The Heavens: Hogwarts Transfer Students

Chapter 103 Chapter 130 We Call It Efficient

Chapter 103 Chapter 103 We Call It Efficient

The dark elf priestess who came to Winterhold with Dumbledore was named Alania Innis, a priest who served Azura, the goddess of dawn and dusk. She guards the altar of Azura in the south of Winterhold alone. She is an ascetic monk with firm faith and the attention of the demon god.

After Linde arranged the adventure trip to Southam Island, Dumbledore introduced him to the dark elf priest.

"It's an honor to meet you." Alania said with bright eyes and a solemn tone.

"I'm also very honored to meet a monk who serves the Demon God."

They saluted each other. Afterwards, Linde proposed to visit Winterhold together. This was his and Dumbledore's itinerary, and Alania came as a guest, so he agreed.

They were accompanied by several members of the academy. The chief mage, Aran, learned that a headmaster of the magic academy had come, so he also put down his business and received it in person.

The changes in the College of Winterhold are remarkable. Compared with last year, the number of members here has more than tripled.

Briarina walked beside Linde, and she explained the changes in the academy to the long-lost travelers, "We have absorbed a lot of magic beginners, the dormitory has been expanded twice, and now we are going to build a new dormitory, a new one. teaching building."

Linde is very satisfied. The prosperity of the academy will promote the development of magic, and the prosperity of magic will also add luster to the library tower.

Dumbledore looked calm. After he saw Winterhold College, he secretly compared it with Hogwarts. This comparison immediately showed the style of the old British Union Jack. Hogwartsby?

Of course, this is just a joke, Dumbledore is actually very interested in the magical social ecology of this world.

The atmosphere of Winterhold College is more like a Muggle scientific research institute, exuding a cold and ascetic rational temperament.

The members of the college come and go in a hurry, not like the young wizards at Hogwarts. They are not only students of magic, but also explorers of mysteries, and defenders of the system. Everyone has assumed part of the social responsibility. To enjoy preferential treatment, one must contribute to the development of the city.

Magic in this society has become a link between non-spellcasters and spellcasters, not a barrier. In contrast, the wizarding society in "Harry Potter" exists as a community independent of the Muggle world, and has a certain dependence on the Muggle world, just like an invisible tenant. Dining at the same table, the development results of Muggles will subtly affect the wizarding world, but wizards cannot see or touch it.

The wizarding world has adopted a strict isolation policy since the Middle Ages. On the one hand, it is affected by the closedness of blood ties, and on the other hand, it is also because wizards’ magic is not closely related to production activities——Wizards’ magic has this potential, but Social consciousness doesn't favor modernity, so no one bothers to invent industrial incantations.

Think about those weird spells, such as [Big stick in the front teeth], [Grin Hula La], [Tarantella dance], they are all specially used to make fun of it.

And spells like [Clean Up], [Restore As Original], [Duplicate Curse], [Transformation Curse], which have huge production potential, are all used in trivial matters in daily life.

As for the killing curse of [Avada Kedavra], its efficiency is not as good as the Gatling machine gun. Since the masses can buy the reliable and reliable m1917 American-made Smith \u0026 Wesson, why do they have to learn from Avada? Where is the big melon?

In the final analysis, wizard magic relies on spellcasters, but the overall number of wizards is too small. Without a population base, any development will be unsustainable.

The difference in the world of "The Elder Scrolls" is that the magical energy here comes from the stars and the sun in nature. Ordinary people can become spellcasters through learning and are not affected by blood.

And the enchanting system driven by soul stones can transform magic energy without the intervention of the caster, produce various effects, and apply it to productive labor. In this way, non-spellcasters can also enjoy the fruits of magic research.

Since breaking the barrier, Winterhold College has changed its previous isolation principle and actively participated in local politics through the parliament, affecting the production and life of the people. The most important change was the innovation of local agriculture.

Winterhold used to be a small fishing village. The food here was fish, shrimp, shellfish, and seaweed, and all dairy products, flour, and alcohol needed to be imported from outside.

The college organized staff to open up farms and livestock farms in the outskirts of the west of the city. These low-slung greenhouses that look very simple in appearance are Linde's most satisfactory works so far.

"Each agricultural greenhouse is a complex and delicate magical creation." The college mage explained to Dumbledore and Alania, "The glass roof will release artificial sunlight in the winter half of the year to ensure that the crops are properly illuminated. These enchanted wind pillars around They are used to regulate the temperature, and the air they blow out is also used to pollinate crops."

Linde waved off a glass plate and handed it to Dumbledore. The old mage noticed the runes and circles flowing in the glass plate, "exquisite creations."

"Yeah, every enchantment board is hard-won. The busiest thing in our academy is the enchanter."

Enchanting technology is also a complex and delicate knowledge. The research and development of each enchanting effect requires years of exploration, but a mature and perfect enchanting process can be quickly replicated, which is also the most basic link in the magic industry.

These agricultural greenhouses transform the extremely cold areas where agriculture cannot be developed into fertile soil for three crops a year. Some of the food crops produced are used as rations, some are used as raw materials for wine making, and some are used as fodder, and the remaining part is stored and not exported.

The staff in these agricultural greenhouses are not human beings, but various machines. From sowing, fertilizing, weeding to harvesting, the entire process is as automated as possible. In this way, a considerable part of the population can be liberated.

Linde said: "I originally planned to refer to dwarven technology, but the machinery they manufactured is actually a unique life form. Considering the cost issue, these agricultural machines are produced based on Muggle technology. In "The Age of Winterhold "You can see their running status in real time in the sandbox."

Then everyone visited the corral and the slaughterhouse, especially the soul stone charging line in the slaughterhouse. Everyone who visits for the first time will be deeply impressed.

Batches of poultry on the conveyor belt were set into soul traps by apprentices, and then they were slaughtered neatly, and their souls were drawn into blank soul stones. The whole process was orderly and without any emotional color.

The entire slaughterhouse can be divided into two areas. One side is the screaming livestock, gushing blood, flying feathers and lifeless flesh, and the dirty ground with residual feces. The other side is clean soul stones and neatly stacked storage. box, quiet shipping process.

The cycle of life and death has become a grotesque topic in this slaughterhouse.

Dumbledore: Shocked.jpg

Alania, the dark elf priest, couldn't help but ask, "Is this kind of prosperity too cruel?"

Linde didn't say anything, but continued to lead them forward, entering the downstream of the production chain.

Most of the slaughtered animals entered the community canteens throughout Winterhold and were sent to the people's tables. Therefore, refugees from all over the world can have enough food and enough meat, eggs and milk in Winterhold, and the healthy development of their children is guaranteed. The remaining meat enters the food factory, and after processing, it is sold to various places through the port.

The charged soul stones are used to power urban facilities, those street lamps, the mechanical trawls on fishing boats, and agricultural greenhouses are all inseparable from the ration of soul stones. The remainder is sent to the academy for enchanters to craft more enchanted items.

The whole process is to transform magical energy into material materials to supply more people, and this process can be repeated, expanding and growing like a snowball.

"As you can see, this is an effective production system. The flesh and soul of the livestock are used to the fullest. Some people may think it is cruel, but we prefer to call it efficient."

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