The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 9 In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty, encountering rebel troops on the way

In the fourth year of the Yuan Dynasty (1338), natural disasters occurred one after another in Jiangxi and Hunan. The nobles of the Yuan Dynasty did not know how to be considerate of the people, and continued to impose exorbitant taxes. The people had no way to survive, and the people's mentality changed. Jiangxi masters Zhou Ziwang and Peng Yingyu started an uprising in Yuanzhou (Yichun), which once swept the land south of the Yangtze River.

In Longxing Prefecture in Hongzhou, a mighty wave of teams was heading towards Longxing Prefecture. Among the ragged teams were old, weak, women and children. Everyone was unkempt and disheveled, looking like a group of refugees fleeing a disaster.

In fact, these people are indeed victims of the disaster, but it is not because of natural disasters, but because of man-made disasters. Zhou Ziwang's uprising in Yuanzhou, Jiangxi Province, the first important town in heaven to be affected was naturally Hongzhou (Nanchang), the Longxing prefecture in charge of Yuanzhou. ).

The Yuan Dynasty was naturally not polite to the rebellion and sent troops to destroy Zhou Ziwang. The soldiers passed like grates, and wherever the Yuan Dynasty's army passed, it affected countless people, causing more people to become homeless and could only become refugees and rioters fleeing.

This group is the refugees who rushed to Hongzhou to make a living. After all, Hongzhou is a capital city. In this time of war and chaos, there is some order and prosperity, and there are more opportunities to survive.

At noon, with the scorching sun hanging high above our heads, a hunchbacked figure with unkempt hair, covered in rags, and stains on his face was wandering on the edge of the ranks of refugees, looking in the distance towards Hongzhou, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

The man pretending to be a refugee and beggar was naturally Xu Xin, who had fled all the way from the south of the Yangtze River to the west.

The Sky Eagle Sect desperately searched the land south of the Yangtze River, alarming the forces in the south of the Yangtze River and leaking the news, which eventually attracted the attention of all the martial arts forces in the Central Plains. Countless people focused on his piece of cake.

Xu Xin was practicing martial arts in hibernation in Lin'an, and occasionally went out to inquire for information. When he learned the news, he was completely confused and secretly cursed the Sky Eagle Sect to death.

At first, he thought he could stay in hiding for a while under the lamp, but who knew that later in Jiangnan, especially in Lin'an Prefecture, there were more and more people in the world, and everyone was looking for a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy.

The features are delicate, the limbs are slender... Apart from the unknown name, height, weight, face shape, etc., they are all described accurately. When Xu Xin saw this situation, he didn't dare to stay too long, so he dressed up one night, pretended to be a beggar, and left Lin'an to the northwest.

Xu Xin fled to the northwest, partly for refuge. Leaving the prosperous place south of the Yangtze River, the power of the Sky Eagle Sect would not be so strong, and the probability of being discovered would be much smaller.

On the other hand, he also has some thoughts about the secret realm of Jiuyang Magic Skills hidden in Kunlun in the northwest. It is the most easiest magic skill secret book he knows to obtain.

But when Xu Xin hit the road, he realized that his idea was too simple. In this era, traveling far away is not an easy task. Bandits are rampant everywhere, and Yuan Ting is the largest lawless force. Not to mention, he also encountered someone rebelling.

Xu Xin's original plan was to go from Lin'an to Longxing, then north to Jiujiang, and then to the northwest via the waterway. This should save a lot of time.

But as soon as he entered Longxing Mansion, he encountered waves of refugees. After careful inquiry, he found out that Zhou Ziwang's rebellion in Yuanzhou, Jiangxi had a great impact. There were rebels everywhere. It can be said that all the places south of the river Messy.

In this situation, we can only take one step at a time.

Xu Xin looked at the messy refugee team and felt a little bad, but he was not impatient. On the contrary, he felt peaceful and calm.

Zhou Ziwang's rebellion in Jiangxi Province had a great impact. All the forces here were attracted by this important event. For Xu Xin, who was fleeing, it was a rare safe place.

During this time, Xu Xin also figured out that there was no need for him to rush to Kunlun in such a hurry, after all, the secret book of Nine Sun Magic Skills would not escape there.

What he really needs now is to lay a solid foundation and learn all kinds of martial arts knowledge, so as not to cause trouble after getting the secret book. Because the Black Wind Shuangsha didn't understand the secrets, he trained the Nine Yin Divine Claws into the Nine Yin White Bone Claws. Xu Xin didn't want to follow in the footsteps of these two men.

How is this going?

At the edge of the refugee team, Xu Xin suddenly smelled some smoke. He quickly stood up and looked out, and found a red light shining somewhere, as if a fire had broken out.

His eyes changed for a while. He remembered hearing the refugees around him talking about a prosperous town in this direction. Could it be that something happened there?

Xu Xin calmly left the group of refugees and hurried in that direction. He saw a burned-out town from a distance, with all the houses burned to the roof. Inside and outside the town, there were corpses of people and animals, some of which were only recognizable as charred remains.

Purgatory on earth, this is the real purgatory on earth. This originally lively and prosperous market town has turned into a dead ghostland.

Corpses were strewn across the land, some with freshly dried blood stains on them. The murderers, regardless of age or sex, were brutally dealt with.

Xu Xin looked at these scenes of purgatory and couldn't help clenching his fists, but his heart was as cold as ice.

After all, he comes from modern society, and his views and moral values ​​are higher than most people of this era. Facing this kind of hell-like scene on earth, he naturally couldn't stand it, but what could Xu Xin do? He silently unclenched his fist.

The general trend of this era is such that the Yuan Dynasty's rule has great problems, causing turmoil and chaos in the current situation, which cannot be changed by one person. If you want to completely change the troubled times, you can only overthrow the Yuan Dynasty, re-establish the rules, drive out the Tartars, and rebuild China.


Xu Xin was about to explore the surroundings to make sure it was safe. Suddenly his ears twitched. There were faint noises and shouts of killing. It was probably a battle somewhere.

Xu Xinli's expression changed instantly as he stood there, he glanced at the burning town, gritted his teeth and ran away. He is a self-interested person, but when the conditions are right, he can also be a passionate man.

In addition, during this period of time, he felt that he had achieved success in practice, and he just wanted to find someone to practice his skills with. Kung Fu is a killing technique. If you use the lives of animals to practice Kung Fu, he will not have any psychological burden.

Xu Xin used the body skills he had practiced hard during this period. The most important thing in traveling around the world was to save his life, so he worked very hard in this area and it was quite fruitful. A gust of wind blew through the dense forest. There were bursts of fire ahead, thick smoke billowing, and the sounds of killing were heard.

Xu Xin stood on a big tree and looked down in the distance ahead. He saw two groups of people fighting. One group of people had all kinds of clothes, but they had red scarves tied on their heads or arms. They didn't look very neat.

The men and horses on the other side had disheveled armor and crooked flags, but most of their clothes were neat. Xu Xin recognized them as a group of Yuan Ting troops.

Yuan Jun is indeed a beast!

Xu Xin's eyes were sharp, and he saw property that should not belong to them on many Yuan soldiers. Even at their temporary station, there were some disheveled women lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

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