Chapter 42 Which stinky woman did it!

After returning home, it was already night.

Along the way, Fang Han wondered if the person in the cave was really Su Mei, then why would she follow herself?

Moreover, as a cultivator of the Martial King realm, he was so easily poisoned by a human spider, which is completely inconsistent with the image of “decisively killing and decisive, with rich combat experience” described in the novel!

The most important thing is, since this happened, why not kill him?

He is not a narcissistic person. He would feel that someone like Su Mei would be reluctant to kill him because he was lost to him.

There must be a conspiracy!

Fang Han frowned and thought to himself.


After opening the door, a rush of footsteps sounded from the house.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Qingya’s voice came: “Brother, why did you come back? Where did you go today?”

“Go to the quest guild and pick up a quest.”

Fang Han recovered, and subconsciously replied.

Lifting his head, he found that Fang Qingya’s eyes looked strange and could not tell.

“What’s wrong?”

He frowned slightly and asked.

“No, nothing!”

Fang Qingya waved her hand in a panic, and then changed the subject: “By the way, did you have dinner? I made the meal, but it’s cold now. How about I warm it up for you?”


Fang Han shook his head, and did not continue to ask: “I have eaten on the way back.”

After speaking, he was ready to go back to the room.

After opening the door, he seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and added: “I will practice later, don’t bother me if I’m fine.”


Fang Qingya hurriedly ordered.


Looking at the closed door, Fang Qingya’s expression suddenly couldn’t be stretched, and her eyes were full of shock.

Because, the moment she saw Fang Han, the system sounded:

【warn! warn! warn! The system finds that his brother Fang Han has been deprived, so please find out which coquettish bitch did it quickly! The host triggered an emergency mission! 】

[Urgent mission: here! end! Yes! Who! 】

[Task description: The host is really useless. My brother Fang Han lost his life inexplicably. The host doesn’t know who that person is. It’s unforgivable. Go and find that coquettish bitch! 】

[Mission failed: Since the first time is gone, let’s do the second time! 】

[Task Reward: Start the main task in advance! 】

[Remarks: Please host within three days to find the stinky woman who took away brother Fang Han for the first time, remember, within three days! 】

Varied! What! ghost! what!

When Fang Qingya saw this task, her whole body was stupid!

Fang Han, didn’t he just go out to do a task? Why did you lose yourself inexplicably? Could it be that she lied to her just now? Actually go fooling around?

No, no, this is not the point!

The point is why the punishment after the mission fails is the same as Fang Han…

What the hell is this system doing!

Fang Qingya is very crazy now.

Because of the existence of this system, she did have a slight affection for Fang Han, but she never thought that Fang Han would have such a relationship.

The most important thing is that she hasn’t grown up yet, isn’t this broken system afraid of being harmonized?

[Please complete the task as soon as possible, the current remaining time: 2 days, 23 hours, 56 minutes, 21 seconds! 】


Fang Qingya couldn’t help but want to shout.


At this moment, the door opened and Fang Han walked out.

“What are you doing?”

He looked at Fang Qingya who was blushing in front of him, frowned and asked.


Fang Qingya finally suffocated her breath. After calming down, she looked at Fang Han with a puzzled look in front of her. She rolled her eyes and asked, “Brother, what task did you do today? Where did you go?”

There is no other way right now.

Only according to the requirements of the system, the stinky woman can be found out first.


She has to…

Just thinking about it makes me feel crazy!

“Didn’t you say that, I went to the quest guild to pick up the quest today…”

Fang Han replied subconsciously, then frowned slightly at Fang Qingya in front of him, and asked, “Why are you asking about this?”

“Oh brother, just tell me, I’m curious!”

Fang Qingya ran to Fang Han’s side, her face flushed and pulled his arm.

In order to complete the task, she can be regarded as fighting.

“……let go.”

Fang Han only felt goose bumps. After stepping back a few steps, Fang Han said, “I took a mission to the fluorescent cave. The content is to collect ten fluorescent grasses.”

Fluorescent cave?

Fang Qingya was stunned when he heard the words, then tilted her head and asked in confusion: “No, isn’t the fluorescent cave outside the city? Brother, you haven’t broken through to the martial artist state?”

“Specially approved by the president of the quest guild.”

Fang Han replied casually, looked at the time and found that it was late, and said: “Okay, I will start practicing when I go to the bathroom. If you have any questions, please ask me tomorrow.”

After speaking, he left without waiting for Fang Qingya to reply.

He has no time to chat with Fang Qingya.

Fang Qingya condensed her brows and stood still, feeling her chin and pondering.

The president of the Rock City Mission Guild?

It seems that it is a cultivator of the Martial King realm named Su Mei, right?

It is said that she is the leader of the young generation in Huangzhou, and she is also very beautiful. Could it be her?

Otherwise, why would you help Fang Han for no reason?


No, when did Su Mei, a super invincible Bai Fumei with a successful career, hook up with Fang Han?

Fang Qingya thought with a puzzled face.

Anyway, no matter what, tomorrow happens to be the weekend, so let’s meet that Su Mei.

Maybe something can be said!

Thinking of this, she squeezed her fist and cheered herself up secretly.

After Fang Han returned to the room, he first matured all the medicinal materials he bought into one dew for a hundred years, and then he was about to start refining the Nine Tribulations Pill.

“First, Yaoyin… and then…”


Not surprisingly, the first refining quickly failed.

If it were other people, I would have been distressed a long time ago, but Fang Han’s face remained unchanged, and he continued to refining non-stop for the second time.



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