The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 558 The sister who overcame all obstacles (end of this article)

Miao Xiaohui spent an extremely painful half month.

As soon as she regained her freedom, she began to look for her son.

There was no news about the child at all, so she found Liang Cheng.

The scumbag smiled half-heartedly: Originally, he was not your son. His surname is Liang.

You know where your parents are, right?

Of course I don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't tell her. But my parents finally did the only thing for me that made me happy!

These women joined forces to get him. Now seeing the pain of the woman who betrayed him, he suddenly felt relieved. The days in prison have been difficult these days, and they all rely on such little happiness to support me.


Miao Xiaohui searched everywhere. After finding the address of Liang Cheng's hometown, she and her brother went there.

After thinking about it, those two old guys must have returned to their hometown.

She really found her son.

But she didn't expect that her son, whom she hadn't seen for many months, would still look like the handsome and proud little prince he had been before. Miao Xiaohui almost didn't dare to recognize that the gray-faced child wearing a cotton-padded jacket who was being bullied by a group of older children was her precious son.

Miao Xiaohui called her son's name. The moment his son turned around, he burst into tears and screamed Mom hysterically, which made Miao Xiaohui extremely heartbroken.

The next second, many people suddenly appeared around, and Liang Yu was also pulled aside by them.

Miao Xiaohui and Brother Miao rushed forward, but were knocked to the ground.

Give me my son back!

Who are you? This child's surname is Liang, and he has entered our Liang family tree!

Hand over my son or I'll call the police!

Report! Who is stopping you! This child belongs to our Liang family. His parents are nothing. We took him and his grandparents took care of him. This is a matter of course. Even if you call the police, no one will care. Even honest officials Ignore this household matter! If you are not satisfied, just file a lawsuit!

A group of people turned around and left.

Miao Xiaohui went to chase, but Father Liang appeared.

Let's talk! He smiled maliciously.

Miao Xiaohui immediately realized that the reason why the old couple was easily found by her was probably because they didn't even want to run away. In other words, they have been waiting for her to come.

The old man sat down directly.

I know you have a deep love for mother and son, and if you don't want to be separated, there's nothing you can do about it. The old man grinned. In this way, for three million, you can take my son away.

Miao Xiaohui was stunned. Is this what people say? Is this considered selling a grandson?

I finally know where Liang Cheng's shamelessness comes from. It turns out it's hereditary!

Don't say it so harshly. Be considerate and considerate. Doesn't it mean that Xiao Cheng still owes a lot of money? We have to find a way to help Xiao Cheng get through the difficulties first, right? You have sucked my son's blood for so many years, so you should I'm going to spit it out. If I don't use this method, can you take out the money?

My house and car have been sold! All my valuables have been sold by your son. I still want to survive with my son. If I give you three million, what else can I do...

Stop talking nonsense! Just tell me whether you will give it or not.


I'm selling my grandson, what about you? For money, you won't even spend some money on your son. How are you better than me? The old man sneered. Then, either I'll give you three million and we'll settle it at one price, or you'll be filial to me and get married as soon as the child's father comes back!

Miao Xiaohui was shocked by the shamelessness of this family.

To put it bluntly, both of these are using the child to get her money! Marry Liang Cheng? Beautiful thought! Then the little money that he finally got came back to Liang Cheng?

Miao Xiaohui couldn't agree to either.

So, she sued all the Liang family members.

However, the Liang family is very rogue. They have lost their reputation and have long since stopped caring about other people's opinions. During the mediation, they cried, made trouble, and hanged themselves, saying that if their children were taken away, they would drink pesticides when they returned...

Between persuasion and procrastination, time passed little by little...

At this time, Tao Ran has officially accepted a new drama.

That is, the second female lead in that big-investment movie.

With her outstanding performance in the audition, she easily won the nod from the director and producer.

Jiang Lan was able to quickly complete the triple jump and go from a supporting role to a starring role. She was talented. What she lacks is opportunity and experience. Therefore, Tao Ran used his experience to drive Jiang Lan's body, both on and off the show, and left many of the acting techniques and skills he had learned over the years to Jiang Lan...

With his outstanding performance, Tao Ran helped Jiang Lan successfully transform, so that Jiang Lan will have more performance choices in the future. But she didn't help Jiang Lan decide on her performance style. She felt that Jiang Lan would have to decide on her own in the future.

The director and screenwriter liked her play very much and helped her add a lot of scenes. Tao Ran also had a great time acting. She became increasingly unwilling to withdraw from the circle. When she recovers, she will have to fight back into the circle.

A few months later, Tao Ran's drama was completed. Immediately afterwards, she officially announced the heroine of another drama. It was a work by a young director. The script was very solid. Tao Ran liked it very much, so she took half the salary down to take the role. This play. In this regard, Guangguang said nothing and fully supported...

Liang Cheng was released from prison.

But his nightmare wasn't over yet.

He has to pay back the money.

The 1.8 million that Miao Xiaohui received for the house, plus the few things he took out from the previous villa sold, barely paid off Jiaxi's money.

But he couldn't come up with any more money.

He still owes several liquidated damages.

The defendant was investigated and executed...

He ended up on the court's blacklist.

Of course he wanted to make a comeback. He went to other brokerage companies but was rejected by them all.

Even if he sets the price very low, no one is willing to use him.

He became a bad actor and was boycotted by the industry.

He contacted people and wanted to arrange acupuncture.

But for his first performance, as soon as the poster was posted, he was reported.

This is an eighteenth-tier small city!

Who could be so free and ruthless as to report it directly to the local cultural department?

The show was suspended and he didn't get a penny.

Liang Cheng also wanted to find friends, but no one paid attention to him. He wants to find someone to help him contact those rich women, but those people are most afraid of trouble. It's not worth getting into trouble just to eat meat.

He was recognized several times while walking on the street, and then a group of women came to point at him and scold him, as if they were the ones being cheated on.

He finally discovered it.

As long as Jiang Lan becomes more popular, he will never be forgotten. As long as Jiang Lan makes new moves, he will be pulled out for a walk again.

Liang Cheng hid from debts every day, but he didn't understand why no matter where he went, he would be discovered within a few days.

He once suspected that someone was following him every day.

Because he still failed to pay, he was beaten several times.

He no longer wants to live this kind of life hiding from XZ.

He wanted to find Jiang Lan. But I dare not.

After all, Jiang Lan is surrounded by people in front and behind, and he has no chance to even get close.

He misses Coco occasionally.

Now Keke has attended the best international school in Beijing. He once thought about going to school to find the child, but he had already been banned from approaching him by that poisonous woman Jiang Lan. As soon as he appeared, he was taken away by security guards...

So, like his parents, he thought of Miao Xiaohui.

At this time, although Miao Xiaohui won the lawsuit and obtained custody of her son, Liang's parents and Liang's mother did not implement the court's decision and took the child away again.

Miao Xiaohui fully tasted the retribution.

She used to love those Liang family members and hoped to be with them forever, but now she is in so much pain and wants to get rid of them!

That day, she finally contacted Father Liang again and wanted to talk to him again, but it was Liang Cheng who came to the appointment.

Xiaohui, long time no see.

Liang Cheng's smile quenched the poison: Didn't you say that you love me to the core? You will love me forever and follow me forever? Don't you mean what you say?

Miao Xiaohui sneered: You said you never lied to me, but you keep your word? Scumbag!

Liang Cheng smiled: So, we are a perfect match! He reached out and grabbed Miao Xiaohui's bag and turned it over.

Miao Xiaohui went to grab it, but Liang Cheng put his index finger in front of his mouth: Shh, my son is still with my parents! Your parents help you raise your son, so you have to give him some living expenses, right?

Liang Cheng found several thousand dollars and stuffed them all into his pocket. He also found a bank card: What's the password?

Miao Xiaohui shook her head.

Liang Cheng: If you don't tell me, my son will suffer!

How dare you! Believe it or not, I'll call the police!

Report it. Do you think it's better to call the police sooner or for your son to suffer sooner? Liang Cheng looked like a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water. If you call the police, I will prevent you from seeing your son forever!

In this way, Liang Cheng got 100,000 yuan in one go.

Miao Xiaohui was never able to see her son. And Liang Cheng tasted the sweetness, and began to blackmail Miao Xiaohui for three days... He said that if he wanted to see his son, he would marry him, and that would be the reunion of the family...

That day, Miao Xiaohui found Tao Ran.

Tao Ran was busy making a career for Jiang Lan and didn't have time to deal with the scumbag recently, so she simply met Miao Xiaohui.

Let's be honest. Why are you looking for me?

I really can't find anyone to discuss with me. What should I do? After thinking about it, you are the only one who can best understand the pain of the child not being around and the poison of the Liang family. If you can get rid of them, you can also teach them. Let me do it. Just like last time.

Miao Xiaohui burst into tears after talking about her miserable situation.

In fact, Tao Ran knew all of that.

Although Tao Ran had no time to deal with Liang Cheng, he kept looking for someone to keep an eye on him secretly. Otherwise, how could he be found by creditors wherever he went, how could he not be able to do any performances, how could he be recognized in the crowd?

I'm really at the end of my rope.

Who said that!


There is a way!

teach me.

If it were me, I would have to get the child back no matter what. I can't wrong the child.

Miao Xiaohui nodded repeatedly.

After that, mania. Tao Ran smiled: Last time in court, I testified that he had mania. Anger, madness, smashing, swearing and hitting others, isn't this mania? Such a person should go there Isn’t that the treatment?”


You were domestically abused last time, which is proof. Of course, you need an opportunity now.


Tao Ran leaned forward a few centimeters, We've known each other for so long, and you haven't learned anything from me yet? She couldn't make it too obvious, otherwise she would be instigating. So Tao Ran kept hinting.

Still don’t understand this?

If there is no chance, create opportunities!

If there is no evidence, just create evidence!

She had set so many examples before, Miao Xiaohui just had to pick one up and imitate it, and that would be it.

If you can really prove that he is manic, I will be willing to help you prove it.

Yes. Miao Xiaohui's eyes lit up and she nodded. I think I know what to do! She stood up and bowed deeply. I'm sorry. I apologize for what happened before. I...when I find the child, I will also do charity. I will learn from you.

Miao Xiaohui left quickly.

A week later, Tao Ran received the news that Miao Xiaohui and Liang Cheng had received their certificates.

Three days later, Miao Xiaohui rented a small apartment in the suburbs of Beijing.

That night, Liang's parents took their children to see her.

A month later, the old couple returned to their hometown after buying large and small bags of things.

Another night more than ten days later, Miao Xiaohui called the police.

When the police arrived, the entire home was smashed to pieces. Miao Xiaohui, whose face was covered in blood, was crying at home. She reported it and Liang Cheng beat her.

When the police found Liang Cheng, he was in a nightclub and was delirious.

According to Miao Xiaohui's confession, Liang Cheng has always suffered from mania, with extremely large mood swings. He would often laugh one second and start beating people the next. She was miserable about this.

Tao Ran originally thought that Miao Xiaohui would sue Liang Cheng directly, but unexpectedly, she asked for a mental evaluation of Liang Cheng at the police station. Tao Ran never expected that after the psychiatric evaluation, Liang Cheng was actually diagnosed with mental illness.

It turned out that it was Miao Xiaohui, who already hated Liang Cheng, who struck cruelly again. She endured the humiliation and was with the scumbag again. After her son came back, she began to secretly drug Liang Cheng.

Those medicines were brought to her from foreign countries by her friends in the scalping circle. All treat mental illness.

Liang Cheng took the medicine for almost two months, and he became ill even if he wasn't sick. He was in a trance and often saw phantoms. And because he drank every day, he didn't notice it.

That day when Liang Cheng went out for a drink, Miao Xiaohui took action after sending her son away, leaving the house in a violent and violent mess. She also committed a considerable degree of self-harm and then called the police.

Coupled with Tao Ran's exaggerated testimony and the videos of Liang Cheng's repeated violence, Liang Cheng was really sent to mental treatment.

By the time Liang's parents arrived, Liang Cheng had already entered a mental hospital.

This time, the old couple no longer had the trump card of their grandson. They had no money, no children, no thoughts, and were on the verge of collapse. They went to a mental hospital to see their son, but the two of them met his son's confused and distraught eyes. Finally, the old couple couldn't hold on any longer, and their front and back legs fell ill...

Miao Xiaohui was not in a hurry to divorce. As a spouse, she could ensure that Liang Cheng would stay with her for a few more years. She often visits Liang Cheng, and often brings him news about Jiang Lan's increasingly successful career and about Liang's mother and Liang's father.

He never disappoints, every time he goes crazy.

The old man suffered a stroke, and the expenses in the capital were high, so he could only be sent back to his hometown for treatment. The old man passed away soon after, and the old woman's Alzheimer's disease became more and more serious. She called her son or grandson every day...

Liang Cheng's eyes were probably getting cloudier because he took too much medicine and was repeatedly stimulated.

When Tao Ran went to see him, it took him a long time to recognize Jiang Lan, and then he went crazy again, calling her a devil, and finally got another injection...

Tao Ran knew that with Miao Xiaohui and Jiang Lan both safe and sound, they might not be able to get out of the house for the sake of their children.

Living in pain and not being able to die was the real torture for him.

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