A new system message has arrived.

It shows that there are only 265 existing game players.

There are dozens more people missing.

Everyone was silent for a few seconds.

Look! Someone suddenly shouted, breaking the dull atmosphere.

I saw a thick black smoke coming out of the mountains.

Looking at the direction, it seems to be close to the green area of ​​the valley.

The thick smoke blocked the view, and it was impossible to see clearly for a while.

Black smoke billowed, and within a short while, it filled the air.

The heat wave is coming, and the fires in the mountains have started.

Oops! Tao Ran figured it out.

If there was no thunder, where would the wildfire come from?

This fire must be man-made.

It is not autumn or winter now, the trees are dense and the water is abundant. The fire is so fierce that it is definitely beyond the ability of one or two people. If you want to start a fire, you must exchange a large amount of flammable oil in the mall to make the fire out of control.

Mountain No. 1 was in chaos, and it was impossible for everyone on the mountain to unite with the outside world.

So the only ones who can do this are the group of people on Mountain No. 2.

And they are the only ones who can do such a thing.

The most ferocious people gathered on Mountain No. 2. This group of people should have formed a group long ago. They must have seen hundreds of monsters heading towards the green space just now, so they thought of this.

There is a fire under the No. 2 mountain. The monsters are afraid and must stay away. Then naturally, hundreds of monsters can only go to both sides. In this way, Mountain No. 2 can be preserved, but Mountain No. 1 and Mountain No. 3 will be unlucky.

Tao Ran's suspicion was quickly confirmed.

The man who went to observe the boulder on the mountainside reported back on the 11th that the fire was burning between the No.2 mountain and the green space. The monster is afraid of fire, and now it is running rampant to avoid the source of the fire...

In this way, what they will face on Mountain No. 3 soon may be at least two hundred monsters.

This number is frightening.

Although they had killed more than thirty monsters in one go just now, they still spent a lot of effort on the premise that the monsters were relatively scattered.

Just imagine if monsters attack in large numbers, with their level of fighting, it would be difficult to escape and save their lives, let alone complete kills and points.

When everyone was silent, Tao Ran strode towards No. 100.

Everyone fell silent and looked at her.

Tao Ran stood in front of No. 100: If you replace the generator, what can you build? How much time will it take? How sure are you?

As long as there is electricity, we can modify electric weapons and tools, and the power grid is no problem! Since those monsters are afraid of fire, they must also be afraid of electricity. As long as there is electricity and we cooperate with traps, we will be more confident! There are tools in the mall, I can Yes. If you build a power grid, it won’t be that fast. But once the power grid is up, the effect will be great. When the time comes, no matter how many monsters come, they will be able to stop them, and we will have nothing to fear!

Then I'll change!

This time, it's really necessary.

When she wants to leave this world, it’s not just the points that she has, she has to stay for twenty days! This mountain top is now her habitat and must be preserved. Otherwise, let alone protecting others, she would have nowhere to go!

Moreover, this second round of missions has just begun, and the difficulty will only increase more and more, and the number of monsters will only increase.

She asked herself, if she were to challenge those monsters alone, let alone one against a hundred, one against ten, or even one against three, she would not be an opponent.

Also, those villains on Mountain No. 2 have used up their points now, and I’m afraid they’ll come looking for them soon!

They have to guard against monsters here, and they also have to guard against people!

Rather than ranking first in the standings, having the three major honors blinding everyone, and being jealous of Mu Xiu and Lin, it is better to keep a low profile and hide it from everyone! It’s better to increase your defense! Just spend it all on this mountain!

So, change it!

Anyway, the way to get points has been announced, which is to kill.

It happens to be what she is good at now!

There is still plenty of time for the mission, and she is willing to work hard with her teammates!

Under the grateful eyes of everyone, Tao Ran opened the mall and redeemed 9999 points, the most valuable generator.

Tao Ran looked at the 2120 points he had left. For a moment, he felt like he had returned to a few days ago, and his heart was full of emotions. Just as she was about to close this annoying panel, she saw the page jump, showing that if she added 100 points, she could get another set of material packs along with the generator.

It’s all changed, it’s just 100%.

Confirm the exchange?

She clicked yes again.

When a generator and a small box appeared in front of them, everyone did not pay much attention to the machine. Instead, they followed No. 100 and bowed to Tao Ran.

9999 points, even for No. 44, it seems not difficult to obtain these points, but after all, this is enough points to complete the points task! What kind of courage and sense of responsibility does it take to make up your mind to start from scratch?

Many people ask themselves, if it were them, would they be able to do it?

Most people think no!

The charisma displayed by No. 44 several times impressed them from the bottom of their hearts! Let them be willing to listen to her instructions without questioning the reason, and let her go wherever she goes!

For a while, everyone asked No. 100 what else he needed, and they were willing to do their part to exchange for the needed items in the mall.

No. My points are quite high, use mine first!

After thanking Tao Ran, No. 100 went about his business exchanging a bunch of materials.

I thank you all! He hugged everyone.

At this time, once again, everyone's chest was shaken.

Opening the panel, Tao Ran saw that although her honors of Golden Player and Mall Monopoly were gone, there was another rainbow-colored achievement on her number plate.

System message: Congratulations to the player for 4* and achieving the Spend a Lot of Money achievement.

The whole screen turns red.

I can't keep a low profile again!

Tao Ran took a deep breath, deeply suspecting that the system was targeting her. In this way, wouldn’t it lead to people’s imagination? Others don't know that she is a generator of exchange, and they don't know how many exciting and coveted materials she, a rich man, has exchanged!

Is this an honor or a trap?

Just when he was about to scold, he saw the second half of Piao Hong's sentence: Congratulations to player No. 4* for obtaining 1,000 achievement reward points. Please keep up your efforts and unlock more honors...

Seeing that his score had reached 3020, Tao Ran felt a little more comfortable.

This system is not completely inhumane after all.

But as soon as Tao Ran turned off the panel, he caught a glimpse of the bitter look on No. 100's face.

The generator is solar powered! No. 100 almost cried.

Need sunlight?


And the sun has gone down, so it is impossible to store energy in the solar panels today. Therefore, the wave of monsters that may arrive before tomorrow morning will most likely not be dealt with by generators.

Tao Ran covered his chest and stared at the sky with hatred! What a loss!

Why didn't you mention before that the generator you were given was solar powered?


Feeling distressed!

Seeing the monsters coming from the green space to the mountains on both sides in an endless stream, what else could they do?

I am destined to stay up all night tonight.

While there was still time, they could only quickly roll up their sleeves and prepare.

Until No. 100 gets the generator and develops electric weapons, all they can rely on is their hands.

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