The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 809 The human world is filthy again

In the sky of Chang'an, colorful lights flashed, and broken rainbows fell from the blue sky. A few pieces fell on the viewer's body, suddenly glowing with the luster of gold and jade, and then slid down.

The brilliance of these rainbow fragments is the remaining breath of Apocalypse, but for some unknown reason at this time, these powers given by Haotian cannot be integrated into the flesh and blood of the viewer.

The connection between the viewer and Haotian seems to be interrupted. He seems to have disappeared from the world. He is so independent and therefore untouchable.

The state of tranquility is the most unfathomable state of Taoism in legend, but no one has ever seen it before, and it has never appeared in the history of practice after the last eternal night. But according to Taoist records, the founder of Taoism, Gambler, achieved this level.

The Master has been invincible in the world for more than a thousand years. During these more than a thousand years, countless strong men who stand at the top of the world are curious, how tall is the Master?

Some powerful people once speculated that the Master might be in the realm of tranquility.

But Li Manman, Master's eldest disciple, knew that Master was not in a state of tranquility. Even in his long life of more than a thousand years, Master had never seen anyone in a state of tranquility.

There are many realms above the five realms, such as immeasurable, distanceless, annihilation, indestructible vajra, demon, apocalypse, etc., but compared with the other five realms, the tranquil realm is obviously a more special realm.

Perhaps it is still the Sixth Realm, or maybe it is half a step forward or even higher than the Sixth Realm. This kind of realm is very special in the Haotian world and can truly be called peerless, because this kind of realm can be in harmony with the world. Absolutely.

After entering the realm of tranquility, all forces in the world become absolute foreign objects to the practitioners. All attacks containing the vitality of heaven and earth cannot harm practitioners in the realm of tranquility.

This realm can be said to be the greatest betrayal of Haotian, and it is possible for practitioners of the Qingjing realm to replace Haotian with the help of the seven-volume heavenly book.

However, the cultivation of the Qingjing Realm is very difficult. There are countless geniuses in the Taoist sect in the past, and there are many people who have achieved the Seventh Realm. However, in the special Qingjing Realm, apart from the gamblers who were the founders of the Taoist sect, it seems that only the current temple masters have achieved it. This is also the case with Xu Xin. One of the reasons for waiting.

The clear sunshine shines on the cliffs, and the green pines cast their shadows on the rocks. If a breeze blows by, or shakes a few pine waves, or blows away the dust on the rocks, how can it blow away the shadows?

At this time, the viewer's flesh and blood are lotus petals, and the white bones are lotus joints. He was born innocently in the clear water, and is no longer in the heaven and earth. Ning Que's sword is still a human sword, still within the heaven and earth, so his sword light and magic talisman cannot break Jingjing, let alone further hurt the viewer.

Ning Que's human sword cut apart the silence, cut down Wuliang, and cut through the realm of demons. At this moment, he didn't care about peace at all, he just wanted to cut down the temple master, so he was still using the knife fiercely.

Ning Que's knife, carrying more than ten miles of flames, finally finished writing the word on the azure blue sky. The word "human" swept everything on the Suzaku Avenue, and all of them attacked the body of the viewer.

The gold and silver in the yamen storehouse, the flowers and birds in the calligraphy and painting shop, the makeup powder and hairpins for women, and the old incense burners in the Taoist temple.

Iron pots and broken gongs, overnight tea in the teapot, boy's urine in the chamber pot, half-eaten buns, minced meat with the smell of onions, and even feces and urine stirred up in the sewer.

Whether beautiful or ugly, sweet or smelly, pleasant or disgusting, this is the world.

Ning Que's knife drew out all the breath in the world, including filth.

All these things are mixed together, and they no longer have different attributes. They can no longer smell fragrant or smelly, and can no longer distinguish whether they are noble or cheap.

There was a strong wind on Zhuque Street, and the viewer looked like a clean lotus with bright red petals and white branches swaying in the wind.

Countless things from the human world hit his body.

There was blood and filth everywhere on the viewer's body. There were two rotten vegetable leaves hanging on his belt, and there were a few dung stars on the wound of his severed finger.

He became very, very dirty.

Even if he had not advanced to the realm of tranquility, he had never been so dirty in his life.

He has lived above the human world, swimming in the South China Sea, with his feet free of dust. However, at this time, he was forced to be baptized by the world of mortals and endured the influence of all the breaths of the world. Even the dirt from the human world cannot hurt him.

The viewer is still in a state of tranquility and has not been harmed in any way. As long as he can keep his Tao mind pure, he can be pure both physically and mentally.

However, the body and mind are not separate. If the body has been contaminated by the world of mortals for a long time, will his heart always remain peaceful?

The lotus swayed precariously in the dark wind, as if it might wither or pass away at any time.

A word appeared in the blue sky, the wind on Zhuque Avenue became fiercer, the world became extremely dark, and Chang'an City seemed to have entered the night ahead of schedule.

This gust of black wind was very violent, blowing everywhere, blowing up debris all over Chang'an City, such as... dog meat with blood, a big rooster that had just been killed after school, black donkey hooves used to ward off evil spirits...

Dog blood mixed with dog meat was poured all over the viewer's head.

If the viewer is a lotus, then blood is flowing on the lotus that is not stained by mud.

The body of the meditator is dirty, and then the mind is dirty.

The tranquility of the Taoist sect was eventually broken by the worldly filth of the human world.

A confused thought arose in the viewer's eyes. He really couldn't understand why he would be disturbed by such a thing.

Ning Que's knife fell again, but the viewer was still not dead. Even if the realm of tranquility is broken, the master's realm of heavenly demons is so profound that he is nearly immortal.

The quiet lotus was picked up by the black wind, gradually withered, and then some petals fell. The master of the temple was chopped off to dust, with blood spilled all the way.

He fell into a lake. The clean water washed away some of the dirt on his body, and a few fish hit him in the face, which made him sober up.

The lakeside gradually returned to quietness and the sky became clear.

The viewer opened his eyes and looked at the blue sky, his lips moved slightly, and he wanted to say something, but nothing came out.

"Junior brother! Ning Que!"

Chen Pipi appeared and stopped Ning Que who wanted to continue taking action. After all, he was the son of the viewer and wanted to save his father and take him away.


Ning Que suddenly pulled Chen Pipi's round body behind him and stared warily at Xu Xin who suddenly appeared next to the viewer.

"Master, it seems that you lost after all. The remaining six volumes of the Heavenly Book, your cultivation level, and the bet between Dao Sect and Haotian, you still have to rely on me after all!"

Xu Xin said calmly. He stood on the lake with his feet and his palms slowly fell on the head of the viewer.

"Please, don't hurt, Pippi..."

The viewer did not resist, because he knew that he had lost. As the power in his body was swallowed up bit by bit by Xu Xin, the viewer's breath returned to mortal silence little by little. Having lost everything, Xu Xin left him behind Ning Que. Chenpipi.

"Is this tranquility?"

"The human world is filthy again!"

Xu Zhixin looked at the sky on the lake and suddenly let out an inexplicable sigh. His breath began to change, and the terrifying vitality of heaven and earth instantly stirred up a storm.

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