The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 114 Fully Automatic Enchanting Printer

Miraak has erected altars across Southam Isle, spreading the magic of mind control by polluting the ancient Ritual Stones.

Once the altar near Yashi Town was destroyed, the people in the whole town seemed to wake up from a dream. They had been affected by the illusion without knowing it. Those with weak wills will indulge in illusions all day long and become Mirak's free laborers, while those with strong wills will be affected in their sleep and go to the altar to work as coolies at night.

Under the influence of illusion, these people will not even notice the abnormality, and even the basic cognition has been tampered with.

Everyone knows Mirak now. It was he who set the mind control tower at the head of the village and turned the townspeople into his hard-working slaves.

Local councilors thanked the foreigners for their help.

Brelina took the opportunity to propose to him, hoping to recruit miners in the town.

"Do you need miners? But there is no ore here. Oh, you want to go out to mine." Councilor Leyler Morfan looked tired, "If the safety of the miners can be guaranteed, there will definitely be people who are willing to sacrifice their lives... Don't worry about being hurt. Obstruction, the Redoran family doesn't care about Southam Island, but I will still try my best to make people's lives easier."

There are many desperate miners in the town. These dark elves used to live well. By selling precious ebony mines, a hard worker can earn more than a councilor. Now most of them are poor. Outsiders, you can laugh at these workers for not knowing how to be thrifty, but their poverty is not because they are lazy.

The most crowded place in the town is the tavern. The tavern here has a strange name called Vomit Gasmother. In the afternoon, the townspeople who have nothing to do will come here for a drink, and the sujama (local special drink) brewed by the tavern owner is well received. It's just that because of financial constraints, drinkers like to pay on credit.

The layout of the hotel in Yashi Town is different from that of Tianji Province. After entering the door, it is not a lobby, but a sunken step. The basement floor is the place for drinking and gathering. Those who used to work in the mines, when they left their work in the afternoon and evening, spent four septims every time to buy a cup of Sujama-this was twenty years ago, and these poor people can't afford it now-at the counter Sit down on the stool, have a drink and rest, if you are willing to spend a few more septims, you can buy a plate of donuts, or Ida cheese, as a drink. If you get more than a dozen pieces, you can buy a piece of steak. At that time, the rich men in short clothes dared to spend a lot, sat down at the table in the hall, asked for wine and food, and ate and drank lively.

The dark elf Bellasa Zill was the best miner ever. She was slender, with broad hands and feet, and dark red eyes like coals in a furnace. After the mine closed down, she spent the most money here and drank herself into a pauper. Not long ago, Mirak controlled his mind, and went to the altar to work day and night, and he was so tired that he took off his face.

As soon as Bellasa entered the tavern, everyone laughed, and some shouted, "Berasa, you are begging again." She did not answer, but said to the cabinet, "Have a glass of Sujama, and a piece of sweet Circle." Then five septims were discharged, the boss rolled his eyes and pushed the money back, "Don't come again, you will only waste all your food money here. Find a job to make a living."

She seemed to have been greatly ridiculed, angry and sad, standing by the counter and crying.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The boss waved her away, fearing that she would affect other guests.

"Wait. I'll buy her this glass of wine." Among the guests at the tables in the corner of the hall, a Dunmer woman raised her hand to signal, "I invite everyone here to have a drink."

Everyone happily raised their wine glasses, and Bellasha also took Sujama from the boss. She carefully put her chapped lips to the mouth of the glass, let the delicate foam soak it, and then took a sip slowly to moisten the wine. Thirsty throat. This cup is enough for her to drink slowly for half an hour.

The Dunmer guest who invited everyone to drink came over, and Bellasha hurriedly bowed to her, "Well-meaning people, may Azura shine on your path." She also thanked the other outsiders, "Azura bless you you."

"Yes." A pretty Dunmer woman nodded casually.

Brelina was recruiting workers in the tavern. After explaining the situation, the enthusiastic and excited crowd gradually became cold. Bellasa Zill was the first to sign up. She would rather fight the Ember Demon than live this kind of life of hunger and cold.

There are quite a few people in similar situations in Raven Rock Town. The first batch of miners who signed up was only five people. Brelina gave each of them a settling allowance, one hundred and fifty Septims. Not enough, not enough to buy a ticket to flee Southam, but enough to live a decent life here for a while.

Bellasa returned to the abandoned hut in the town, and she and Ryan Lalf lived together. This man used to be a member of the Imperial Guard, but because of his cowardice, his companion was killed by the Ash Demon, so he was expelled. That night, they chatted a lot in the abandoned house for a long time.

"Beratha, you can't go. Those strangers want us to die."

"But, Ryan, this is the only way I can go. Do we all have to starve to death here?" Bellasa's alcohol-poisoned eyes became bright again, like a breath of fresh air from the outside The fire was turned on again, and it began to glow and heat. She took out the money bag from her arms, as if she was holding a child, "Look, I will follow them to mine tomorrow, if I don't come back, you can live well. "

"Beratha." Ryan sobbed. His stomach churned in sadness, joy, and pain, until a pair of rough lip pods pressed against his cheeks, and the pungent hot breath from his breath was hot in the ears. They spent the night happily.

The next day, the group of strangers brought a batch of pack horses from nowhere. They all rode on the horses and distributed one to each miner.

"We'll take care of the horses. Make sure they don't get hurt."

The captain of the Outlander smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about these horses. They are created by magic. Protect yourself. If you encounter enemies, hide or run away."

The crew of the North Sea Ghost and the miners they hired went out to collect the heartstone ore. They set off early in the morning and returned in the evening. The five bold miners all returned safely and got paid. Bellasha was indeed the hardest one. She alone She mined three times as much ore as others, and the money she earned was enough for her to spend a month on the puke mother.

"It's like the good old days reappearing." After drinking too much Sujama, Bellasa's words aroused the sadness of more drinkers.

The number of people who signed up for mining increased to twenty on the second day, and even more on the third day. Within a week, the civilians in the whole town were driven by this wave of enthusiasm and joined the ranks of foreigners.

In the eyes of the locals, the heart stone can neither be used to make armor nor be used as a weapon. It is simply a useless waste mine. But for the spellcasters who explore the mysteries, what is contained in the heart stone is the future of the world.

Linde discovered that this special mineral can condense the soul by absorbing thinking strings, and its properties are very stable. His first thought was to use the heart stone to build a false soul of artificial intelligence, but after thinking about it, he felt that doing so would only increase the risk of the omnic crisis.

He didn't want to see the kitchen toaster jumping up and shouting: It's too late, organic.

As he visited the old mage Nellos, Linde got new inspiration.

Nellos has also done in-depth research on the heart stone, and has also developed a staff enchanter, relying on the special properties of the heart stone, to automatically enchant the pre-processed staff.

The soul body condensed in the heart stone can indeed host the enchanting ceremony. In this way, each processed heart stone is equivalent to an enchanting printer, which can be operated by only one skilled worker, and there is no need to waste the work of a professional enchanter. time and energy.

The perfect puzzle for the Enchanting Industry, found here.

I want to write something light-hearted, so that everyone can smile more in this tired and indifferent world. Speaking of which, this is the original intention of this book. In fact, the protagonist was originally positioned as a fun person. Even my pseudonym is Leziren.

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