The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 802 Ye Su broke the wooden sword, Xu Xin prepared to harvest

Ye Su's wooden sword was pale white in color, just like the clothes on his body. After flying down the field covered by dark clouds, it suddenly became extremely conspicuous. It looked like a bolt of lightning, slow lightning.

In the dark clouds, a bright light suddenly flashed, and then countless bright lights emerged from the depths of the clouds, turning into countless lightning bolts. They looked like countless light swords, terrifying light swords.

The lightning broke through the clouds for more than a moment and fell into the wilderness more than ten feet below. It was followed by thunder, and countless thunderous and terrifying thunder and lightning struck towards the Qingxia Gorge.

The black clouds were overwhelming, and there were thousands of lightnings and thousands of thunders.

Jun Mo held the iron sword, with a tall and straight posture and a serious expression.

His high crown is tied to the armor on his head, and it remains motionless amidst the lightning and thunder.

His eyebrows didn't even tremble.

His demeanor was so upright.

He seemed to be attending a feast.

Don’t look on, don’t look sideways.

Don't look at the clouds, don't look at the sword.

Just looking at Ye Su in the distance.

He raised the iron sword in his hand, held it level, raised his eyebrows, and gave an ancient salute.

With a flat sword, the autumn wind blowing in the face was suddenly silenced and silent.

The thunder and lightning finally fell.

The final result of this battle was that Ye Su's wooden sword was broken and destroyed. The wood debris was stained on Jun Mo's anxious armor, but it failed to break through the defense.

I don’t know how much time passed.

Ye Su suddenly coughed, and countless fine bloody mouths appeared on his plain clothes. He looked at Jun Mo and said with emotion: "If you didn't have this armor, I wouldn't necessarily lose."

"There are no ifs in the world."

There was no joy of victory on Jun Mo's face, because he had to conserve his strength to fight, so he had to be concise and to the point.

There was a battlefield in front of him with countless flying swords and magic weapons.

Those flying swords have different styles, different breaths, some are wide and some are narrow, some are sharp and some are blunt.

But when they are inserted into the ground, there is no difference.

They are all so lifeless.

This forest of swords is more like a sword tomb.

Ye Su asked: "Can you reach the end of your spiritual path by relying on external objects?"

"The Taoism understood by Zhi Shou Guan is natural, but it is not comprehensive in itself."

Xu Xin's voice came, Jun Mo looked up at him, and Ye Su turned to look at him.

Xu Xin continued: "What is a foreign object? If everything about you and me is a foreign object, then armor is a foreign object, a sword is a foreign object, and the breath between heaven and earth is a foreign object, but everyone is using it... …”

Ye Su thought for a long time, and then sighed: "It's true that I'm in trouble, maybe the wooden sword is not suitable..."

Ye Su was defeated and his wooden sword was destroyed, so he left.

Ye Hongyu went to see him off. The brother and sister relaxed as never before and talked about what was in their hearts.

"I had a good reputation when I was young, but I was lucky enough not to be famous, so my whole life has been spent on swords. In terms of swords alone, I can be ranked among the top three in the world. It's just a bit unlucky that the three of us are all in this youth. gorge."

"Failure is not terrible. Over the years, I have not only failed once, but today's failure is the most complete. But I don't think it is very sad. On the contrary, I think it is a good thing."

"You continue to pursue swordsmanship. One day, you will surpass me. In fact, these years, I have been waiting for you to surpass me. It's just a pity that I have fallen behind now. Regarding this matter, I hope I can get your forgiveness."

After Ye Su said this, he smiled and reached out to take off Ye Hongyu's crown, and then rubbed her black hair into a mess like a bird's nest, looking very childish.

Ye Hongyu's body suddenly tensed up, and she was very uncomfortable with this action.

In all these years, Ye Su had never done such a loving gesture to her.

She was very nervous, but also felt very warm and satisfied.

So she bowed her head obediently.

Ye Su left.

It wasn't until a long time passed that Ye Hongyu raised his head, still nostalgic for his previous feelings.

She looked at the disappearing back, the sadness deep in her eyes appearing and disappearing. After instructing the divine guards to protect the seriously injured Ye Su, she returned to Xu Xin, waiting for the next scene, which might be the last one in Qingxia. A battle.

"Mr. Liu Bai, at this moment, I still ask you to take action."

Xu Xin's voice sounded, and Sword Master Liu Bai finally appeared.

A carriage came from the south, heading straight to Qingxia.

The carriage was quiet and there was no driver.

People are in the carriage, and the carriage is parked in the wilderness before Qingxia Gorge.

“The carriage might not have come, but it came anyway.”

This sentence has two meanings. The person in the carriage does not need to come, or that person's sword does not need to come, because that person's sword can travel thousands of miles away.

The person in the carriage is Liu Bai, who is recognized by the spiritual world as the strongest man in the world and is revered as the Sword Master.

He is truly the strongest, almost invincible under the Six Realms.

When the sword is in his hand, one foot in front of him is his absolute territory. Even figures of the level of the masters Chen and Li Manman cannot enter.

In the opinion of many people, including Jun Mo, with Liu Bai's peerless talent, as long as he wanted to, he could have passed the threshold of the fifth realm, but he just didn't want to.

Liu Bai's voice came from the carriage.

"Do you want to take a break?"

The second senior brother looked at the carriage hundreds of feet away, tied the rope around his neck with his slender fingers, and said, "I don't know if I can be as confident as I am now after taking a break."

"If so, then there will be no rest."

The green car curtain moved slightly and was lifted by a hand. That hand was very big, with long and strong knuckles, which was perfect for holding a sword. Liu Bai walked out of the carriage.

This Lord Sword Master, who is regarded as a god by countless swordsmen, has nothing special about his appearance. His facial features are slightly sunken and his facial lines are carved, but he is just a seemingly ordinary middle-aged man.

Ordinary is not only a description of him, but also a description of the aura exuding from his body. The aura he exuded was also very ordinary, looking nothing like the legend.

Because his spirit and vigor are not in himself, but in the sword.

The sword is by his side, in its scabbard.

Liu Bai, a genius almost comparable to Ke Haoran in the academy.

When he was young, he realized Taoism by the river. Since then, his sword energy has spread across the mountains and rivers. No one has ever dared to question his reputation as the best swordsman.

In the history of the spiritual world, especially the history of swordsmanship, Liu Bai is a name that cannot be forgotten, because he was the first great swordsman to elevate melee combat to an absolutely high level.

In the past, sword masters in the cultivation world have always focused on flying swords. In their view, controlling the vitality of heaven and earth is the strictest distinction between practitioners and ordinary people.

It wasn't until Liu Bai was born and became invincible with a sword within a foot of his body that all swordsmen saw a new possibility on the path of cultivation. This change could even be said to be revolutionary.

One foot in front of me was not Liu Bai's creation.

This method of sword control first appeared in the world and came from the Academy Ke Haoran. But it was Liu Bai who really promoted this method.

Therefore, Jun Mo, who respected Ke Haoran, also respected Liu Bai.

Before Qingxia, Ye Su broke his sword, and the top two swordsmen in the world had a decisive battle. Xu Xin paid close attention, and he was ready to harvest.

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