The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 662 The Exiled Female Warrior 100

At this moment, everyone in the stands and on the star network were dumbfounded.

Looking at the time, it was clear that less than a minute had passed since Doomsday Red Flame was targeted and attacked to its strong counterattack!

Many people didn't even see clearly that all this happened.

Fortunately, the split screen in front of them is still playing back at 0.5x speed.

They all have countless whys on their minds.

Why can the synchronization rate reach 100%? Why can startup time be shortened? Why can heavy armor be controlled to be more flexible than light armor?

How do you make a big guy like Doomsday Red Flame behave exactly like a human being, even with his fingertip movements and facial expressions?

Many people on the podium could not sit still, and the head of state also stretched his neck. It's incredible. But when they looked at Kona, Weisen and others, they discovered that the faces of these people from the First Military Academy remained unchanged and calm. These old guys have come prepared for a long time...

They all remembered that Bao Fu had said loudly that she was a genius. Now, who dares to say that she is not?

As soon as Nie Hua got rid of the restraint, he hit Bao Fu with a fierce blow.

But what surprised him was that Bao Fu didn't even try to hide, but with his thick skin and thick blood, he came right up against the cannon...

Nie Hua was startled when he saw the huge mecha had passed through the gunfire and arrived in front of him, and then kicked him hard on the forehead with the wind blade.

What kind of movement is this!

That's not all, there was a series of combination kicks after the flying kick, which pushed him horizontally for hundreds of meters without stopping.

The power was too strong, and Nie Hua could only use the blade to support the ground.

The spinning long knife hit the ground hard, and for a moment, sparks flew everywhere.

Nie Hua has just finished firing, and now the firepower needs to cool down for five seconds. He can only defend and dodge...

Three of the lights on Nie Hua's chest have gone out, and two of the red lights that were originally on on the console have also gone out. They were the lights for his three-meter-radius blade.

Damn it!

The blade on his left side actually stopped responding. It was made when it was just smashed on the ground.

Nie Hua was shocked again.

What the hell, how much kinetic energy does it take to make his alloy knife malfunction?

Nie Hua tried his best to wake himself up, quickly pushed up his mental strength, and rushed out at high speed.

Regardless of how the Doomsday Red Flame performs so many difficult movements, the amount of physical and mental energy it consumes is beyond what ordinary people can bear!

Nie Hua decided to fight a war of attrition with Bao Fu!

His light armor slowly rubbed against her.

He wanted to see how long Bao Fu could hold on!

Nie Hua raised his speed to the highest level, but he still underestimated Bao Fu.

The entire competition range is only a few kilometers in radius. No matter how fast his light armor is, after being chased and intercepted by the huge doomsday red flame, the space he can use is pitifully small.

Only three minutes later, he completely understood what Bao Fu was doing!

After he knelt down, she never turned on her fire attack system. She used either fists or legs.

Have you ever seen swatting flies or mosquitoes?

Nie Hua sadly discovered that he was that fly and that mosquito.

And Bao Fu was the bully who drove him, chased him, teased him, slapped him, laughed at him, toyed with him... but did not intend to directly slap him to death!

Now Nie Huaxin, it turns out that there are really people in the world who are so good at using mechas!

The rough mecha on the opposite side is no longer bulky. Not only is it flexible, it also has extremely weird and fast moves and movements. It has a set of tricks. Even though it is dexterous, the claws it strikes are so dense that it is dizzying. Therefore, even if Nie Hua has raised his mental power to the highest level, he still cannot escape...

Doomsday Red Flame directly grabbed the wind blade several times, but Tao Ran just dragged him and smashed him to the ground, stepped on him, or threw him away.

Bao Fu hit Nie Hua almost six times out of ten. But when Nie Hua attacked Bao Fu, he could only succeed with sporadic artillery fire.

Another three minutes passed, and Nie Hua collapsed.

He was always at a disadvantage.

Now his back was completely stuck to the protective suit, and he was covered in cold sweat. Not only because he was anxious to get angry, but also because every thrilling dodge and attack was consuming his physical energy.

In addition, due to excessive mental loss and the fact that the wind blade was struck head-on by the Doomsday Red Flame several times, he had a severe headache at the moment.

However, the Doomsday Red Flame opposite him still showed no sign of fatigue.

This almost declared that his plan to wear down the opponent's physical and mental strength was ruined.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his fear was indeed growing.

Because it was a competition, some highly destructive ammunition was not given to them, but based on his efficiency of only hitting once in a while, how could he win?

And his head hurt so much that he probably couldn't hold on for much longer.

He almost...must lose.

He looked at his remaining lamps in disappointment.

He was almost ready to lose.


He had a moment of despair.

He clearly remembered that he had only had three lights extinguished before. But after all this time, he still has seven lights!

In other words, after being kicked, beaten and stepped on by the Doomsday Red Flame, his lamp has not moved yet? He still has 70% of his health tank?

So that woman did it on purpose!

This is the reason why she never attacks with weapons - she is humiliating herself in this way!

For a mecha, the damage caused by being thrown, kicked and kicked ten times is not as powerful as a single shot of artillery fire!

So she deliberately extended the time indefinitely to keep herself in a state of being teased by her!

She is telling everyone that she can defeat him without using weapons!

She was slowly torturing him, breaking him mentally!

She just didn't want to give him a clean ending.

She just wants to wear him down bit by bit until he is completely defeated!

How could there be such a vicious woman in the world?

Another three minutes passed, and Nie Hua was exhausted.

But he looked at his lamp and it finally moved!


There are six more!

There are six of them!

It’s never over!

If this continues, when will it be finished?

Doomsday Red Flame still didn’t use her weapon!

Nie Hua couldn't help it anymore and turned on the loudspeaker to Bao Fu: Isn't it the red flame of doomsday? Where is your red flame?

Tao Ran chuckled: You are still called Wind Blade! But your speed is not as fast as Feng, and your firepower is not sharp enough. You will only run away, so you might as well change your name to Rat Generation.

If you have the ability, take out your red flame and shine it!

Don't worry! When you reach the end, I will give you the red flame!

You... Nie Hua was very depressed. What kind of competition is it if you don't show your weapons?

I can fight however I want, do you care?

While talking, Tao Ran punched out with a combination of punches.

Tao Ran was also quite tired.

But she did not use the spiritual energy stored in her body to make up for her weakened physical strength.

She knew that if it were Tang Zhu, she would definitely hope to defeat Nie Hua with her true strength.

So, what’s the point of cheating?

It didn’t matter, Tang Zhu was still a genius, still the one who could crush Nie Hua!

The Red Flame of Doom requires too much physical energy, so in order to save energy, Tao Ran has turned off all useless fire systems. In this way, she feels much more relaxed.

SS's mental power was so much ahead of Nie Hua's, like a net, it could catch Nie Hua's every move. With Tao Ran's skills, Nie Hua was naturally manipulated.

Tao Ran felt that Nie Hua's speed was decreasing visibly, and knew that he was very tired.

So she also slowed down appropriately.

Give him some hope and then give him a slap in the face.

Give him a little sweetness, and then give him a slap in the face.

Give him a way to escape, and then let him hit a dead end.

If it happens once or twice, it can be tolerated.

But if it was like this every time, Nie Hua would probably go crazy or collapse?

Haha, even ordinary viewers watching the live broadcast on Xingwang understand it.

How many people fell down laughing while holding their bellies.

In the past, Nie Hua was despicable, not letting people get away, and taking advantage of people's dangers to shamelessly snatch wins. Now it's the other way around. They don't fight back, they just play tricks on you, and they just want you to play cat and mouse tricks. What can you do? ?

Don't you deserve it?

How many cats catch mice just to eat them? Isn't it just for fun?

How interesting!

Many people are thinking of Bao Fu's harsh words yesterday when he failed to get an apology from Nie Hua!

She said that in today's competition, she would not be polite or considerate of face, and she would deal with Nie Hua ruthlessly...

She actually means what she says.

Combining everything yesterday, Bao Fu was slandered first, had no apology later, and was even bullied today when he didn't activate the mecha... The reviews on StarNet were almost one-sided, with more than 90% of netizens supporting Bao Fu.

This time, Bao Fu's name was really like thunder, resounding throughout the stars.

Another five minutes passed, and God knows how Nie Hua survived.

He hit Bao Fu three times.

Therefore, there are only three lamps left on Chiyan's chest at Doomsday.

But he didn't have the ability to have another three rounds of tug-of-war that lasted as long as he did.

He was wet all over, as if he had been fished out of the water.

His mental strength couldn't keep up. God knows how difficult it is to find a way to avoid the intensive claws of the big thing on the opposite side!

Nie Hua felt a pain in his head like a needle pricking his head.

But he still has five lights!

He wanted to give up.

So now his wind blade is like a broken ball, being beaten back and forth by the red flames of doom that stand in mid-air. The battle has almost become a one-man show.

The wind blade was completely reduced to a toy.

Give me a good time! Nie Hua couldn't bear it anymore and spoke again. If she had used firepower, this contest would have been over long ago. If your mecha is defeated by the opponent's super-powerful artillery, then the defeat will be more beautiful! Now what the hell!

So, you gave up? Tao Ran's voice was high.

Give up?

Nie Hua really wanted to. But he found it impossible to answer.

He is a soldier, a soldier admits defeat? I would rather die in battle than surrender! That would make people laugh to death! He now represents not only himself, but also the Third Military Academy and the Eighth Army, and his father, the general.

There are so many people behind him, so many reputable teachers and supporters. Once he admits defeat, who will still criticize him in the future? How will dad get back together in the future?

Yesterday, rumors spread on the Internet because of this woman's nonsense. After he came today, many people who originally gathered around him dispersed. Even the people from the Fifth Military Academy who had formed an alliance ignored him.

So the consequences of admitting defeat will be worse...

Especially this woman, her cheerful voice sounded too harsh! How could she get what she wanted!

You're dreaming! Even if I fight to the death, I won't admit defeat! Nie Hua said resolutely in an attempt to win favor with a wave of supporters.

Well said! Then we will fight until the end!


Tao Ran kicked out again, and the long blade on Nie Hua's other side that had long been unable to swing finally failed.

He's going crazy.

Really, not only was he unable to fight, he was also unable to escape.

He was just thinking about sending a private message to Bao Fu and negotiating terms with her, but the red flame of Doomsday took advantage of his trance and kicked him straight into the center of the wind blade.

Nie Hua did not study the Red Flame of Doom, but Tao Ran had already had a thorough understanding of the types of mechas that Nie Hua might choose.

Nie Hua's world was spinning for a while. The crispy mecha was kicked, and many parts of it were deflected and malfunctioned. In his control room, several warning sounds had sounded.

He didn't know for a moment whether he should quickly let the mecha automatically repair the damaged parts, or let it go and end this terrible battle as soon as possible!

The pain in Nie Hua's head became more obvious.

He could barely control the mecha anymore.

How could Tao Ran be so polite? He just kicked the wind blade like a ball and punched it like a sandbag.

Many parts of the wind blade were knocked off by her, and the alloy fell to the ground...

Nie Hua didn't know what to do and pressed the protest button at the referee.

But the referee didn't move.

Because Bao Fu did not violate the rules.

Nie Hua was so angry that he roared one last time at Bao Fu.

Bao Fu, are you educated? Are you damaging the mecha on purpose? Do you despise the Central Army or look down on our Third Military Academy!

Don't double standard when you speak!

Doomsday Red Flame punched the other wind blade, which was swinging out of control, and knocked it to the ground.

It's not what you said. Everything is according to the rules? The rules say that you must use firepower to attack? The rules only say that one party must have all the lights out or admit defeat to be considered a loser. Now your lights are not out, and you don't admit defeat. I I haven’t defeated you either, so you still have the nerve to scold me?

Why didn't you mention the humiliation when I didn't activate it and turned a blind eye to the referee? Why not mention torture when bombs are raining down on the red flames of Doom? Didn't you despise the First Military Academy at that time? Contempt the referee? Contempt the Central Military Army?

Tao Ran said and punched out again.

Several pieces of scrap metal fell on Feng Ren's body again.

Come to think of it, you still have four lights, but I only have three. Your advantage is obvious, why don't you get up and fight me quickly? You are so afraid of battle and so embarrassing, aren't you more interested in the Third Military Academy? humiliation?

Tao Ran struck out with a bang, and Nie Hua was even too angry to speak.

Tao Ran sent a message directly to the referee and the podium simultaneously, saying that she would pay for the repair of the wind blade that she had broken. If it doesn't work out, she just has to pay for herself...

Anyway, I have money!

After that, Nie Hua didn't even have the chance to apologize or admit defeat.

Because Tao Ran didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

A burst of attacks.

She was practically dismantling the mecha.

As mentioned before, when Nie Hua had only the last light left, she activated her weapon and gave him a head-on shot, establishing what the red flames of doom were! …

The other eight students who were watching the battle and waiting to get on the mecha were all feeling chills all over their bodies.

They ask themselves, should they not choose light armor? Is the Wind Blade a little unlucky? Can I still change my mecha now? They don't have to be too sad if they lose this round, that way they won't have to meet this monster woman in the next round, right?

As the old saying goes, don’t offend women!

If we advance to the next round, do we want to join an alliance? But... this woman is very vindictive. Will she be as miserable as Nie Hua?

Two chapters in one

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Thanks to book friends whose tail numbers are 22576, Reset Leihuo Wuwu, Linglong Baozi, and Penguin Bookstore Baby~

love you~

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