The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 816: After heavenly beings and celestial phenomena, there are also gods

What are ants?

At the bottom of the sinkhole in the extreme western wasteland, there are many serfs living. They serve the monks in the Hanging Temple and maintain the existence of that society. They are ants.

In Haotian's eyes, humans living on the ground are actually similar to serfs, similar to cattle and sheep being grazed, and they are similar to ant-like existences, repeating a boring life without complaint.

It's just that for thousands of years, there are always a few mavericks in the ant colony. For various reasons or no reasons, they decide to temporarily turn their eyes away from the rotten leaves and look towards the blue sky.

Seeing the blue sky, the lives of those ants will undergo great changes.

Some ants yearn for it because they see it, some ants are angry because the sky is far away, and some ants are afraid because they see it, so they tremble and surrender in the soil, grateful for the gift of the sky.

But no matter which ending it is, those ants are no longer ordinary ants. In a sense, they have left the category of ants because they can fly.

Fuzi and Ke Haoran are undoubtedly the two most incredible flying ants in countless years.

"The master of the temple has told me before that the concepts of Taoism and the academy have never been connected, and his and the Master's views are also different. Any beginning must have an end, and any cycle must have an end. This is true. cycle."

"I don't understand the Guanzhu's words, but I don't think you will fully agree with the Guanzhu's concepts and the Taoist philosophy."

"You and I are the same people. Shouldn't time travelers choose freedom? Why should we choose to help Haotian? Become the so-called shepherd?"

Ning Que's voice echoed. He couldn't understand Xu Xin's choice. Shouldn't time travelers pursue freedom? Why should we help Haotian? The so-called "shepherd", no matter how nice it sounds, is just a bigger "cattle and sheep" selected by Haotian. I'm afraid they will be eaten by Haotian sooner or later.

According to his idea, shouldn't everyone unite to fight against the cannibal Haotian? Or, like his teacher, choose to change Haotian's thoughts so that he will no longer eat people.

We should never help Haotian like Daomen and Xu Xin, allowing him to continue to have the possibility of cannibalism.

Ning Que's voice echoed, Xu Xin did not answer, but strengthened his strength.

His celestial aura and the Jingshen Formation were constantly colliding. Countless extremely thin and sharp lines appeared in the Chang'an Palace. From time to time, the sound of bursting bubbles was heard in the void, and the residual energy talisman was broken.

"Although you are my fellow countryman, but you chose the wrong side, then go to hell!"

After Ning Que said this, he looked at the figure that was getting clearer and clearer in the storm-distorted air. His right hand clenched the handle of the knife, his left knee was slightly bent, his body was as tight as a bow, and he slashed with the knife.

The knife cut through the void and went away, the roar getting louder and louder.

Xu Xin looked calm and brushed it with his palm, his breath rising straight to the sky.

The celestial beings and celestial phenomena come together as one. It cannot kill him at once, but it will only make him stronger. And as the battle goes on, the celestial phenomena he can mobilize will become more and more powerful. This is the so-called omnipotence.

Suzakus roared and flew, surrounding Ning Que and blessing him. Ning Que stared at Xu Xin, the pestle in his hand as hot as molten rock from a volcano.

He looked at the blurry figure of Xu Xin in front of him, and the mental power in his body kept flowing out.

The lake water boiled, the green bricks trembled slightly, and the energy of heaven and earth in Chang'an City seemed to have been summoned to the palace by Ning Que, rushing towards Xu Xin.

The sky above Chang'an City suddenly cleared up, and those thick clouds dissipated without a trace in a very short period of time, revealing the blue sky.

The pressure of a city bombarded Xu Xin's body, but it couldn't suppress it at all, and couldn't even shake his footsteps.

Countless thunders fell from the sky and bombarded the city, but they were unable to affect Xu Xin.

Xu Xin's figure was ethereal and restless in the wind and thunder.

Haotian's anger and the power of the world could not suppress Xu Xin.

Xu Xin's fist ignored the blade and truly collided with Ning Que's body.

There was no thunder, but there was thunder and thunder.

There was no wind, but there was a roar, a strong wind.

The entire city of Chang'an was enveloped in the violent collision of heaven and earth energy. Cracks appeared on the walls of countless buildings. Apart from the terrifying sound of wind and thunder, no other sounds could be heard at all.

There was silence in Chang'an, with Xu Xin and Ning Que standing opposite each other.

The distance between them was less than ten feet.

Xu Xin could see Ning Que, and Ning Que could also see Xu Xin's face clearly.

Xu Xin has various injuries on his body, but the body of the heavenly body is no joke. The body of heaven and man is regarded as a complete world, and the cycle continues. If it is destroyed, it will recover automatically. Unless the world's ecological chain is destroyed all at once, otherwise it will Unable to cause decisive damage.

Ning Que clearly watched Xu Xin's wounds recover quickly, and his own hands and feet became heavier and heavier, and his vision turned black from time to time. The wounds on his body continued to bleed during the fierce battle, and he felt desperate.

He really didn't know how to defeat such an opponent.

However, he did not choose to give up, nor did he have any thoughts of giving up.

Ning Que lowered his head and coughed, looking very painful, with bloodshot eyes oozing from the corners of his lips.

Then he suddenly raised his head, looked at Xu Xin, and punched out without warning.

His eyes were very calm at this time. He stood on the spot and punched. His fist came to Xu Xin's face more than ten feet away.

Since practicing Haoran Qi and becoming a demon, his physical strength has become more and more terrifying, and his power has become more and more terrifying. In close combat, he even suffered a loss from the temple master, but this time he faced Xu Xin.

Xu Xin raised his palm and grasped Ning Que's fist firmly.

Ning Que's fist hit Xu Xin's palm, but it felt like hitting a large mire deep in the wilderness, or like an ant falling into a sea.

At this moment, the Formation Eye pestle held by Ning Que in his left hand suddenly shone brightly.

The vitality of Chang'an City's heaven and earth poured into his body through the Formation Eye Pestle and burst out from his fists.

There was a sound of thunder in Chang'an Palace, and Xu Xin and Ning Que's fists met.

Countless breaths burst out from between their bodies and shot around. Wherever they touched, bricks and stones were destroyed, beams were broken, and houses and palaces collapsed.

Unimaginable majestic force struck Xu Xin's palm from Ning Que's fist.

He was like a bridge at this time, connecting Chang'an City and Xu Xin. The violent vitality of heaven and earth rushed from his bones and flesh, causing him to bear a huge load.

Ning Que endured it very hard, his joints were rattling, his eyelashes were slightly scorched, his body was shaking violently, and blood kept flowing out from the corners of his lips and fell to the ground.

"Ning Que, it's really beyond my expectation that you can do this. It seems that the heavens and celestial phenomena alone cannot crush everything."

Xu Xin looked at the embarrassed Ning Que and continued calmly: "Then, I will let you see that after heavenly beings and celestial phenomena, there are gods."

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