The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 490 The sister who overcame all obstacles 28

Tao Ran clicked his tongue, no wonder these people do whatever they want, because to them, these ten million yuan is the same as spending one thousand yuan on themselves.

Maybe this is the happiness of a rich woman?

But...Wang Baolai only gave 10 million? Just ask for half the amount yourself?

Tao Ran smiled.

Wang Baolai didn't even have the intention to help Liang Cheng with a penny!

Maybe Liang Chengru was kicked away just like a broken ball?

Sure enough, this is what Secretary Wang Baolai meant on the phone:

Mr. Wang wants to tell you, you have to keep your mouth shut after receiving money. Liang Chengcheng is just a plaything. The game is over. He will never get into Mr. Wang's eyes again. Please don't worry.

Tao Ran smiled.

Oops, the money tree is gone, the scumbag should hate himself even more now! If you hate him a little, you have to give him some reasons to make mistakes, right?

Mr. Zhang also received the news at about the same time, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaolan, look, you also got half of the money. Can you put your phone...

I always keep my word! Tao Ran directly unlocked the phone and asked Mr. Zhang to check and delete it himself.

The phone belonged to Jiang Lan, so it was open and clear and had no secrets.

When she was recording videos, the phone was more of a prop than a shooting tool.

She touched her breast button - this was her tool.

The video, delete it!

She has something more complete!

Mr. Zhang checked all the mobile phone software, including the network disk, email and Penguin. After confirming that the video should have been deleted, he let out a heavy breath.

His phone rang again. After answering it, he said:

Wang Baolai paid 10 million, and Liang Cheng had to figure out a way for the remaining 10 million. Liang Cheng's payment for the first half of the year has been settled, but the payment from July to October has not yet been settled. Just now, the company's finance department After calculation, it’s not enough for 10 million.”

How much is less than 10 million? It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to find out how much the scumbag's annual income is.

More than six million.

More than six million in more than three months, a lot of money! The most important thing is that the scumbag is not hard-working. In the past two years, even filming has been difficult. Except for S-level and above movies, he almost only chooses variety shows and Do it live. Isn't it ridiculous that you can still earn so much while resting for most of a month?

Based on this conservative calculation, he earns at least 20 million a year. This does not include the wild work he took on privately. If you add those, it's at least twenty-five million. Coupled with the rich woman's subsidy, I'm afraid the number will be closer to three.

Tao Ran began to regret. If she had known that the rich woman was so happy, and if she had known that the scumbag earned so much, she should have killed 30 million when she just blackmailed her.

That’s all, the days are long.

Hurry up and sign a contract with the company, and you'll be able to make a lot of money soon. Mr. Zhang's mind was spinning very quickly.

Yeah, I think so too. That's weird. Go on and talk about the key points.

So, Mr. Lei and the others are now talking to Liang Cheng, asking Liang Cheng to come up with the remaining four million. What Liang Cheng means is that he and you are husband and wife, so...

So he doesn't want to give it, or does he think that the four million belongs to the husband and wife and just wants to refuse it? Tao Ran smiled: It's two different things! Please tell him that this money is compensation for his sorry for me and my children. It has nothing to do with the family property. I don’t care whether he gave this money or whether Jiaxi advanced it to him...

Tao Ran looked at his watch.

It is now four o'clock in the afternoon. In short, I will leave Jiaxi at five o'clock. If the money does not arrive, the agreement between us will be cancelled. I will return the money I received from Wang Baolai!

There are paparazzi downstairs, maybe someone is willing to spend money to buy my material. Although I have no evidence, maybe someone will believe me when I speak out from my own experience?

Don't be impatient! I will definitely help you! Mr. Zhang put on his kind face again, and then went to make a call...

Soon, Tao Ran's mobile phone received several more payments.

The total amount was 10 million, all received within an hour.

According to Mr. Zhang, Liang Cheng was trying to make excuses in various ways. He expected that the company was more anxious than him and wanted to use the company to settle the matter. The company got angry and decided to give him a good look. So the money Tao Ran got was advanced by the company.

The company demanded that Liang Cheng fill the four million hole as soon as possible. As for the method, it is to take jobs.

It is said that Brother Fei is already making arrangements. In the next period of time, Liang Cheng, in addition to his original work, will fill up his time with various business performances and acupuncture activities, which he previously despised.

Great! Tao Ran expressed satisfaction.

And one last thing! He hasn't apologized to me yet.

This is necessary. Mr. Zhang nodded.

The company has to do me a favor and warn him. Tao Ran lowered his eyes slightly, After all, he and I are going back to the same home. I'm a bit strong today... so I'm a bit scared.

Mr. Zhang said Of course, but he was rolling his eyes in his heart: Sister, I saw that you were not afraid at all when you called the police. You were not afraid when you stayed alone in Jiaxi to negotiate. You were not afraid when one person was facing many people in the conference room. You are really afraid. Is he Liang Cheng? If you were really afraid of him, would you push him to this point step by step?

Mr. Zhang smiled and said, I will beat Liang Cheng myself!

Ten minutes later, Tao Ran appeared in the conference room again.

Liang Cheng had just finished apologizing and thanking the company's senior executives. When he saw Jiang Lan, a cold light flashed in his eyes. If his sight could launch flying knives, Jiang Lan would be riddled with holes by now.

This woman caused him to lose a huge fortune, but she was still a great source of support for him to pick and choose jobs in the company. How many tricks did he use to hook up with Wang Baolai, and how much effort did he put into maintaining the treasure that he had kept for many years, just gone...

She also caused him to lose ten million, no, not just ten million, but countless amounts of money. It caused him to lose face, he couldn't hold his head high in the company, and was laughed at; it caused him to have no free time in the future; he lost his assistant, and he will be completely targeted by the company's informants in the future... Is there any justice? As a wife, how do you do this?

Especially at this moment when he saw his wife, who used to be quiet and demure in the past, ignoring him, passing over him, sitting down directly on the leather chair pulled out by Mr. Zhang, taking the coffee from the secretary, and sipping it slowly, Liang Cheng suddenly felt like The feeling of status reversal. This made him almost unbearable.

When he was still at war between heaven and man, hesitating on which attitude to adopt to deal with the situation, he was shocked.

The wife opposite him actually threw a whole cup of coffee in his face.

Liang Cheng jumped in shock several times: Nima! You psycho! Why are you crazy! My face... His face was burning. Liang Cheng was frightened and quickly took a photo of his handsome face while eating on the glass door. .

Facing the inquiring looks of several vice presidents, the secretary said softly: It's been cooked and brought here. It's not very hot. It's just generally hot.

Liang Cheng was so angry that the smell of coffee mixed with the smell of perfume on his body was inexplicably unpleasant. He suddenly thought that this coffee had just been drunk by Jiang Lan. There was still her saliva in it, right?

After thinking about it like this, he couldn't help but rush to the bathroom!

Tao Ran didn't think there was any problem. She is a female celebrity, and it is indecent to spit in front of him. Wouldn't it be okay to spit in another way?

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