The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 503 The sister who overcame all obstacles 41

Posted on the wall is a watercolor painting.

Du Yun introduced it before the auction started.

This painting was made by thirty children from the donated mountain area:

In a remote mountainous area, a group of children opened their eyes hungry for knowledge, studied hard under difficult conditions, and worked hard to make progress. They all dreamed of having bright classrooms and beautiful campuses...

This painting is three meters long and two meters high. It is posted on the wall. It is mainly used as a display for the artists who are bidding, telling them that the donations received today will be used to renovate schools and classrooms for children in mountainous areas.

Du Yun was stunned, he didn't expect anyone to buy this.

It can be sold. How much do you want? She quickly replied on WeChat.

Probably, seven figures.

... Du Yun took a deep breath.

Is Jiang Lan such a tough guy? Isn’t it true that people cannot be judged by their appearance? Isn't she a housewife? Could it be that Liang Chengcai got married at an early age because his natal family was from a poor family? Or does Liang Cheng earn so much that he doesn't care about this little money? …

Du Yun quickly dismissed these messy questions in his mind.

My dear, this painting itself has no value. Are you sure you want to pay a high price?

When doing charity, your own behavior is the value. I like this painting and want to give it to my daughter. I hope she can also cherish her dreams and cherish the present.

Okay, then this painting will be the last item to be auctioned. My dear, please prepare it first.

Du Yun was excited.

It seems that the total amount raised tonight will be very beautiful, and her charity mission this year has been completed...

Tao Ran was not idle either, she started to make trouble.

There are three celebrities coming to Jiaxi tonight. In addition to Litmus, there is also a female singer and a male idol. Because of Tao Ran's several cuts, Jiaxi still had nothing to gain tonight.

The three of them are now under great pressure. If it’s not for themselves or the company, they have to shoot two things tonight, right?

But as time goes on, the selection of auction items becomes less and less.

And there are more and more non-physical items being auctioned.

Litmus gritted his teeth and set his sights on a set of crystal wine sets donated by the sponsors of the auction. This is the only thing she likes.

She held up a sign...

The amount soon reached 400,000, and all opponents had withdrawn.

Tao Ran stepped in again and offered five hundred thousand.

Litmus gritted his teeth in anger and had to add 50,000 yuan.

But Jiang Lan made another 700,000 yuan.

Litmus looked at Jiang Lan, who smiled at her. The provocation is clear in his smile.

The tips of Litmus' long nails dug into the palms of her hands, and she hated it so much.

If you continue to follow me, the price premium will be serious, and I don’t want to be taken advantage of, let alone lose this money. Why don't you go with her? She represents the company's reputation tonight and will be scolded if she goes back. Tonight, the three of them went all the way for nothing to make people laugh. Something seems wrong?

And they have been intercepted by Jiang Lan several times tonight. No matter how stupid they are, they can still see that the other party is taking the opportunity to retaliate against Jiaxi and Liang Cheng. Since Jiang Lan is so determined to win every time, so wealthy, and so unhesitating, this time the one-plus price is 200,000, obviously there is still a lot of room.

Then they...

Even if they can't fight for it, they can't let the troublesome Jiang Lan easily get the auction, right? She's so stubborn, she wouldn't mind if she shed more blood?

As a result, Litmus became fierce and her smile deepened.

Then I'll pay 800,000.

One million. As soon as Shi Rui finished speaking, Tao Ran immediately added another two hundred thousand.

One million and one hundred thousand.

1.3 million. Tao Ran still added 200,000 without hesitation, causing others to boo.

One hundred and four hundred thousand. Litmus was not in a hurry, smiling and adding one hundred thousand to the price amidst the applause from the left and right. Sister-in-law, do you want more?

Add! Tao Ran responded with a smile. One million six hundred and sixty thousand! Take a sign! This time she added twenty-six.

Then I'll take... 1.88 million, and take a sign! Shi Rui thought to herself, after the other party increased to 200, he would have to withdraw carefully.

But this time, seeing Jiang Lan not adding the numbers immediately, Shi Rui couldn't help but provoke her: Sister-in-law, what's wrong? Are you going to withdraw from the competition?

Tao Ran held his chin up.

Well, yes! I want to quit!

... Litmus choked for a moment. What? You're not going to play anymore?

Yes. I said, I called one, six, six, to get omens. Ruirui, after you call out one, eight, eight, there seems to be no particularly good numbers after that! So, why are you calling after me? What about auspicious numbers?

Tao Ran stretched out his hand to indicate Litmus.

So I'd better quit. Congratulations, Ruirui! This set of wine sets is really beautiful and suits you very well. It's crystal clear, extremely charming, and worth the money!

Litmus was about to faint.



What crystal clear! Are you calling her naive and easy to deceive?

What a value for money! Call her stupid?

The displeasure on Litui's face couldn't be restrained. The onlookers saw it in their eyes and smelled something slightly wrong. They couldn't help but wonder if the two people were having a feud?

But when a small item worth hundreds of thousands was sold to 1,880,000 yuan, the happiest people were none other than editor-in-chief Du Yun and the organizers. The host praised Jiang Lan and Li Rui.

Litui was so angry that he felt dizzy. What was the meaning of praising Jiang Lan for the money he spent?

She was so angry that even though many cameras were showing close-ups of her, she couldn't help but smile and ask Tao Ran: Sister-in-law, I heard that there is a good collection behind. I am optimistic about you. You must use a beautiful auspicious number. Win one of the coolest collectibles ever!”

Tao Ran stood up and welcomed all the lights that shone on her.

As a professional, she had already studied Jiang Lan's face. She showed the most decent smile and the most beautiful angle, and nodded to Litmus.

With your good words, sister will definitely work hard!

At this moment, there are only two types of comments floating around in the live broadcasts on several platforms. One is to protect Li Rui, thinking that Jiang Lan is a bit teasing, and has been targeting their family Ruirui, and the other is to Jiang Lan. Compliments on Lan’s temperament, demeanor and beauty...

The more Li Shirui thought about it, the angrier he became. He directly circled Liang Cheng among the artists in their company and asked him if he was watching the charity live broadcast. The yin and yang character asked him if he was doing it intentionally or unintentionally or if he was conniving.

The female singer and male idol who were equally unhappy also said a few words.

Before Liang Cheng could ask Aite what was going on, he was bombarded with WeChat text messages and phone calls from Mr. Zhang, Fei Ge, Shi Rui and others, and was scolded half to death.

He borrowed his colleague's cell phone to call his wife and found that his wife's phone was turned off.

While being scolded, he opened the live broadcast platform and found the program.

At this moment, the charity party has reached the last auction.

Editor Du pointed at the painting on the wall and solemnly introduced it again, hoping that everyone would donate generously. The starting price was 10,000 yuan.

Liang Cheng chuckled in his heart. If he were here, he would pay at most ten yuan for this shabby painting, no more.

However, as the camera flashed across the many placard-holders in the audience, he immediately locked onto his wife.

Du Yun was the first to signal to Tao Ran. Seeing this person's ability to raise prices, he planned to let her raise a high price first to warm up the atmosphere.

Tao Ran stood up gracefully, and in front of the cameras, her red lips parted slightly: Since I just expressed my intention to give you a lucky number, I can't break my promise. I will pay 6.66 million.

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