The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 401 My senior sister is the best 18

Tao Ran didn't want to speculate, let alone be frightened. Changfeng saw that she was stubbornly digging into the details, so he could only say a few more words to her.

The wood spiritual energy of the magic vine is as rich as the real wood spirit, so as long as its evil energy is dispelled and its nature is purified, it can be used...

But aren't you saying that the devil vine is the devil vine and its nature is hard to change?

So, I have to work hard for you. You have to take it to temper it in the real Heavenly Tribulation Thunder and Heavenly Punishment Thunder. You will soon face the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation, and then you can give it a try. The Heavenly Thunder can To eliminate all the evil spirits and evil spirits in the world, if it doesn’t work once, then do it twice; if it doesn’t work twice, then do it four times. One day, its evil spirit will be cleansed away.”

But... it's too much trouble. She was very busy, why did she do this?

Compared to other spiritual energies, thunder spirit energy is the least. Mu Yin Lei can do twice the result with half the effort for you and Yun Xi's practice. Thunder Dang Demon just complements each other. There is no harm, why not do it?

Of course, he would not remind Tao Ran that when she experiences the thunder tribulation, because of the influence of the wood spirit energy, the thunder she will experience will definitely be twice that of ordinary people!

However, this is definitely a good thing for her soul.

Of course, letting her keep the wood spirit had another more important benefit.

You borrowed Yun Xi's body to practice in this world. When you leave in the future, you won't be able to take anything you gain with you. Including spiritual energy.

But the demonic vine has already given birth to a spirit. If its demons are removed, it is a spirit. You can't take away the breath, but you can try to take away the spirit. When you refine it into a ball of pure spirit, use the sealing technique I just taught you to force that ball of spirit into your soul. Regardless of whether your Taoran soul can absorb it, that is all you can really do. Got it.

The wood spirit carries the vitality of all things. If it succeeds, not only will the power of your soul be greatly enhanced, but the powerful regeneration ability may allow you to not be afraid of the constraints in the soul. If I were you, I would definitely try!

Tao Ran roughly understood.

Indeed, for her, as long as she could survive, as long as she could break the curse, and as long as she could escape Elizabeth's control, she had to give it a try!

Otherwise, girl, do you still have the wine you drank in the cave?

When the old man suddenly said this, there was hope in his eyes.

Tao Ran only found it funny.

Yes, there's still about a hundred catties left. So what? His old man is just a wisp of soul, and her wine cannot be delivered to him at all!

Just have it!

There was a smile on Changfeng's lips.

Then, the old man handed Tao Ran the soul-raising technique he had promised to teach before, and waved his hands one after another: Go! Go into the thunderstorm! Keep a little while to control the thunder, and practice it with your thunder sword by the way. Refining the magic vines, and then stabilizing the soul-raising technique!

... Is this asking her to do more than one thing? You really commend your disciples!

She thought that at most she could only do three things at once.

But she was still wrong.

She held the sword and entered the thunderstorm. She felt the taste as soon as she started swinging the sword to control the thunder.

Her heart is useless for anything!

This is completely different from the last time Yun Xi came to practice.

The thunder struck down intensively in an instant.

Not only fierce, but also fast!

This frequency is at least twice that of Yun Xi.

When he discovered that the more she blocked it with her sword, the thunder came down like rain, Tao Ran then remembered that it was not the cause of the thunder! Her sword was filled with a large amount of wood spiritual energy, which was attracting thunder and resisting thunder at the same time.

This is like a funnel, filling on one side and leaking on the other.

Want to know the results?

It depends on who is faster!

Is she crazy?

In just ten seconds, she was struck by lightning so much that she seemed to be able to smell her own flesh. Where is the little fairy with fluttering clothes that we promised?

Thinking of the appearance in the cave that was blown up by thunder when she took out the water mirror, she still touched her hair without giving up.

That damn dry feel, the explosive momentum that soared into the sky... Fortunately, when she entered the thunderstorm area, she deliberately changed into a high-level robe, so that she wouldn't be too embarrassed...

She thought to herself that Yun Xi and Lei Jian had already connected with each other. Why should she ask for trouble? She could stand outside the thunderstorm and practice sword fighting against demons, right?

So, she threw the sword directly in the center of the thunderstorm, communicated with the thunder sword, raised her energy and ran out.

However, she found that she could not escape from the thunderstorm area at all...

After running for dozens of miles, she was still so far away from the shore!

She glanced at the shadow floating in the air: How did you do it!

The old man snorted: I created this secret realm, you can just do whatever you want! I told you to stay in peace and quiet for a while. Come out again after seven days!

Seven days?

More than half of the twenty days in the secret realm have passed, and Tao Ran still wants to wander around to see if he can find some other opportunities! If you wait another seven days, wouldn't that mean you only have one day left for yourself?

Tao Ran could no longer resist the thunder. All she could do was to run away in a hurry to minimize the number of times she was hit by the thunder.

Glancing at the old man, he saw a smile on his face.

Ancestor, you can't take my jokes as a joke! I'm still kind to you! You're so unkind!

The old man grinned:

Stop talking nonsense! Seven days! You will be able to come out by then! Raise the thunder sword and use the soul refining technique I just taught you! Hurry up!

The long wind stroked my long beard...

This girl will soon face the catastrophe of Nascent Soul. Judging from her and Yun Xi's qualifications, God will not treat them lightly, so the thunder tribulation given to them must be extraordinary.

But now her natal magic weapon has been lured by him to add such powerful wood spirit energy. In order to prevent her from being unable to withstand it, he will help her practice and get familiar with it now.

In addition, any skill can be understood and used in the fastest and best way under crisis. Especially for soul refining, when you are nervous, the stimulation to your soul will be great, and you can get twice the result with half the effort during practice.

The old man saw that Tao Ran was gradually able to withstand thunder from time to time while he was exhausted from running for his life, and he nodded slightly...

He had to pay more attention to this child.

She is the hope of the sect and Yun Xi's expectation. He himself hopes that she will succeed in the end. He has to give more anyway.

Time passed bit by bit.

For Tao Ran, life was indeed like a year in the beginning.

But while escaping, she found a way to control the aura of the thunder sword.

Soon, her sword was able to switch between two aura modes. It can be domineering thunder power, or it can be vitality and wooden intention.

Just like a switch, you can switch it at will.

And she also went back and forth between the two modes under Changfeng's order.

She soon felt better.

Just like taking a sauna, between hot and cold, it promotes blood circulation.

There are many benefits!

This physical activity, which is similar to body training, is no worse than practicing meditation in a place with sufficient spiritual energy. She could feel that her Dantian and consciousness seemed to be expanding all the time.

The seven days are up and the thunderstorm zone is no longer restricted.

Tao Ran was still thinking about whether to practice for another day, and when he was about to speak, he realized that the old man was missing.

But at this moment, the lake beneath her feet suddenly emptied out for some reason, and she fell straight into the water.

More updates~Thank you Xiaoyao for the 10,000 rewards, thank you~

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