Half an hour before the monster was released, what was supposed to come finally came.

In the forest, another hail of arrows struck.

I have to say that the other party picked a good time.

At this time, when they were taking final rest and most anxious, this unexpected attack really surprised them.

Moreover, they were obviously fooled.

In this second round of attacks by the opponent, the number of arrows once again told them that the opponent's number far exceeded their expectations.

And when the No. 3 Mountain side immediately responded with a string of arrows, they found that the opponent was well hidden, and almost all of the more than twenty arrows they fired fell into vain.

Tao Ran was depressed: You guys joined forces?

Mountain No. 1 and Mountain No. 2 have cooperated - this is the only way to explain the current situation. And since two days ago, they have been deceived up and down Mountain No. 3!

After Tao Ran asked this question, he heard No. 22's laughter: I know now, it's too late!

No. 22 was hiding behind a tree, feeling very proud.

Two days ago, they indeed went to Mountain No. 1 to grab points.

But those rubbish guys on Mountain No. 1 all scored pitifully little. Even if you get all the points from Mountain No. 1, it won't be enough to cover the points of several people.

Therefore, the group of people on Mountain No. 2 simply proposed cooperation: Anyway, no matter how hard they rob, they can't get enough points, they might as well live in peace for the time being, and then work together to grab Mountain No. 3.

The group of people on Mountain No. 1 naturally responded.

The mission player with the fewest points on Mountain No. 3 has a score of over 7,500. As long as they grab one, the points mission will be full!

He's going to die anyway! What else is there to be afraid of?

Why not give it a try?

In this way, everyone on the two mountains gathered together and began their conspiracy.

They guessed that the people on Mountain No. 3 must be watching them, so they made a lot of smoke bombs.

They deliberately made a lot of noise and made people cry and howl, making everyone on Mountain No. 3 think that they were constantly fighting over Mountain No. 1.

In the past two days, they have also made a lot of preparations.

For example, they have woven green tree clothing for themselves, blending into the leafy forest, blending in with the greenery, making it difficult to detect.

For example, they exchanged points for a lot of weapons. They knew that as long as they got the points from Mountain Man No. 3, the cost would be completely negligible.

They had been moving quietly in the middle of the night, and during the day they found cover to recharge their batteries. With their camouflage, it was impossible for Mountain Man No. 3 to detect them.

They also have a complete plan.

They have to wait until the last moment before the monster is released.

They have inquired very clearly. Most of the preparations made by the people on Mountain No. 3, such as power grids and traps, are actually prepared for brainless monsters. And these things won't do much harm to them.

Their numbers are huge, twice as many as the other's.

Under the pressure of numbers, if they could catch them by surprise, they would not be able to lose.

The best plan is to capture the group of people on Mountain 3 within half an hour and gain as many points as possible.

Of course, if the fight is difficult, just kill as many people as possible, score as many points as possible, and delay as much as possible.

Because of their planning goals, scoring points is only one of them. They want to kill people with borrowed knives! No, to be precise, it should be to use the land to kill monsters!

When the monsters were released into the green space of the valley, there was a lot of movement on Mountain No. 3, and blood energy spread, which would surely attract more than 90% of the monsters to Mountain No. 3. Then the other two mountains will be safe.

Whenever they see a monster going up the mountain and through the forest, no matter how many points they get from the group No. 44, they will evacuate as quickly as possible.

As long as they find a way to go down the mountain and return to the other two mountains, they can avoid the biggest crisis.

Riding the tiger away from the mountain - this was the only way they could survive twelve hours when faced with the siege of tens of thousands of monsters.

When the time comes, if you have enough points, just hide and wait for the game to end.

If you don't have enough points, go find those monsters that are alone to get points.

In short, the fragrant group of people on Mountain No. 3 were enough to keep those stupid monsters hanging there for more than ten hours!

This plan was thought up on the 22nd and was unanimously approved by the people of both mountains...

No. 22 also relied on several suggestions, and these two, who now have 5,000 points and are the best in the team, finally became the leader of the two-mountain operation.

In fact, at midnight last night, a group of seventy people had arrived at the foot of Mountain No. 3.

No. 22 and the others had laid an ambush here before. They knew that this was the blind spot of Mountain No. 3 and would be difficult for the other party to detect, so they organized their men to quietly settle down at the foot of the mountain, making preparations while just waiting for the last moment to arrive.

They knew that dozens of hours before the monster arrived, No. 44 and others would definitely be on guard against them and would keep on patrol. They would have no chance to go up the mountain.

So they can only wait.

And an hour and a half ago, as expected, all the patrolmen were transferred back to the mountain to make final preparations to meet the monster.

Their chance has come.

They quietly went up the mountain, and finally lurked in the dense forest, moving slowly.

Seeing that there was only half an hour left before the monster was released, they began to take action.

Fifty arrows were shot out in unison, a show of force.

But their people and the trees were integrated, and the other party's arrows came at them randomly, but without any effect.

On the contrary, their offense was very effective. After two rounds of shooting, the opponent was shocked and retreated directly behind the power grid...

No. 22 raised his chin.

In fact, he personally has another backup plan.

In the past few days, he had already grasped the points status of everyone in the team by relying on his identity as leader and persona as an ability user.

He lied when he revealed his points before. He was afraid of monsters and had killed three monsters in total. He was also robbed twice. Where did he get the five thousand points?

In fact, his points are less than two thousand.

He simply couldn't complete the points by relying on killing monsters.

He had already thought about it.

If the attack on No. 3 Mountain failed, he would have no choice but to attack his own people.

He could do something in the middle of a melee, or he could make a surprise attack when the monster was in chaos up the mountain and he was leading people to escape.

Hehe, he is the leader of the team. If he wants to attack from behind, why not kill them all in one go?

Tao Ran and the others saw that the other party was well hidden and difficult to shoot, so they strategically retreated behind the power grid.

In this way, when the opponent attacks, they are bound to be ambushed one after another.

In this regard, No. 100 is very confident.

Before the Stone Forest, they dug a total of ten trenches, which were distributed near the power grid. They also have a large number of leg ropes, just waiting for the rabbit. You can't avoid this group of people!

However, however...

They were still wrong.

When the group on No. 22 attacked, they easily avoided the leg ropes and perfectly avoided all the trenches.

Of those 70 people, not one fell into the pit!

Such a large-scale coincidence definitely does not exist!

Traitor? Of course it’s impossible!


They thought about it.

The one who can do this is naturally the one who broke the oath, No. 98.

Angrily, Tao Ran climbed up the stone pillar, and sure enough, he quickly found the woman hiding behind the opponent's team, who was reminding them of the location of the trap.

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