The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 529 The sister who overcame all obstacles 67

Liang Cheng's assistant and lawyer came to the door again that day, cautiously trying to find out what Tao Ran wanted.

The more Tao Ran saw their urgency, the less he bothered to pay attention to them.

She didn't even show her face, and only had someone send a message: I haven't even hired a lawyer yet. When I think about it, I will naturally ask the lawyer to find him!

In this way, Liang Cheng's plan to ask Jiang Lan to help him pay the company's tens of millions came to nothing...

There are still three days left before entering the Sister program group to record. During these three days, in addition to accompanying Coco, Tao Ran also arranged something...

These days, she is so popular that speculations about her marriage and Yao Sisi's three children are still hot on the Internet. She remained silent on the matter and never made any clarification.

The more she avoided it, the more she appeared to be acquiescing, and the media and netizens became more and more unstoppable in their speculations.

Yao Sisi is going crazy.

She still can't find a job. But the car loan and house loan have to be repaid, and the money sent home cannot be reduced.

When she went out to buy fruit that day, she was directly questioned by a girl who appeared out of nowhere as to why she had interfered with a loving couple, and scolded her for being so shameless...

Soon, a large number of surrounding residents were attracted.

After being popularized by that girl, everyone realized that the TV screens were frequently flooded in the past few days. It was said that female celebrities who had done many good things were cuckolded by the woman in front of them...

For a time, Yao Sisi was surrounded on three levels inside and three levels outside.

Only those who have experienced it will know how powerful the aunts are.

Yao Sisi was drowned in saliva, and no one listened to her explanation.

She finally managed to escape like a rat crossing the street.

And from that day on, no one in their neighborhood knew about her knowing three things. When she goes out, there are always people pointing fingers at her, and no one wants to see her. Not only was rubbish thrown in front of her house, but even her car parked in the garage was often hit by nails.

Soon, someone from the owners' association came to the door and asked her if she could move out. He found her embarrassing and made things difficult for her.

move? How can it be!

She bought this house! Bought with a loan!

She has paid off her loan for almost five years!

It is her dream to stay in the capital, and she will never leave!

And she did nothing wrong from beginning to end!

That day, she called Liang Cheng again. If she is allowed to take the blame, she must be fully compensated. Otherwise, clear her name. If she doesn't give you both, then don't blame her for being a dead end!

However, Liang Cheng still didn't answer the phone.

How many days has it been!

Yao Sisi became more and more unbearable.

At this moment, she didn't know that Liang Cheng was in financial crisis. He couldn't even find a way to pay back the 10 million he owed Jiaxi. How could he get 5 million to give her?

Yao Sisi quietly went to Jiaxi without blocking Liang Cheng, so she could only go to Liang Cheng's community.

This late at night, she called the Liang family through the villa doorman, but she frightened several members of the Liang family.

There is a storm in the city now, and if someone takes a photo of her coming to her door, it will be even more unclear. After thinking about it, Liang Cheng asked Mother Liang to go out quickly to comfort her.

Liang's mother knew Sisi and couldn't hide away, so she had to bite the bullet and say a few words to her. Liang's mother informed her that her son was sick and asked her not to be impulsive until her son recovered.

However, these words sounded extremely ridiculous to Yao Sisi. Jiang Lan beat Liang Cheng? Liang Cheng has to rest for a month after losing his appearance? Why doesn't she believe it?

What's even more hateful is that Liang's mother took out 10,000 yuan and asked her to take the flowers first.

how? How about passing yourself off as a beggar?

Yao Sisi confiscated the money, but directly asked Liang's mother to convey that if the five million she wanted was not paid within three days, don't blame yourself for starting to spread rumors about Liang Cheng!

So what if Liang Cheng deletes all the dirty information about him in her phone? Just because she had been his assistant for so many years, even if she only told some stories without evidence, it would be enough to ruin his reputation! Her life is almost over, so why not let us all suffer together! She is not afraid!

After saying the cruel words, Yao Sisi turned around and left calmly.

In order to facilitate taking care of Liang Cheng, she bought a house not far away. You don't need to take the main road to get home. You only need to walk briskly for fifteen minutes and walk through the periphery of the community to get there.

But tonight, after walking for five minutes, she felt something was wrong.

Soon she was sure there was a car following her.

Not far or near, just thirty meters away.

She looked back, but the car behind her suddenly shone brightly. With this illumination, her eyes could see nothing except a white light. She couldn't even see clearly what make or model the car was, let alone the person in the car and the license plate number.

She tried to slow down a few steps, but the car also slowed down a bit.

She was suddenly frightened.

At this time, besides Liang Cheng, who else could follow from Liang Cheng's villa area?

Could it be that he didn't want to give the five million and didn't want to be threatened by himself, so he jumped over the wall to do something dirty to himself?

A bad premonition arises.

Yao Sisi was still on the road outside the back door of the villa area. There was no one at all in this area at this late hour!

She started running subconsciously.

The car behind him indeed started to speed up.

The car was getting closer and closer, the horn suddenly made a shrill sound, and the car was about to hit her, Yao Sisi screamed...

She fell to the ground, but after the car braked hard, it suddenly made a sharp U-turn. A bright light swept through Yao Sisi's eyes, causing her eyes to flash.

Then, the car stepped on the accelerator and disappeared at the end of the road.

In that direction, isn't it still Liangcheng Villa?

Yao Sisi was so shocked that she could hardly get up.

Liang Cheng, this is a warning to her!

After confirming that the car was gone, Yao Sisi quickly got up and ran towards home. But after only running for three to five minutes, she felt something was wrong again.

Why does it seem like there's someone else following you?

Through the light cast by the street lamp, she saw a figure appearing on the ground from time to time.

But every time she looked back, it was clear that there was no one there, only rows of trees.

When she started walking again, she saw reflected on the ground, the ghostly figure in a trench coat and peaked cap, who seemed to have lit a cigarette. In his hand... that pointed object... couldn't be a dagger, right?

Yao Sisi's heart was lifted.

She could vaguely smell the smoke. That smoke...isn't it the kind of smell that Liang Cheng likes? She has been with him for so many years, and she can never get it wrong!

Liang Cheng… Yao Sisi’s teeth are wrong…

While walking, she suddenly fell down.

She was hit in the back knee by a stone.

Something flew to the back of her head again, and her head throbbed in pain.

She screamed for help.

A couple passed by on the opposite side and helped her up, and then she calmed down...

Only then did she find a razor blade and a note on the ground.

Give me some time to calm down!

Just six words.

Who else can say this?

After returning home and locking the door, Yao Sisi calmed down and ground her back molars. She made a call without any mental struggle.

Jiang Lan’s.

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