The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 793 Crazy Ke is dead, and now that Master is gone, I, Chen, will have no choice but to be in

Chapter 793 Crazy Ke is dead and the Master is gone... I, Chen, will have no choice but to be invincible in the world.

In the butcher shop in a remote town, the drunkard and the butcher, two of the oldest strong men in the world, were extremely pale, their bodies were trembling, their breathing was rapid and heavy, but they did not dare to make any more noise.

Their eyes were full of shock because they couldn't understand what they were seeing and how this could happen.

There was silence in the butcher shop, and the drunkard gradually calmed down, at least his expression became more normal, and he asked in a hoarse voice respectfully: "Who are you? Where are you from? Where are you going?"

The goddess was slightly stunned. For her, the last two questions were not a problem, but the first question was indeed a problem, so she remained silent and thought for a while.

"This is the incarnation of Haotian in the human world, Your Majesty the Heavenly Lady."

The goddess was still thinking, but Xu Xin spoke first. The drunkard who was thinking of escaping only felt the palms on his shoulders tighten, and he stopped immediately.

He has no distance and no limit. He can run for days without stopping if he thinks about it. His state is really unfathomable. But when he was frightened by the goddess, Xu Xin grabbed his shoulder, and he couldn't escape at all. .

"I am the goddess of heaven. I come from the Kingdom of God. Naturally, I want to return to the Kingdom of God."

In the end, the Goddess did not say that her name was Sangsang, but accepted the title of Goddess. Since she came from the Kingdom of God, she naturally had to return to the Kingdom of God for everything to be complete.

The drunkard and the butcher completed the final confirmation, and their unwillingness and panic gradually subsided, turning into a bitter smile with tens of thousands of years of wrinkles on their faces.

The drunkard said respectfully: "I heard that you have returned to the Kingdom of God, but I didn't expect that you are still in the human world."

Sangsang said: "Some things need to be done. Are you willing to do it for me?"

The wrinkles on the faces of the drunkard and the butcher became deeper, but after a while, they felt relieved again, because Haotian gave them the same promise as Xu Xin.

"Are you ready to leave?"

The goddess looked at Xu Xin and said in a clear voice: "The war that is about to begin is not my will."

"But that is the call of Haotian Divine Religion, the common will of countless countries that believe in Haotian. At the same time, it is also good for you, isn't it!"

The war in the dialogue between Xu Xin and Tiannu is the world-wide war to defeat the Tang Dynasty that is already brewing. This war is inevitable and will never be diverted by anyone's will.

Over the long years, the Tang State was special because of the existence of the Master, and became the overlord of the world.

But now, the Master ascends to heaven and becomes the moon, and the Tang Kingdom has no backer. Since it maintains the previous specialness, it naturally makes many people unwilling. The grievances accumulated in the past will naturally explode. Under the will of the Taoist sect, under the Haotian God Sect, Under the call, there was a nationwide attack on the Tang Dynasty.

During this time, she and Xu Xin had been staying together. She was trying to include Xu Xin in the calculation of heaven, and Xu Xin seemed to be planning something.

At this moment, she suddenly didn't want to continue, so she let him leave.

The goddess stared at Xu Xin and said, "In that case, then go ahead!"

Xu Xin's figure turned into petals and disappeared on the spot. The drunkard and the butcher looked at each other silently, with fear in their eyes.

They are all strong men who have transcended the five realms, but facing this junior, they seem to be unable to fight at all.

On an unnamed island deep in the South China Sea, there is a short wooden stick on the white beach, half of the stick body has been buried in the sand.

It looks like an ordinary wooden stick, but it is actually quite extraordinary.

Because the owner left the world, it was left here, looking very ordinary.

A Taoist man in green clothes, covered in blood, appeared on the beach not far away. He stared at the wooden stick carefully, with fear in his eyes.

The Qingyi Taoist was naturally Chen, the master of the Zhishou Temple. The wooden stick thrown by the master before he ascended to heaven failed to kill him, but it only made him very embarrassed and seriously injured.


Suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky, and among the petals flying all over the sky, a figure arrived here. It was naturally Xu Xin.

The Qingyi Taoist looked at Xu Xin who suddenly appeared, spread his palms and stretched out towards the blue sea.

A sword flew from the sea and landed in his hand.

Although the viewer's clothes are still damaged and his figure is a little embarrassed, he has an invincible spirit with a sword in his hand.

"Master Guanzong, the master has an order to invite you to participate in the world-wide battle to defeat the Tang Dynasty."

Xu Xin casually took out a decree from his hand. This was naturally not Xiong Chumo's order, but it was indeed issued in the name of the leader of the Haotian Divine Sect and was recognized by all believers.

The spectator looked at Xu Xin and said coldly: "The order from the headmaster? Is it the order from you, the great adjudicator?"

"Is this important?"

Xu Xin just replied calmly: "Could it be that the master of the temple is prepared to resist the order? Or is it because your son is a disciple of the academy, so the master of the temple is prepared to help the academy and become a traitor of the Taoist sect."

"I don't object to the whole-world campaign to conquer the Tang Dynasty, but we need to clearly distinguish who is first and second. Moreover, it's time for you to hand over the plainly written book."

While the master of the temple was speaking, the Dao sword in his hand stabbed Xu Xin.

This sword is extremely pure and extremely powerful.

There is no power, only Tao.

The Dao Sword held the sword that he had been immersed in his entire life.

A clear sword mark suddenly appeared in the void, and peach blossoms were flying all over the sky. Xu Xin's figure exploded, and then turned into countless fairy flowers, blooming one after another.

Xu Xin punched out, carrying the majestic energy of heaven and earth, and collided with the sword of the temple master.


There were huge hurricane waves in the South China Sea, but this small island was not submerged by the skyrocketing tide. Countless strange realm powers flooded Xu Xin one by one.

There are five realms of human cultivation. Crossing the highest threshold is the other side that countless people dream of but can never reach.

For countless years, the cultivation world has confirmed that only a handful of people have crossed the five realms. Any one of these realms has become a legend or even a myth, such as the realm of apocalypse.

However, the viewer only waved his hands and rolled up his sleeves, displaying various mythical realms above the five realms such as the Buddhist sect's annihilation, the academy's boundlessness, and the demon sect's heavenly demons, and it seemed so casual and relaxed.

The level displayed by the viewer has gone beyond the scope recorded in the Xiling Canon and many cultivation classics. It has exceeded the most wild imagination of practitioners, and even seems so unreal.

"More than ten years ago, I went ashore and knocked Wei Guangming out of the mortal world with my own hands, except for his seat on the throne of light."

The temple master's voice resounded throughout the South China Sea, and he continued: "If you continue to disobey the will of the Taoist sect today, then I will have no choice but to knock you down from the mortal world, except for your position as the God of Judgment."

"Master Guan, do you think you are invincible?"

"Crazy Ke is dead and Master is gone."

The viewer looked up at the sky and said calmly: "I, Chen, have no choice but to be invincible in the world."

His mood when answering this question was very calm and composed, so it seemed very natural, as if he was talking about whose food was the best.

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