The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 495 The sister who overcame all obstacles 33

In one fell swoop, millions of dollars of property were removed. There was no way to call the police, no place to speak out, no one to beat, no one to scold, no one to say anything, and no place to say anything. What else in the world could be better? Is this more frustrating?

Oh no!

Not just a few million, but more than 20 million! It’s almost half of Liang Cheng’s savings over the years!

But he was so frustrated!

Maybe this is what people often say, that feeling that you can't stand but can't get rid of? It’s really uncomfortable!

Where can Liang Cheng still sleep?

I just wish I could beat that woman like a sandbag!

How dare you shamelessly admit to stealing? How dare you tell me clearly that you want to sell your things? Don’t you plan to give yourself a penny? How could there be such a vicious woman in the world? Dare you threaten yourself with a guarantee letter?


When he thought about the guarantee letter, Liang Cheng felt like he was bitten by insects. It was so uncomfortable!

I don’t know where the original copy of the guarantee is?

Yesterday, her parents helped them find her bag, but it was not in it... She just came back yesterday, where can she find the guarantee letter? Liang Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up. She came back yesterday and brought a suitcase, didn't she?

Could it be, in the box?

Liang Liang immediately got out of bed and then knocked on the door of his wife's room next door...

She can go into her room to look for things, why can't she go to her place to look for things? If she doesn't come back today, she can just rummage around.

After dozens of blows, the door was knocked open.

Liang Cheng began to rummage through boxes and cabinets.

He had dug out all Jiang Lan's bags and boxes. He couldn't remember which box she had dragged back yesterday.

What a search!

It was not in the suitcase, drawer, or cupboard. He touched every pocket of his clothes, and even looked under the mattress, but found nothing!

There is no guarantee letter from him, and there is no luxury goods Jiang Lan stole from him!

Liang Cheng was angry again.

He slapped Jiang Lan who was in the wedding photo several times, dusted everything on the table to the ground, kicked her onto the bed, jumped on the bed, punched and kicked her, and finally screamed Several times...

He was so angry.

The reason why he agreed to write the guarantee letter yesterday was because of Mr. Zhang's persuasion, saying that the guarantee letter was not scary, as long as he coaxed his wife back and tricked her into taking out the guarantee letter, or he secretly found a way to find the guarantee letter and tore it up, then he would do it. Both are clean.

At that time, he thought it made sense, so he wrote the letter of guarantee under that situation.

Thinking about it now, it was obvious that he underestimated how difficult this woman was yesterday!

If the letter of guarantee is not at home, where else could it be?

The only thing Liang Cheng thought of was Wu Xia, who briefly appeared yesterday.

Of course he knew that woman, she was his wife's former assistant. We haven’t seen each other for many years, but if she suddenly appears this time, what good thing can it be? How could Jiang Lan ever be so crazy when doing things in the past? Maybe it was this Wu Xia who instigated it!

Liang Cheng remembered that Wu Xia didn't like him before, so after he got married to Jiang Lan, he asked his superiors to kick her out of the company. She had always been doing well, and it was inevitable that she would hold a grudge against him.

So is this a way to take revenge on yourself?

No wonder that Xiaoxia followed Jiang Lan the whole time yesterday, either openly or covertly, thinking that the bank card and guarantee letter were all in her hands!

Wu——Xia—— Liang Cheng shouted the name word by word, and then smashed a cup.

It's time for him to find someone to keep an eye on this woman...

Liang Cheng didn't know that all his actions from the time he started knocking on the door were live broadcast and transferred to Tao Ran's mobile phone.

Tao Ran watched him jump up and down for a while, and now he started looking for someone to change the locks and tidy up the locks to restore him to his original state. She felt that if this man continued like this, she might really drive him into a psychosis.

Huh? Yes. In the plot, they made Jiang Lan a mental patient. Why can't it be him this time? Or, tit for tat, let him experience the life of being imprisoned in a small room of ten square meters, with no freedom, no enjoyment, scratching his head, and having to receive treatment every day, with no one believing and no one paying attention?

Got to add up.

Xiaoxia, hurry up and find a bodyguard. Tao Ran had already foreseen that the scumbag would have thoughts about Xiaoxia.

Well, I have been in this industry for more than ten years, and acquaintances have already introduced several candidates. I will go for an interview tomorrow night after meeting you and Guangming people. Sister Zhen will meet with the Guangming senior management tomorrow night. Jiang Lan.

Then I'll accompany you to the interview. Helping you select the experts.


Tao Ran knew that he had to hurry up.

Hurry up to sign a contract with the Rays, hurry up to show your value, and hurry up to get the protection of the Rays. By then, there will be someone responsible for the safety of them.

What Tao Ran and the others came to was an ecological area with pleasant scenery.

I don’t know if it’s because he was addicted to cultivation in the last world and lived in the mountains for many days when he returned to reality. Therefore, in this world, just a few days after returning to the city, Tao Ran felt that he had an excessive desire for nature all over his body. She almost couldn't wait to find a place with beautiful scenery to relax.

As soon as the car entered the mountainous area, Tao Ran felt refreshed.

With her eyes closed to rest her mind, she only realized that the green in the sea was a little richer.

She opened her eyes.

Could it be that the desire for greenery and vitality is not because of recent habits, but because of the aura sealed in the previous world?

She could almost feel the joy coming from deep in her soul?


do not care!

She couldn't change her habit, so she opened the window. She didn't want to waste any time and meditated to try to attract spiritual energy into her body...

Tao Ran and the others did not rent out the entire B\u0026B, but shared a building with two other strangers. Tao Ran intended for Keke to have more contact with the outside world and communicate with more people.

Because of her status, Coco's world is too small, so she needs to be taken to see more of the outside world. In addition to her parents, she can also be attached to the world, indulge in the beautiful scenery of green mountains and green waters, and focus on her own interests.

She needs to know that in addition to family affection, there are other emotions such as friendship, love, and many beautiful things and fun...

Time flew by.

Coco spent a very enjoyable two days and made two new friends and exchanged contact information.

As for Tao Ran, when he wasn't accompanying Coco on fishing and barbecue bonfire parties, he was either running, walking, practicing martial arts, or introducing qi into his body.

This world is the same as her real world. The spiritual energy is too thin. Even if you practice for a month, it is not as effective as practicing for an hour at Tianjian Peak in the previous world, so the speed of practice is very slow.

What made Tao Ran a little crazy was that the spiritual energy she introduced into her body was already very little, but only part of it was absorbed by Jiang Lan's body, and the rest... seemed to be swallowed up by her own green wood spiritual energy.

Fortunately, Tao Ran is not lacking in patience and perseverance. She does not have high demands and does not plan to become an immortal. She only wants to strengthen her body and help Jiang Lan earn back the lifespan she lost in the plot. She is satisfied.

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