The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 542 The sister who overcame all obstacles 80

Tao Ran also forced Liang Cheng to transfer the off-road vehicle and sports car to her name. Of course, she also showed mercy and returned the half-used scooter to Liang Cheng.

As soon as the formalities were completed, she called the agency in front of Liang Cheng and said that she wanted to sell two million-dollar cars. Liang Cheng was so angry that his nose and mouth were twisted, but he didn't even dare to say a word...

Tao Ran had specially set aside this whole day, so she had plenty of time.

As soon as she made a phone call, everyone in the studio who had little work to do today was called over and rushed to her villa immediately.

She and her lawyer were already waiting at the property in the villa area, and changed everything related to the villa to her name.

Remember! I will own this villa from now on! Starting tomorrow, Liang Cheng and his family will not be allowed in!

Yes! Naturally, the property management only listens to the owner.

Please be patient and explain to the guard more. If Liang Cheng and his family come to harass me, I will hold you accountable.

Don't worry! I will make sure everything is properly arranged! The property manager brought a book and asked Jiang Lan to sign it for him and his daughter...

After Tao Ran finished doing this, he went straight to his villa.

When he walked in, Liang Cheng was sitting on the sofa, pulling his hair and begging. Father Liang was scolding, Mother Liang was was so lively.

Apparently, as soon as Liang Cheng, who had not returned home all night, got home, he gave the old couple a bolt from the blue.

Yes, divorce is a small matter, but losing the house is a big deal.

The house itself is worth over 100 million, and the decorations and flowers and plants that Liang’s mother has made for many years and Liang’s father like are all their “hard work.”

I thought I would take root here in my later years. Who would have thought that one day I would be driven away? Who can bear this? They are used to living in such a good house with front and back yards, where everyone respects them, and where they enjoy the scenery every day. They cannot accept living anywhere.

When my son said he was moving, he had to move. He said he wanted them to stay in a hotel first? How is that possible! They don't want to stay in that uncomfortable hotel room!

Can you not be scolded for making such a decision on your own?

That little bitch, you dare! I won't move! I live here. If you have the ability, let that little bitch kill me! Even if I and your mother die, they must die here In this house! Even if I turn into a ghost, I will still haunt her! As long as she dares to take the house back, I can do anything!

What bad luck! Tao Ran then showed his face.

She walked up step by step:

If you want to die, just do it quickly! Do you think I'm afraid that you will die here? If you dare to stand in my house, I will have Liang Cheng thrown out, and then you two will be exposed here! The house! I don't want it anymore, I will let you two die without a burial place, just lie upright on the granite floor of my house.

I'm not afraid of evil ghosts either. I'll ask Taoist priests to collect you first, so that you can die without even seeing the Lord of Hell! Let’s see if you can become a fierce ghost!

Who can't be intimidated? Like she's really afraid of them?

If they dare to destroy Jiang Lan, imprison Jiang Lan, and kill Jiang Lan, she can do even more cruel things!

My house has become a haunted house, and I will sue Liang Cheng! I want him to compensate for the losses! I want him to work for me for the rest of his life! I want him to curse you two every day for harming him! I want him to curse you two for not dying in the right place. ! If you two die, you won’t get a single word from your son! So, if you want to die, hurry up!

Tao Ran leaned against the pillar in the living room and looked at the people quietly.

Liang Ma howled even harder and rolled on the ground...

Father Liang wanted to rush up and hit someone, but Tao Ran slapped his hand, and a vase flew away and exploded at Father Liang's feet...

Father Liang was startled, and suddenly remembered that the whole family was injured last time because of this little bitch. The whole family had to take care of her for a month, and they only recovered recently... The three of them could not beat her!

What a crime!

Why did you end up with such a thing?

Father Liang stroked his chest and beat the ground, panting heavily, as if he would pass out from time to time, and cursed all kinds of things about his family's misfortune, his unworthy wife, Jiang Lan's snake-hearted heart, crueler than a ghost, she will be punished by God, and she will be taken away by God. , go to eighteen levels of hell after death...

Liang Cheng! I'm not happy! Tao Ran crossed his arms and looked at him with cold eyes.

Liang Cheng shuddered. It has reached this point, and the house has been transferred. If he offends her at this time, wouldn't he lose his wife and lose his troops?

He rushed to the old couple and told them in a low voice that Jiang Lan already knew about him, Miao Xiaohui, and their son. If he angers her, his future will be completely ruined...please don't bother them.

The old couple's scolding finally gradually subsided and turned into a series of wails.

Liang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and came to Tao Ran: Xiaolan, why are you here?

Tao Ran chuckled: This is my home, why can't I come? As she said that, she walked to the wine rack, opened a bottle of Liang Cheng's collection of foreign wine, and poured herself a glass.

Liang Cheng regretted extremely.

I just had a hard time with my parents.

Why didn't he think of taking away his precious things first and collecting as much as he could quickly? Once the wine was opened, tens of thousands were gone.

He took a deep breath: Xiaolan, can you give me some time? I still have to do ideological work with my parents. Please be considerate of the elderly. They are not in good health. If something happens...

Tao Ran clicked his tongue.

Okay, Liang Cheng, are you telling the truth? Your dad is stronger than an ox and is pretending to have a heart attack by touching his chest? Your mom is so angry that her howling sound is louder than your lung capacity. She is rolling on the ground. What's the point?

And you, didn’t you mean that your parents have moved to the countryside? Coming back so soon? I'm sorry I didn't believe you!

Tao Ran looked at the old couple again:

You don't know, don't you? Your son begged me on his knees to come back, saying that as long as I come back, he will send you to the countryside, and he will never let me be angry with you in the future. It can be seen that this is what you are in his heart...

When these words came out, the howling was loud again. Father Liang scolded his son for being unsatisfactory and useless, and hit Liang Cheng on the back of the head with his slipper...

Tao Ran took a sip of wine.

At this time, there was noise from outside. It was the people from Tao Ran's studio who had arrived. She had already said hello to the security guard, so they came in directly.

Seeing the large group of people coming, all of them were burly men, the three members of the Liang family were frightened again.

Liang Cheng: What...what's the situation? What are you going to do?

Don't be ungrateful! I'm here to help you! Tao Ran sat down on the sofa with a glass and bottle in hand. You're such a hard-working person. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to finish it in time, so I called someone to help you!

Tao Ran signaled her people to go to the master bedrooms on the first and second floors to help pack things.

Mother Liang and Father Liang climbed up and down, blocking one at the door of the room on the first floor and the other at the entrance of the stairs. How can they let outsiders touch their things? If their treasure is stolen or damaged, who can they talk to for explanation?

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