The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 665 The Exiled Female Warrior 103

The team battle of this military academy competition will be held in five days.

In fact, this is the highlight of the competition.

No matter how well students learn, most of them have not had the opportunity to apply what they have learned.

Therefore, team battles will be as close to real battles as possible.

Everyone from the six major military academies will be dragged to a place called Lip Star for simulated battles.

There used to be a war-torn star, but now it is an abandoned star. There are semi-abandoned infrastructure and military bases, as well as various complex terrains and climates. It is a good place for actual combat exercises!

The six major military academies prepare individually and set off separately, and then they will gather at a transit star two days later. There, they will all take the central army's starship to Lip Star.

The First Military Academy is the transit star that we go to the day after the personal battle ends.

The school attaches great importance to it, and the school leaders and many senior officials who graduated from the First Military Academy also accompanied him.

Arriving early, they had to stay one night at the transit star hotel.

That night, after being separated from everyone, Tao Ran returned to his room.

Ten minutes later, her brain lightened up.

Unfamiliar number.

Tao Ran chuckled and didn't answer. This is a pinch, seeing that she is alone now and waiting to call her!

A minute later, she received a video.

In the picture, her and Zhou Heiya's home was being targeted by more than a dozen light cannons... After the picture was enlarged, it was vaguely visible that Zhou Heiya was drinking with his legs crossed in the house...

Another minute later, a call came.

Did you see it? The voice had obviously changed its voice, and you couldn't tell whether it was male or female.

Who are you? What are you going to do! My dad is just an ordinary person! If you dare to hurt him, I will never let you go! I don't care who you are, even if I chase him to the end of the world, none of you will survive!

Tao Ran's anxiety and nervousness obviously made the other party very satisfied, and he even laughed out loud.

Sure enough, the love between father and daughter is deep! From now on, you are not allowed to open the door to anyone at will, you are not allowed to contact anyone secretly, and you are not allowed to ask anyone for help! If we find anything unusual in the First Military Academy or the First Army, or if you are from If manpower is mobilized elsewhere to cause trouble, then your father’s life and your family’s property, including your house, will not be saved!”

you dare!

Don't worry! We are not unreasonable people. The main reason why we do this is to make a deal with you! As long as you nod, we will definitely not hurt your father!

Say! As Tao Ran spoke, he had already taken out his spare optical brain to confirm one thing.

You, immediately, find a way to return to the Central Star alone. The moment you set foot on the Central Star, that's when we will resolve your family's crisis.

You are making such a fuss just to get me to go back?


What's the reason?

I can tell you the reason, because we don't want the First Military Academy to get the first place in the team battle. You are too much of a threat. So we can't let you participate in the team battle. As long as you give up this team battle, we will definitely not do anything to you. Your father takes action.

So, are you from several other military academies? Or are you doing something to help a candidate for the head of state?

It's not important. What's important is that as long as you nod, you can save your father. In fact, you have already won the Rookie King, so team battles are not that important to you, right? So you are not too much at a loss.

But how can I trust you? What if you cross the river and burn the bridge...

If it is not absolutely necessary, we will not cause a major accident for an ordinary person. What we seek is the result of a team battle, and we are not interested in you. So you can rest assured. Moreover, you have no other choice now.

Don't hurt my dad! He is my only relative. If something happens to him, I won't let you go!


Tao Ran heard a hint of excitement in the man's voice.

Bao Fu, let me warn you again. You have our spies around you, so I suggest you not to act rashly. If we find any trouble, your father will not be able to see the sun tomorrow!

Ten minutes later, Tao Ran, who had changed out of his military uniform, walked out of the room.

She didn't dare to bring her luggage, put her hands in her pockets, pretended to be strolling around, and left the hotel smoothly without arousing any suspicion from anyone in the First Military Academy.

As soon as she left the hotel, her face was full of anxiety. While warning the person in her head, she ran to the public transportation hub of the transit star...

Nie Hua was very happy.

He was finally able to accomplish something.

He made inquiries in the past two days and confirmed that Bob and Bao Fu were a father and daughter who depended on each other and had a good relationship. It can be said that Bob is Bao Fu's only weakness.

As long as he grasps this, Bao Fu will naturally not escape their grasp.

Originally, Nie Hua planned to capture Bob directly to clean up and control Bao Fu, but they found that it was difficult to get close to the Bao family.

After all, they are a nouveau riche. The Bao family not only has the best security system on the market, but also has security robots inside and outside to detect dangers in all directions.

In addition, the Bao family also has several bodyguards, two of whom are sent by the Mi family.

In this way, there was no way they could catch Bob quietly.

They kept watch for two days, and old Bob was so intoxicated with pleasure that he never left the door. They can only arrange to carry out remote threats...

no solution anymore!

The four members of the Nie family discussed it all night the day before yesterday, and they all felt that Bao Fu must be dealt with first. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

Therefore, Nie Ronghai handed over all the men he had raised for many years to his son. If the Bao family father and daughter have a really good relationship, their plan will definitely succeed. If there are variables, they will act accordingly. If that didn't work, they could only force their way into Bao's house and take Bob away as a form of coercion.

If Bob is really Yu Tan’s husband, maybe he can catch all of Yu Tan too!

But if you break in by force, the price may be a bit high. They had to sacrifice a few brothers...

Fortunately, everything went smoothly.

Nie Hua happily sent Bao Fu's furious look to Disi and Jenny...

There are no public starships this night.

In order to rush for time, Tao Ran could only spend money to rent a small starship to return to the Central Star.

Twenty minutes later, the starship she was on left the transit star.

And after she took a photo of herself sitting alone in a starship and gave it to the mysterious person on the other side, the other side also gave her feedback and took away the two cannons aimed at Lao Zhou.

Half an hour later, the starship suddenly slowed down.

What was supposed to come has finally come!

In the dark space, directly ahead, a large starship is approaching quickly. In order not to collide, Tao Ran and his star ship quickly slowed down.

On the signal screen captured by the starship telescope, there is a large skull on the hull of the starship ahead - an interstellar pirate!

Tao Ran's expression darkened and then flashed with excitement. Repeat the same trick! Still under the guise of an interstellar pirate! That’s pretty good!

A minute later, dozens of small combat starships surrounded Tao Ran's starship.

The starship captain quickly surrenders, saying he knows nothing.

Then he followed the signal from the pirate opposite, opened the hatch, and let the opponent's aircraft dock...

Five minutes later, six people wearing protective armor entered the cabin where Tao Ran was sitting with laser guns in hand.

What are you going to do? I have no money. Tao Ran was a little scared.

After laughing twice, I saw a man in white armor, taking two steps forward from the surrounding six people, and opened his mask: Bao Fu, you didn't expect that, did you? It's me!

Nie Hua was proud and arrogant. You fell into my hands after all!

Who are you? Tao Ran looked confused, which made Nie Hua's self-esteem crushed and he was instantly discouraged.

What the hell!

Dead woman!

Nie Hua was furious: How dare you be so arrogant! You little bitch!

Tao Ran suddenly realized: Oh, my defeated general - Nie Hua! Is it you? The son of your dignified admiral actually colluded with the interstellar bugs. How could I recognize you? You are here to repay the man who was treated like garbage by me. Is the revenge coming? Tao Ran chuckled: You can't afford to lose, it's really rubbish!

How dare you even face death...

Are you afraid of me? Tao Ran interrupted him. Why are you surrounded by them like this and dressed like this? I am unarmed now, and you are still afraid of me? You really are a rat!

Nie Hua was so angry that he had a heart attack. If Dad hadn't demanded that this woman be captured alive and use her as bait to capture the Yutan sisters later, he wouldn't have said a word of nonsense, and he would have had this woman and the starship blown to pieces!

If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will blast you and your father to pieces!

That's all you can do! If you wanted to bomb, you would have bombed already! Tao Ran understood Nie Hua's mentality and captured him alive without making any noise, so as not to leave any clues or trouble. Therefore, Nie Hua would never use force unless absolutely necessary. It was only after she figured this out that she dared to confront him!

Somebody come!

Nie Hua took a step back and signaled to everyone.

He was prepared. It's not far from the transit star and the central star, so it's best to avoid making any noise. The woman had high mental and physical strength and was difficult to capture alive, so what he prepared this time was an electric hunting net.

Give it to me...

Just as Nie Hua was about to issue an order, he saw Bao Fu on the other side raise his chin and signal to him.

Even though his mental strength had been damaged a few days ago, he felt something was wrong now.

When he turned around, he saw several guns pointing at him behind him.

Damn it!

Bao Fu is not the only one in this starship!

Someone else was there from the beginning!

be cheated!

Nie Hua was just about to call his companions outside the starship, but there was already the sound of bombing outside.

Through the star cabin glass, he could see that a firefight had begun outside, and there were even mechas flying around.

Mecha? He didn't bring a mecha!

Then a cry for help came from his light brain, and his star captain said that there were starships in front and behind... The opponent had more people, and the opponent's weapons and aircraft were better than theirs. It seemed to be... the military...

Not the military? If it wasn't the military, where did the mecha come from? bitch! Nie Hua finally understood.

A good way to lure the snake out of the hole, please put it in the urn!

No wonder he is so calm, it turns out that he has been waiting for him for a long time!

Nie Hua gritted his teeth: Have you forgotten that your father is still in my hands?

Tao Ran spread his hands: Stop worrying about other people, why not just think about yourself? Surrender quickly, and I will give you a good death! Otherwise...

There was a continuous sound of bombing outside.

Bao Fu, let me say it again, as long as I give the order, your father and your family will be gone!


Oh? Nie Hua was depressed. He observed Bao Fu carefully. She wasn't pretending, she really didn't care.



There must be something missing! Did they miscalculate the relationship between their father and daughter?

Nie Hua was so depressed that he wanted to die.

Outside, the aircraft he brought were being disconnected from his optical brain and being controlled one by one.

He knows that he has failed!

The people around Nie Hua also panicked, and their guns trembled at Tao Ran.

Put down your guns, and I can give you a way to live! Tao Ran smiled and said to those people: But if you help Zhou to endure the torture to the end, you will have no choice but to die. On the contrary, if you abandon the secret and help me capture Nie Hua alive, I can now Let you go!

Don't listen to her! Kill her for me! Kill her for me! Nie Hua went crazy. He picked up his gun and fired at Tao Ran. At the same time, he rushed to the central star of his brain and ordered: Give me Bob. This lair! It’s going to explode!”

In the next minute, there was the sound of shooting from various weapons and the sound of various explosions...

Goodbye Nie Hua, he had been subdued to the ground and his body was covered with a power grid.

Nie Hua was angry. He had just fired at least a hundred shots at the woman. But the woman didn't move. With a wave of her hand, two large light shields blocked her body, forming a protection in front of her...

She was already prepared!

No wonder she didn't move and stayed where she was.

Oh shit! Where did he make the mistake?

When Nie Hua was shooting, the guns behind him no longer showed mercy and started shooting at him. Even though he was wearing the best armor, the momentum of those bullets was still too great, knocking him to the ground...

At that time, the people led by Wu Yue had already stepped forward to fight with Nie Hua's people.

After Nie Hua's people judged that there was no way out for their leader, they had only one idea: to escape. But where else could they escape? This circle was blocked, and they fell directly into the hands of the First Army.

Tao Ran personally rushed to deal with Nie Hua after Nie Hua fell to the ground...

Nie Hua's hands and feet were severed by her on the spot, and he was also surrounded by the power grid he brought.

But he still laughed.

Bao Fu, do you think you won? Your father is dead too!

In his optical brain image, the beautiful villa had been blown to pieces, and the fire was burning...

You killed your father. You will live with guilt for the rest of your life!

Tao Ran stepped on Nie Hua's forehead: I told you, you should worry more about yourself!

I can't die. I am the son of an admiral. I have military merit. This time I was coerced by interstellar pirates. I am not guilty! My father will help me!

He laughed. The most I can do is to be kicked out of the military academy, and the most I can be imprisoned for a few years. When I come out, I will still be a good man! Take me away! Hand me over to the military! I'm not afraid! But I'm warning you, don't touch me Hurt me! My dad will be here soon, and if I am found injured, you will all be judged!

Tao Ran slapped him directly!

I'm going to beat you! You go and sue me! Besides, who told you that I'm going to hand you over to the military? The people here are all people she trusts! No one will talk nonsense!

I won't take you back to Central Star! I will take you to a good place!

Nie Hua looked at Bao Fu's sinister eyes and shuddered several times.

Two chapters in one

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