The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 555 The sister who overcame all obstacles 93

The effect of online human flesh targeting of Miao Xiaohui came out.

Someone found out that Miao Xiaohui just bought a fully furnished three-bedroom apartment with a total price of more than 10 million last month. The point is, full payment!

Someone also found out that there was indeed a villa in her name that was sold just over a month ago, as Yao Sisi said. That villa is worth at least more than 30 million. This can't be earned by her as a Beijing drifter with no work experience, right?

And the time when she sold the villa happened to be around the time when the rumors of Liang Cheng and Jiang Lan's marriage began. So, she changed from the villa to a suite in order to quickly realize the cash and transfer the property? …

A neighbor of the villa broke the news, saying that Miao Xiaohui did have a three or four-year-old child. Before, only the mother and son lived in the villa. Everyone has been secretly rumoring that they are the third son and illegitimate son of a rich man.

Some paparazzi exposed photos of Liang Cheng taking his parents to celebrate the birthdays of San'er and their son, saying that they had discovered Liang Cheng's misdeeds a long time ago.

The paparazzi also released a set of photos of Liang Cheng visiting Miao Xiaohui's three-bedroom apartment in disguise a few days ago...

These paparazzi photos were naturally released by people from Tao Ran.

But at this time when the entire Internet is picking on the paparazzi, no one is asking or scolding the paparazzi. Instead, everyone is praising the paparazzi for doing a great job...

Liang Cheng and Miao Xiaohui were beaten to the point of being burnt on the outside and tender on the inside...

Liang Cheng, who received Miao Xiaohui's call for help, exploded instantly.

Does she still have the nerve to complain and ask for help? If it weren't for this woman taking it upon herself to send her to Jiang Lan's house, he and Jiang Lan would have ended! How could Yao Sisi have a chance? How could Jiang Lan hit him? How could he not even have a chance at public relations? How did it get to this point? Now that she is destroyed, is she happy?

Liang Cheng was furious and quickly rushed to Miao Xiaohui's residence.

As soon as the door opened, Liang Chengcheng slapped him and walked out.

Are you crazy about money? Why are you trying to blackmail Jiang Lan? Liang Cheng was furious and kicked him out again.

I didn't. I didn't blackmail.

Do you think I will believe it? Will I believe it? Do you think I'm stupid? I saw that video!

Liang Cheng grabbed Miao Xiaohui's collar directly.

Miao Xiaohui suddenly felt a little desperate. Even Liang Cheng didn't believe her, what about the others? Will the police believe her? Will the judge believe her?

I really didn't! I really didn't! I swear to God, it's true! Listen to my explanation!

Then tell me, what photo did you show her? Huh?

I... Miao Xiaohui was dumbfounded again. Said she took ugly photos of Liang Cheng with other women? That she had found someone to follow him? That she just took his ugly photos to threaten Jiang Lan? Will he believe it? Will he let himself go?

But Miao Xiaohui's hesitation only further ignited the anger in Liang Cheng's heart.

Bitch! Are you willing to destroy me for money? Liang Cheng slapped him out again.

Listen to my explanation first! Miao Xiaohui, who was already depressed, got angry several times and pushed Liang Cheng.

Liang Cheng's illegitimate son Xiaoyu also rushed out when he heard the two people's movements. When he saw his mother being beaten, he struck Liang Cheng's back with his fists and feet, and cursed: Bad dad, let go of my mother! The bad guy, the worst is you!”

Xiaoyu has been feeling very unbalanced recently. He knew that his father was shared with others, so he was always close to his mother. But recently, my mother has been feeling uncomfortable every day, and she is always quarreling with her cousin, and often ignores him. There were times when I got angry with him for no apparent reason.

The big house they originally lived in was gone, so they moved to this small house. Recently, this small house was given to his cousin-in-law and his family, so he could only stay in a hotel with his mother. He hates hotels!

Recently, when adults quarreled, money always came up, and my mother said there was no money. No money? What to do? Doesn’t that mean you can’t live in a big house anymore? He also heard that it was all because of Dad. He was almost furious. How could dad do that? He clearly heard that his father had always said that he wanted to give him and his mother the best life! Liar!

Am I bad? Liang Cheng grinded his back molars.

You are bad! Dad is the worst! Dad is a liar! Give mom's money back to her, and give our big house back! I don't want to live here or in a hotel! Let my mother go!

Liang Cheng looked back and saw that his precious son had a ferocious face and was using both hands and feet. He was not childish at all, nor was he as cute or cute as usual!

This is his beloved son! He is far worse than the sensible Coco!

Look what you have taught your son to do!

Liang Cheng pushed Miao Xiaohui to the ground and threw his son away...

The dumbfounded cousin-in-law subconsciously did not want to get involved in the affairs of these two people, but he who had been scrolling through his mobile phone suddenly raised his head:

Jiang Lan posted on Weibo again.

The two people finally stopped, each took out their mobile phones and started reading...

Tao Ran finally posted on Weibo again, saying:

My lawyer just contacted me and found the IP address of the person who spread rumors about me a few days ago. It is the three-bedroom apartment that everyone has found Ms. Miao. Therefore, we have reason to believe that the previous slander and slander against me are related to Miao. Ladies can't get away from it.

After a thorough investigation, we discovered that Heizi and Ms. Miao were actually cousins.

The lawyer feels that Ms. Miao is the main culprit in the series of slanders against me some time ago, or that the sisters may have conspired together. Defamation cases and extortion cases are more likely to be related. In addition, it is not ruled out that Liang Cheng may be involved.

In short, whether it is these two cases or Ms. Miao’s property division matter, we will pursue legal responsibility...

Both the studio and Guangguang Entertainment retweeted this Weibo post.

Public opinion exploded again.

Mom! The sensational rumor-mongering case a few days ago turned out to be the fault of Miao Xiaohui. How many bad things has this woman done? As expected, he is the most despicable son in history!

tell! You must sue!

Sue these despicable men and women to death!

Miao Xiaohui gritted her teeth and screamed Ah-. This day has finally come!

Go find Jiang Lan! Go! Miao Xiaohui also punched Liang Cheng with her fist: Go and beg her! Beg her to be merciful! Beg her to be lenient! Beg her not to sue me! I don't want to Go to jail! According to Jiang Lan's Weibo post, she has already been charged with three crimes.

Slander, scapegoat, blackmail?

If this continues, no one will believe her! Then she is adding more guilt to her crime, is she really going to go in and squat?

Now you know you are afraid? Liang Cheng grabbed Miao Xiaohui's hair: I told you not to provoke her a long time ago! I said she was scary and told you to stay away from her! You are disobedient! Now you know Scared?

God knows, Liang Cheng's hatred for Miao Xiaohui is almost as much as that of Jiang Lan. Because of this woman, his future is ruined! It's all over!

The raging anger made him show no mercy at all.

Miao Xiaohui slipped and hit the shelf, directly breaking her forehead.

That's enough! It's all because of you! Miao Xiaohui felt even more aggrieved!

Isn't she miserable? Now the whole world is scolding her, but which mistress is as miserable as her? Her money was defrauded, her reputation was ruined, she was bullied online, and she was killed by society. Even her direct family members were scolding her! Now the only house she owns is going to be divided, and she's facing a lawsuit, and she might go to jail... She, she can't even hire a decent lawyer! Her man is still complaining about her and beating her!

How could her fate be so bad!

When Miao Xiaohui got angry, she also smashed a water glass at Liang Cheng's feet: If it weren't for the trouble you had with her before, how could she be so cruel! If you had been nicer to your assistant, you wouldn't have become like this. ! And it was you who came up with the accusation against my cousin! It’s all your fault, I don’t care, I can’t even hire a lawyer now. Go ask her to withdraw the lawsuit, and find a way, otherwise I won’t be able to spare you!…

You're dreaming! Liang Cheng slapped him away again. Can't forgive me? Why can't you forgive me? Do you believe that I killed you first?

Liang Cheng now avoids Jiang Lan, so why would he beg her for Miao Xiaohui? Moreover, what Miao Xiaohui did was all deserved, and it was none of his business to go to jail.

Liang Cheng was extremely distressed. If he had known that the matter between Miao Xiaohui and his son would be exposed so soon, he would not have been threatened by Jiang Lan and compensated her with so much property.

Liang Cheng became even more furious when he thought of that villa and those savings. This woman, Miao Xiaohui, still dares to blame herself and smash things at herself? She didn't even look at how much she had sacrificed because of her!

Liang Cheng grabbed a vase and threw it at Miao Xiaohui's place. Xiaoyu was crying beside him, scolding him for Miao Xiaohui and hitting him at the same time. This undoubtedly added fuel to the fire. Liang Cheng flew out with his kick, and his son was kicked away by him.

My son hit his tooth and his mouth was full of blood.

When Miao Xiaohui saw this, she was frightened to death.

Domestic violence, Liang Cheng, you are doing domestic violence! I will fight with you!

She grabbed a beer bottle on the table and swung it towards Liang Cheng. Liang Cheng dodged and the beer bottle only hit his shoulder. Instead, Miao Xiaohui was caught by him again...

The two people here were busy blaming each other and scuffling, and they didn't realize that the cousin-in-law had left with their son three minutes ago.

The cousin-in-law was already afraid of trouble. Seeing Liang Cheng's menacing attack, he and his son were afraid of suffering a loss and wanted to run away. Later, when they looked at Weibo, everyone was saying that they could not spare Miao Xiaohui and her cousin.

He was even more frightened.

This matter is getting bigger and bigger. Liang Cheng and Miao Xiaohui were both finished. Then...he decided to find his wife quickly. Otherwise, simply confess and be lenient? …

Three minutes later, the door of Miao Xiaohui's house was knocked open.

When a team of police officers entered, they saw Miao Xiaohui, who had several bruises on her face, a gash on her forehead, and was completely unrecognizable. She was lying on the ground unable to move, and Liang Cheng, whose little finger had just been broken, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

The two of them, together with their illegitimate child, were taken to the police station...

Needless to say, it was Tao Ran's fault that the police arrived so coincidentally.

After Tao Ran completed the three strikes, she expected that Miao Xiaohui would seek help from Liang Cheng, and Liang Cheng would definitely seek settlement with Miao Xiaohui. They would definitely meet, so her people had been following Liang Cheng, preparing to catch him.

After confirming that Liang Cheng was rushing to Miao Xiaohui's residence, Tao Ran immediately submitted information to the police station where the police had been called, saying that netizens had revealed that Ms. Wu Mei and Miao Xiaohui, who had slandered her, were cousins, and asked the police to investigate Miao Xiaohui. Did Xiaohui participate in the defamation and tell her whereabouts of the current IP address where Miao Xiaohui lives?

At the same time, Tao Ran posted the Weibo post just now, raising the profile.

The matter was already getting serious and the attention was so high that the police station did not dare to delay it for a second and immediately rushed to the address where the landlord was Miao Xiaohui and the tenant was Wu Mei.

As soon as they arrived, they heard smashing in the house, screaming, and the crying of women and children...

The neighbor was also outside the door and said he had just planned to call the police, saying that there was a lot of noise next door and he heard someone shouting domestic violence.

Therefore, Tao Ran did not expect that the effect would be so good.

The police broke down the door and not only caught Liang Cheng, Miao Xiaohui and the illegitimate son, they also happened to catch a scene of domestic violence...

The news from the police alarmed the neighbors, so everyone who was peeping out frequently clicked on their cell phones and took pictures of the mess in Miao Xiaohui's home and the dogs and men hurting each other.

It didn't take long for these videos to be ridiculed and scolded by the entire Internet...

Especially when the police arrived, Xiaoyu, who was injured and had a lot of blood on his face, rushed over. With tears streaming down his face, he pulled the policeman's sleeves and testified that his father beat his mother as soon as he got home. He begged the policeman to save my mother and her husband. My” video also went viral…

And this article not only confirms that Liang Cheng is his father and this is his home, but also confirms that Liang Cheng is a victim of domestic violence...

These contents quickly spread all over the Internet, but no one expressed regret that this dog-eating behavior caused several people to be injured. Instead, everyone clapped and applauded.

And Liang Cheng finally stumbled here.

Not only did he have to cooperate with the investigation of Jiang Lan's report, which revealed that he was suspected of conspiring with Miao Xiaohui to defame and extort, but he also had to be investigated for intentional injury because of reports from the masses and his son...

He refused to accept it and raised his finger to show that he was also a victim. Either there was intentional harm or there was a fight. He also asked for an injury test.

His little finger was confirmed to be fractured again, and he suffered a lot again, but was still taken back to the police station.

The investigation went smoothly and it was confirmed that Miao Xiaohui and Wu Mei were cousins. Wu Mei's husband had already surrendered a quarter of an hour ago, confessed that he had received the money as a scapegoat under the instruction of Miao Xiaohui and Liang Cheng, and voluntarily handed over the proof of transfer and call records...

Therefore, it is very clear that Liang Cheng paid someone to take the blame.

According to neighbors, Xiaoyu, and Wu Mei's husband, it was indeed Liang Cheng who beat her first, so Miao Xiaohui's injuries were much more serious than hers.

So in the end, Liang Cheng's intentional harm was confirmed.

Liang Cheng was detained.

The big star who was so famous yesterday was locked up like this.

He asked for a lawyer, but his previous lawyer wouldn't answer the phone. He begged Mr. Zhang, Mr. Lei, Mr. Fei and others, but no one paid any attention to him. He looked for his former brothers, but who dared to have anything to do with him?

There was no one to save him!

On the contrary, Xiaoxia, who came to cooperate with the investigation on behalf of Tao Ran, told him something from Tao Ran: A lost dog, betrayed by everyone, has nowhere to go anyway, so don't pick a place. This is the best place for you!

Liang Cheng was furious and just as he was about to swing his fist, Xiaoxia screamed.

He didn't hit anyone, but he was almost hit by the baton...

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