Chapter 94

As a result, the other party was half-dead with anger, but fortunately, the leader had been so popular for a long time, and finally healed.

Nonsense “Stop talking, uncle brat, I will show you how good I am.

As soon as the leader’s voice fell, he raised his weapon and slashed towards this side quickly.When he started, Fang Han had already seen clearly that this person was just a martial artist’s sixth-layer cultivation base, and it was simply not enough to see. of.

And his little brother is not good at cooking anymore, the highest is only the martial artist’s triple cultivation base, look at the group of young people, the highest is the martial artist eightfold, and the lowest has the martial artist’s fivefold cultivation base.

Fang Han didn’t know that this group of people had been treated with medicine now, and he was just wondering why his cultivation base was so high, but he just couldn’t win.

After seeing what they were wearing, Fang Han automatically found them a reason.

Forget it, anyway, it’s a group of wealthy people in the family. It’s probably because the family is spoiled. This cultivation base should be filled with pill, otherwise, how could it not win.

Just as he was thinking about it, the man in front of him was about to fall on his head with his big sword.

Not to mention, the full-strength of Wuzhe Sixth Layer’s momentum is actually quite scary, just say that the leader came over with a stab, and the leaves that fell on it were shaken by this momentum.

However, Fang Han just took a casual glance, then flashed to the side, avoiding the attack.

And the bandit didn’t expect this stinky boy to escape, and his arm was numb.

Fang Han saw that the footsteps shifted to the back of this person, and then he kicked it directly, but he didn’t reserve any strength at this time.

Seeing that the bandit in front of him had just stood firm, a strong force came from behind and directly flew it out. The speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping.


The bandit hit a big tree directly, which was considered as a smashed one after the get out of class. There were cracks on the big tree, and the leaves on it fell down and spread all over the ground.

And after the leader hit him, he couldn’t get up. He almost felt that his waist was about to break.

After a long time, the little brother under his hand reacted and ran over to support him in a hurry.

Boss “Boss, are you okay, boss, how are you??”

“Hurry, hurry, hold on, boss, slow down, slow down.”

After the little brothers had tossed for a long time, they helped the leader up, and saw that the man had been hit with a bruise and swollen face, and he couldn’t stand up straight.

Fang Han smiled when he saw what the other person looked like.

“Oh, I’m so embarrassed. I don’t know why I took such a heavy shot just now. I don’t know how to save some hands to save you face. This is fine. You have a black nose and a swollen face. It didn’t take a few days. But I can’t go down.”

“Cough cough cough, but yeah, that’s me. I just grabbed some things when I looked at you. I didn’t have time to kill someone. I’ll let you go today. You can see if I’m a good person.”

After the group of bandits listened, there was no way to tell that this man was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

After the leader stared at him viciously, he said in a vicious voice, “Let’s go!”

As soon as they finished speaking, before they could turn around, Fang Han’s voice faintly came from behind.

“When did I say to let you go?”

“What do you want? You beat me like this.”

Fang Han was a bit innocent, “If you didn’t act on me just now, I wouldn’t fight back, and you wouldn’t be like this. It’s all yours, why are you still pushing on me now? Up.”

“Furthermore, I gave you a chance to let you go before, but you didn’t go. Who blamed it, now? I didn’t plan to do anything to you. It’s not that I still have some conditions to say.

“You still have conditions?”

Fang Han smiled.

“Why can’t I have the conditions? So, I don’t want more. Looking at your tattered looks, and knowing that your life is not easy, just give me all the things you grabbed before.”

Everyone: “…

After a long while, one of the bandits only expected Ai Ai to speak.

“Boss, we have met black people.

The leader glared at the man and scolded his mother.

Doesn’t he know that this person wants to eat black food? But the point is that this is too big a mouth, and when you say it, it is all the things they grabbed before. Who doesn’t know that a group of people came in before and never again. go out.

But this was just arranged by others, and they really didn’t have anything to do with them, and that group of people had definitely gone out.

The leader took another deep breath, “Do you see if this is too much? Our group of people also have to live, and somehow we have to keep a little bit.” and.


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