villa, so I can only rent it. I want to survive, so I have to work. But I have no other skills except acting, so I signed a contract with a TV station. Pay rent, and then I have to teach. That's my explanation.

All those who slandered and slandered me must pay the price! Not only to seek justice for myself, but also to establish a correct value guide for this society.

The gifts in the live broadcast room were all over the place.

Tao Ran told netizens that she will now go to the police station with her lawyer.

She was serious.

She had the live broadcast on the whole time, and her phone kept ringing.

Xijing News wanted to reconcile with her, but she bluntly refused in front of the camera.

I will not reconcile or negotiate with you. I will sue you to the end! I will also sue the media who follow suit! In addition, I will take every one of the Internet trolls who slandered me last night and I caught them all. tell!

What was she doing last night?

I didn't sleep all night, collecting evidence.

She will not tolerate their mistakes. This time, she will hold them legally accountable.

In addition to asking them to apologize in writing and video, she was also mentally injured and needed compensation for her reputation!

I think she paid too little, so this time, let her see how much compensation she can get from these bed bugs!

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