The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 517 The sister who overcame all obstacles 55

On the way back to the studio, Sister Zhen received a call from Jiaxi.

Yes! she said to the other end of the phone.

Jiang Lan has signed with our Rays. The contract is complete, but there is no official announcement! If you, Jiaxi, are interested, you can pay attention to the news tomorrow.

right! Sorry, you are a step late. Under what conditions did I sign and why should I tell you? Jiang Lan dares to donate 8 million, does she still care about money? Who do you underestimate?

Compared to Jiang Lan, Jiaxi's layout is indeed a bit smaller. No wonder you have Liang Cheng in your hands and Jiang Lan is unwilling to sign for you. Don't be angry, they all hang out in the same circle and don't see each other when they look up. It's not worth it.

Do you still want to sign her? That will probably have to wait at least five years. Yes, we signed a five-year contract. With such a good artist, we at Guangwang are eager to sign for ten or twenty years. But with Jiang Lan’s strength, it will definitely not take five years. Her worth will have to rise to the next level. , I had to sign a new contract after all, so I signed it for five years first...

Well, five years later, we, the Rays, will have priority. If you care so much, what have you already done? What? transfer? Transfer is of course possible...

Tao Ran looked at Sister Zhen, who told her to calm down.

But Jiang Lan's signing fee is quite high, so if you want us to transfer her, you may have to pay her a sky-high liquidated damages. How much? You also know that Jiang Lan makes a lot of money, so even if you offer nine figures, I'm afraid It’s also a bit difficult…

cooperate? forget it. We signed an exclusive contract. And Mr. Zhang, don’t you know that Guangming and Jiaxi have always had different ideas? No matter how much money you give me. If you have any questions, you can contact our legal department directly! goodbye.

After hanging up the phone, Sister Zhen snorted.

It's Mr. Jiaxi Zhang. They got wind and knew that you and the Rays had signed a contract privately, so they came to confirm. When he found out that you signed with us, he was going crazy. He offered to exchange you back, in terms of resources or money. , the conditions are arbitrary. It seems that you have a handle on them?

So be it.

Don't worry, no matter how much money I have, I won't sell you.

Sister Zhen shook Tao Ran's hand and said, For me, dreams are indeed more important than money.

While talking, Tao Ran's cell phone rang.

After the call was put through, it was Mr. Zhang from Jiaxi who came to question her for breaking her promise.

Tao Ran laughed: Jiaxi, you guys have a bad memory, don't you? Although I accepted your contract, I only said that I would consider it, but I didn't say that I would definitely sign you! And the money I received before was from Jiaxi and Liang Cheng The hush fee, not the signing fee you gave me, you’d better understand this! Now that the contract given to me by Guanghuang Entertainment is more superior and their attitude is more sincere, it’s natural for me to choose them.”

Tao Ran hung up the phone. Too lazy to pay attention to them! Now that she has her back against the big tree, she is not afraid of offending the other person at all!

Sister Zhen: Go back and have a good rest and perform well tomorrow. The Rays are very optimistic about you now. Opportunities are all earned by yourself, and you must be solid at every step. You performed very well today.

The executives at the Rays were very satisfied after watching several videos, and almost couldn't believe that these were all randomly shot. What can be expressed in the studio is no problem in front of the camera. In such a state, if we don't go all out, wouldn't we be sorry for such a high traffic?

So the next day, when Tao Ran joined the team, several high-level executives of Raytheon also went directly to visit the team.

Tao Ran loves acting. Now that she has the opportunity, even if there are only three scenes, she has put a lot of enthusiasm into it.

In the play, she plays Luo Jiayu's cousin, a gambling and greedy woman.

In the first scene, she came to Luo Jiayu's character to borrow money, and with smooth words, she defrauded her cousin of the 20,000 yuan he had saved so hard.

In the second scene, Luo Jiayu discovered that her cousin's wallet was left at her home. She chased her to her cousin's house to return the wallet, but unexpectedly found that her cousin had entered a black casino.

In the third scene, the two had a big fight and broke up...

In fact, originally this cousin only had one scene, but for Luo Jiayu's sake, the screenwriter added two more scenes. Sister Zhen feels that the characters in these three scenes have changed a lot and are quite layered. They are just right to test Jiang Lan's current level.

Tao Ran, on the other hand, shocked everyone again.

We went to audition three times, but they were all stopped because of Luo Jiayu's problems. The director didn't even find any fault with her.

When filming officially started, she did it in one go.

From the moment she showed up, secretly looking up and down at her cousin, the image of a greedy villain with secret calculations and secret joys, and many evil intentions was fully realized. Facing her cousin, she boasted, her eyes sparkled, and even the corners of her eyes and brows showed calculations. She immediately controlled the scene, and even Luo Jiayu's performance was carried away by her. It was really brilliant.

Over and over again!

The director was surprised and the screenwriter was delighted.

The two looked at each other and called Tao Ran over, asking her to try out the remaining two scenes.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Tao Ran. There was no set, no one to act with, not even props, just no physical performance.

Even Luo Jiayu's lines were written by a screenwriter with non-standard Mandarin.

This requires actors to have a strong sense of belief, resilience and immersive devotion to the role.

As soon as the director shouted start, Tao Ran got into the mood in a second.

The image of a gambler in the market immediately appeared, and then she was caught and questioned. She went from panicking, pale denial, forced explanation, gradually losing control of her emotions, to finally angrily questioning God's injustice, screaming and roaring with tears streaming down her face... the whole thing was done in one go. .

The two scenes were directly connected in series, even if it was just a one-man show, even if she didn't memorize the entire word and relied on improvisation, her entire performance was smooth and highly contagious.

Just watching her performance for three minutes, everyone present felt that this character also had grievances and difficulties. There were many stories behind her, and they couldn't help but want to explore...

Wow, it turns out that Jiang Lan has such good acting skills! But why was she willing to be a housewife for so many years? Isn't this too wasteful?

The two executives from Guangguang immediately went to make a call.

Even Luo Jiayu was stunned.

Sister, your acting skills are too strong.

Luo Jiayu handed her a cup of coffee. You are better than the teacher Sister Zhen hired for me. It's a pity that you can only be on the set for three days. Otherwise, I really want to ask you for advice. The scene where you took me was so comfortable. I I caught that feeling right away, awesome!”

Tao Ran's attention was focused on the director and screenwriter, who had raised his eyebrows and was pulling Sister Zhen to whisper, I'm afraid... it may not only be three days.

She patted Luo Jiayu on the shoulder: Now that I have time, I can tell you about your problem.

Sister, you are really my sister! Luo Jiayu quickly pulled her to the lounge...

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Sister Zhen, the director and the screenwriter appeared in the lounge.

We want to add a drama to you. Set up your character and create a branch line. The director said cheerfully. Your role is no longer a guest appearance, at least... almost like that of the fourth female lead.

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