Chapter 72: Dumbfounded Fang Qingya (seeking subscription)

After returning home, what surprised Fang Han was that Fang Qingya was still waiting for him in the living room.

“It’s almost ten o’clock, you haven’t slept yet?”

He raised his brows and said.

“Well, I’m a little scared at home alone, so I just want to wait for you to come back to sleep.”

Fang Qingya stood up and said with a slightly red face.

She would not admit that she was worried that Fang Han stayed at Ning Yuechan’s house and could not fall asleep until she decided to wait in the living room.

If Fang Han hasn’t returned at ten o’clock, she will be ready to call.

“Are you alone?”

Fang Han gave her a weird look.

You know, before he crossed, Fang Qingya often didn’t come home at night, preferring to sleep in a working place rather than going home.

People who are so courageous, will they be afraid?

What a lie!?

“Brother, let me help you hang up your coat.”

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Fang Qingya’s face, and 25 hurried to Fang Han’s side, preparing to hang up Fang Han’s coat.

However, as soon as she walked in, she felt a faint smell of perfume coming from Fang Han.

This taste…

Isn’t it the perfume smell on Ning Yuemu’s body?

She thought to herself quietly while taking over the coat.

[But, because the host discovered that his brother smelled of other women, the host triggered a random task!)

[Random task: The vixen is obviously stealing fishy, ​​you can’t fall behind!][Quest content: Fang Qingya, this stinky woman, must have taken the opportunity to eat his brother Fang Han’s tofu. Since the host wants to become the strongest warrior, he must act, go on, and warm up his bed!][Failure Penalty: Cultivation Level -3]

Success【Reward: Huang-level top grade martial arts·handling·bibo palm][Remarks: Please complete the task before the elder brother goes to bed, otherwise the task will fail. ”


What does this have to do with becoming the strongest warrior!!

Moreover, the cultivation level of -3 is too much, right? If the mission fails, wouldn’t it be an ordinary person?

After reading the content of the task and the penalty for failure.

Fang Qingya was immediately trapped.

“What’s wrong?”

Fang Han looked at Fang Qingya who was still standing still, and asked with a slightly frowned brow.

“No, nothing.

Fang Qingya recovered after hearing the words, and shook her head in a panic.

It’s just that his complexion has become even redder than before.

“I’m going to take a shower first, so go to bed early.

Fang Han didn’t think much, and after a casual reply, he walked towards the bathroom.


Fang Qingya nodded obediently, looked at Fang Han’s tall and straight back, biting her expression somewhat complicatedly, and making a secret decision.

In fact, after careful consideration, this task does not seem to be that difficult to accept.

After all, it was just a bed warmer. Even if Fang Han found out, she would be a little embarrassed, but compared to the severe punishment of level-3, she would rather choose to do the task.

After taking a shower, Fang Han looked at Fengshen’s handsome self in the mirror, and his thoughts were flying wildly.

It has been almost a month since he passed through this time.He has also gone from a young man with nothing and mediocre aptitude to a Tianjiao martial artist who is also a domineering body and has completed bone-building three times.It can be said that he is in this strange world. A solid step has been taken.

However, he was not complacent.

Because behind, there are eight realms of Wushi, Wuhou, Wuwang, Wuhuang, Wuzong, Wuzun, Wusheng, and Wudi.

The martial artist is only just beginning.On the entire continent, the martial artist alone is more than hundreds of millions?

He can barely protect himself now.

“However, on the entire continent, I am the only one who possesses the hegemonic body.”

Fang Han muttered to himself, a trace of confidence flashed in his eyes.

Moreover, in the original work, the protagonist in this period of time only completed the second bone strengthening. He didn’t feel that he would be inferior to the protagonist when he knew the plot.

However, the only thing that makes Fang Han feel a little strange is that.

He obviously didn’t provoke Fang Qingya, Ning Yuechan and other women, and don’t know why, these women came to provoke him…

Especially Su Mei.


Inexplicably, I had a wonderful trip with him.

“Forget it, I don’t want to do that much, I will go to the guild to finish the task tomorrow, and I will start to practice in retreat. After all, it’s not long before the school starts.”

Fang Han took a deep breath and calmed down some impetuous mood, then turned and left the bathroom.


After opening the door, when he was about to take out the catalog of God of War he got today, his body suddenly stopped.

“come out.”

He frowned slightly, looking at the bulging quilt, and said lightly.

Visible to the naked eye, the quilt trembled slightly, but the person inside kept his head covered and did not show up.

“Fang Qingya, I don’t want to say the third time, come out.”

Fang Han sighed lightly and continued.

As a warrior who refines bones three times, he has a sense of smell and his keenness.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a faint fragrance that only belonged to Fang Qingya, so the person hiding in his quilt was easy to guess.

Not his cheap sister, who else?


After Fang Qingya heard Fang Han’s voice become slightly cold, she cautiously popped her head and said with a blushing face: “I, if I said, 933 I ran into the wrong room, do you believe it?”

She is so shy now, her voice is as small as a mosquito barking.

“Do you think I am a fool?”

Fang Han curled his lips, and then said impatiently: “I’ll give you ten seconds, go back to your room quickly.”

He originally thought that Fang Qingya’s strange behavior was just attracting his attention.

Even if there are some good feelings, it should only be the sprout of adolescence.

But today’s behavior is a bit too much. What do you want to do while hiding in his bed? And after he just took a bath, those who understand it will naturally understand the implications.

Fang Qingya is not an idiot. After seeing Fang Han’s expression, she naturally knew that her behavior had definitely caused Fang Han’s misunderstanding.

But she has to do this, otherwise she will have to be punished with a cultivation level of -3.

Blame the broken system!

“I… I’ll go back now.

After Fang Qingya cursed the system secretly, she prepared to listen to Fang Han’s words and went back to the room obediently.

But at this moment, the system sound rang again:

[Yes, the host’s abuse of the system is detected, and now I will punish the host: please stay in the bed for 5 minutes, otherwise the mission will fail!”

Fang Qingya was dumbfounded.

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