The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 791 The goddess stepped on the lotus and came, and the gelatin followed her.

"The Master's era is over, and Haotian's era will also be over."

"From now on, it will be my time."

On the vast earth, Xu Xin held the exquisite and perfect goddess in his arms, stretched out his hand and grabbed Haotian's face, his smile was a little wanton.

Compared to the dark and skinny little maid, he still prefers this fair and perfect goddess. It would be better if she could be more broad-minded.

Xu Xin's idea was a bit rebellious, but at this moment, Haotian, who could punish him, was being grabbed by the face in his arms, so he could continue to act recklessly.


Suddenly there was a thunder in the sky, followed by endless raindrops falling overwhelmingly. This was the vision of a war in the sky coming to the world.

After the Master ascended to heaven, it began to rain throughout the Haotian world. The rain was heavy and lasted for a very long time. Most of the time it was heavy rain, and occasionally it would be lighter and drizzle for a few hours, but there was no break in between.

This rain is destined to go down in history.

This rain is destined to change many things in the world.

This was the longest and most extensive rainfall since the beginning of written records in the Haotian world. It lasted from midsummer to autumn, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

The thunderstorm roared, the sky shook, the gate of the Kingdom of God collapsed, and countless white stones, neither gold nor jade, cut through the blue sky and roared to the world.

Tens of thousands of meteorites trailing fire tails fell into the ocean of the world.

Among the meteorites in the sky, there is a unique stone, an almost transparent crystal, which draws a bright arc on the sky and falls to the far north...falling where Xu Xin is holding the goddess in his arms in the rain.

A crystal-like transparent stone flew from a distance, scratching a bright line in the air, illuminating the dark night sky for a moment, and then crashed into Xu Xin's arms.

Xu Xin had already lifted the unconscious Heavenly Girl high when the crystal flew over. After the mutation occurred, he teleported himself and the Heavenly Girl to a place that no one could have imagined.

In the extreme northern wilderness, the Demon Sect Mountain Gate.

"Quack, quack, quack..."

The black crow flew from the south, squawking, and called outside the Demon Sect Mountain Gate.

In the Daming Lake, a naked woman reappeared in Xu Xin's field of vision. Her skin was whiter than the new snow. No matter whether it was the warm moonlight or the cold starlight, no color was left on her body, just pure. of whiteness.

Her eyes were closed, as if she was sleeping, and her slender and slightly raised eyelashes did not tremble at all. Her face was ordinary, or without any features, and there was a childish look between her eyebrows, which seemed to have the shadow of the little black girl back then.

Her skin is as smooth as satin, without even the smallest scar. It is perfect. Her body is very plump. It is illuminated by the moonlight and starlight, and has a jade-like texture. In the dark rainy night, it looks like a black porcelain plate. Snow-white steamed buns on the table.

"No! I'm really just talking, I don't mean to dislike it!"

Xu Xin looked at the bumpy, plump and perfect body, and couldn't help but look at it a few more times. He was fascinated when he looked at it again and again.

Under Xu Xin's gaze, this perfect woman blinked her eyelashes. She opened her eyes and woke up. She stood up and looked around, and the first thing she looked at was the night sky.

She stood up very tall, seemingly taller than ordinary men. There were no impurities or emotions in her eyes, only the purest black and white.

She noticed that the stars between the cliffs were a little bright. When she looked up, she saw the bright moon in the night sky. She frowned slightly, and she felt more alive.

The scene of the moon in the sky at night was a scene she had seen in her dream many years ago, and it was also the scene she hated the most.

"It's beautiful, isn't it!"

A voice rang in her ears, and this perfect woman turned to look at Xu Xin, with a coldness in her eyes.

The next moment, her naked jade feet stepped on the Daming Lake. White lotus flowers one after another supported her plump but seemingly weightless body. The white lotus flowers were in full bloom and arranged in rows, forming a straight passage. , quickly spreading towards Xu Xin.

The goddess of heaven came stepping on the lotus, and the condensed fat was flowing along with it.

Xu Xin did not leave, but admired this perfect picture and watched quietly as the goddess descended in front of him.

More than a dozen black crows flew in to welcome the goddess of heaven, carrying exotic wild flowers and grasses that they had found in their beaks, and kept flying around her.

The black crow sprinkled the wild flowers and grass in its beak onto her naked body, and then flew hundreds of feet into the sky, and she had a green dress embroidered with flowers.

She looked at the clothes on her body and felt that there were some things that were difficult to understand. She loosened the skirt of her clothes and loosened the belt around her waist. She found that it was still a little tight and she couldn't help but frown slightly.

When she looked down at her plump body, she showed disgust.

Xu Xin's voice sounded, and the goddess suddenly raised her head and stared at Xu Xin.

"You're obnoxious and bold."

This was the first time that the goddess spoke in the human world. Her voice did not have any fluctuations, and it was naturally difficult to express her emotions. However, it did not sound mechanical but unusually ethereal, transparent and empty.

She obviously only said eight words, but she seemed to utter countless syllables at the same time. It was as complex as the most beautiful piece of music, and more like all the sounds of nature.

Anyone who hears this voice will feel awe. The higher the realm, the more they can appreciate the holiness contained in the voice, and the more they want to surrender and worship such a great existence.

Even a six-level saint who is as powerful as the best in the world can only worship her in front of her.

"The goddess is the incarnation of God, and she should not have joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. But now you have emotions and disgust, and you are beginning to look like a human being."

Xu Xin's voice fell, and the goddess frowned slightly.


She opened her mouth to speak again, but this time, she made that natural sound full of sacred meaning, which gradually became ordinary, still ethereal and quiet, but no longer so complicated and difficult to understand.

The goddess stopped after saying a word, as if she wanted to regain her ruthless state.

At this time, Xu Xin's eyes were looking at her rather wantonly.

When Xu Xin's eyes fell on the towering breasts and tight clothes, the goddess frowned slightly, and she could not hide her disgust at the plump body.

And it was this kind of emotional fluctuation that made her become more like a person and become more aware of the problem.

"Tell me what he wants to do!"

After the goddess was silent for a long time, she seemed to accept her current changes and no longer struggled with these appearances. Turning his eyes towards Xu Xin, her voice was melodious and every detail of her body was so perfect.

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