The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 21 We are all good sisters13

A quarter of an hour later, the wine was bought.

Several people sat down and drank together.

Tao Ran was no longer polite this time. Although Ye Qin's drinking capacity was not that good, it was no problem to drink four ounces of white wine.

So, she didn't hesitate at all at the wine table. After drinking down Duan Jiao's toast, she toasted three more glasses of wine to the four people.

And the effect she wanted was immediately revealed.

She had just eaten a large bowl of noodles before returning to the apartment, and had just eaten a bag of French fries when she had nothing to do. She was not afraid of drinking when she was full. After drinking a few glasses of red wine, she felt a little tipsy.

But compared to those few people, he had gone to the bathroom twice, and his stomach was already empty. After a few quick drinks, the effects are immediate.

Pan Ya blushed, grabbed Duan Jiao's arm, and asked her to quickly give her the money to buy red wine.

Duan Jiao was drunk and scolded her for not being on the stage. When he pushed her away, Pan Ya turned over a red wine bottle with a heavy hand.

The red wine spread on the table. Yan Xiaoyu was afraid that her designer coat would be stained, so she jumped up and ran into Duan Jiao while retreating...

Feng Manman was the worst drinker and was already lying on the table.

After another glass of wine, Tao Ran also pretended to be dizzy, shouted I can't do it anymore and fell down on the sofa. His voice became quieter and quieter, but his breathing became heavier.

Yan Xiaoyu, who drank the best, soon came to Ye Qin's side. A closer look revealed that Ye Qin had fallen asleep. She tentatively pulled Ye Qin and said she would continue drinking.

But Ye Qin only moved slightly, shrank his neck, and continued to sleep.

This made Yan Xiaoyu finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Duan Jiao, who was half-drunk over there, also grabbed Ye Qin. After confirming that Ye Qin was drunk, she signaled Yan Xiaoyu to make a phone call quickly.

Yan Xiaoyu stood up and stood at the balcony door, looking at Ye Qin, and made a phone call in a low voice.

Yanyan, I've got it done here. Now ask the people in the hotel to talk quickly. Yes, yes, just this amount, no more! They will definitely agree. Yes, she was drunk here, and she couldn't speak, so she could only say everything The company makes the decision. Don't worry, I'll pay for it. I won't make it difficult for you, I'm sorry...

Tao Ran listened and realized that all his previous guesses were true.

It was previously speculated that this matter was related to Wan Yan, but now it was confirmed.

Even if Ye Qin listens to it with his own ears, this phone call is enough to clarify Ye Qin's doubts. The reason why the other party was able to take photos and frame her was because of the conspiracy of these four sisters!

These people are not innocent at all!

What's funny is that after hanging up the phone, Yan Xiaoyu knelt down next to Ye Qin and tried to grab her hand on Ye Qin.

The hand first searched in the plush pocket of her coat, but failed to find the target, then reached into the pocket of her jeans.

Ye Qin understood immediately.

I want her cell phone!

Yes, as long as her cell phone is turned off, the initiative over the compensation issue is immediately in their hands.

Oh, don’t even think about it!

Yan Xiaoyu couldn't find the phone in Ye Qin's jacket pocket or the back pocket of her jeans. She guessed that the thing could only be in her inner sweater pocket or the front pocket of her jeans.

So, she stretched her hand through Ye Qin's coat...

But who would have thought that Ye Qin would suddenly scream, shouting help while dancing and kicking.

She waved her hands in the air, slapped Yan Xiaoyu's head, and slapped Yan Xiaoyu's face with her claws. She kicked her legs quickly and violently several times. Not only did she kick Yan Xiaoyu hard in the abdomen, but she also squatted down. She was kicked over directly.

Poor Yan Xiaoyu, not only was he punched and kicked, the back of his head was also banged on the coffee table.

Help, help! However, it was Ye Qin who was shouting at the top of his lungs with tears in his eyes.

Duan Jiao, who was sitting on the sofa next to her and was already half drunk, woke up and rushed over to hug Ye Qin...

Ye Qin's misty eyes gradually became clear, and two lines of tears fell down.

As for Yan Xiaoyu, who was pushed to the ground, she was holding her stomach and was still confused. Wasn't she the one who should cry, complain, and feel wronged? She couldn't help but ask herself: Did she accidentally scratch Ye Qin's wound just now?

Ye Qin was so excited, gasping for breath, her voice was trembling: I...I just fell asleep? I thought I was in the hotel, and I dreamed of the robber! He came to pull me, and I didn't want to be taken away by him. , can only resist...

Tao Ran looked at Yan Xiaoyu who was stunned, and finally managed to stop smiling.

Yan Xiaoyu's embarrassment was not just due to the fall, but also because she had a palm print on the left side of her face, and several bloody marks on her right face from Ye Qin's long nails, and her hair was spread out on top of her head like a chicken coop.

So I just hit you, Xiaoyu? Ye Qin looked surprised: I'm sorry, I drank too much. But Xiaoyu, why did you catch me just now?

... Yan Xiaoyu faltered: I... I saw you had fallen asleep, so I wanted to wake you up. You might catch a cold if you sleep here.

Oh, thank you. Thanks to your catch, I'm mostly sober.


Duan Jiao's eyes were filled with fire, and she glared at Yan Xiaoyu fiercely. She was a person who failed to succeed but failed more than failed! She's so stupid, forget it! I finally had such a good opportunity, but I missed it again!

Duan Jiao: Qinqin, I was also frightened awake by the laughter. How about we give her a few more drinks?

Ye Qin noticed that the phone in his sweater pocket was vibrating. He looked outside and saw that it was almost dawn.

Well, it’s time to get to work!

I have a headache and feel uncomfortable all over, so I won't drink. Ye Qin apologized and looked at Yan Xiaoyu and the two. I have to go back and get some sleep.

Yeah. They both nodded. Good sleep, go to sleep quickly. Qinqin, thank you for your hard work.

I'm dizzy, maybe I need to sleep a little longer...

Don't worry, we won't disturb you. It's best to sleep to death.

And... Ye Qin looked at Pan Ya who was drunk...

The two people immediately understood: Don't worry. Yaya can go to the Xiaoyu room to rest first, and I won't disturb you. You have a good rest.


Tao Ran's acting skills were improving, his steps were sloppy, and he was still half drunk. With the help of the two people, he returned to the house...

The door was closed, and after Tao Ran lay down comfortably, he took out his cell phone.

Still Sister Cai.

They said compensation was really out of the question, but the other party insisted that three million was the bottom line.

This time, Tao Ran was not in a hurry to reply.

It was also at this time that she heard the noise outside and stood by the door to listen.

It turned out that the drunk Feng Manman vomited and ended up vomiting on Pan Ya. Pan Ya also drank too much and was not clear-headed. She was used to being bullied in the group, and she was worried and anxious because she could not contact Xiao Tian. Now she was dirty, and her resentment for many days was taking advantage of the smell of alcohol to escape. So, she pushed Feng Manman away and cursed at the same time.

Feng Manman was not depressed because Ye Qin stole the role again. Now even Pan Ya dared to point her nose and scold her, so naturally she exploded.

The two of them just struggled together, scolding each other, grabbing each other's hair, yelling and kicking...

If it were normal, Duan Jiao and Yan Xiaoyu, who were worried at the moment, would definitely not care about this nonsense. But they were so worried that they were full of things to say, and they were even more afraid that such a loud noise would wake Ye Qin up again and ruin their affairs.

So the two of them had to rush forward and pull them apart...

Tao Ran gently turned the door handle and opened it a crack...

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