The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 789 I respectfully invite you to ascend to heaven!

The little black girl maid Sangsang disappeared.

At this time, what appeared in front of Xu Xin and his wife was an almost perfect and beautiful woman.

Both her facial features and body were impeccable and perfect to the extreme.

The perfect body and face, coupled with the holy and indifferent divinity, give people a feeling of inviolability, as if she is like the statue of Haotian goddess enshrined by some Taoist sects.

At this time, the only difference between Sangsang and the legendary goddess statue is her skin color. Probably because she has been a little black girl for too long, her skin color still looks a little dark, just like before.

However, her feet were as white as jade, like two snow lotuses.

"Being in the light, treading in the darkness."

"When you are in darkness, your feet are in light."

"Light and darkness are one, as expected."

The master looked at the changed appearance of the goddess in front of him, and thought of Sangsang who was shining brightly under the black umbrella in Yanming Lake, and couldn't help but sigh.

Sang Sang is both black and white. She is the incarnation of Haotian and Pluto. Light and darkness are integrated into one. And now Sang Sang's complete change means that she has truly transformed into a goddess, and the power of the world can no longer be suppressed. Live the changes. The decisive battle is finally about to begin.

Countless rays of light spurted out from Sangsang's body, and the numerous rays of light condensed into a beam of light and reflected into the blue sky.

Light began to bloom around the Master. Countless light threads came out of the Master's body and were tied to the light gushing out of Sangsang. Part of his human power was in Sangsang's body, so he could not leave.

The master looked at the light oozing out of his body and found it very interesting. He even reached out to touch it and played it lightly like playing a piano. Then he said: "It's time!"

"I'm actually also very interested in this other variable of yours. I can take it away together today..."

Sang Sang looked at Xu Xin. There was no emotion on her face, and there was no emotion in her voice. She could not tell the difference between male and female. There was no fluctuation, but it was not mechanical, but almost transparent and empty.

"But I'm not interested in going with you."

Xu Xin looked at the goddess in front of him and just smiled flatly. She seemed not to be afraid, but her energy and energy had already been gathered, and she would break down if something went wrong.

Master once felt a slight threat from Xu Xin, but that was not an illusion. Xu Xin may not be able to defeat Haotian and Master now, but he is still somewhat sure of making them pay the price.

Xu Xin is not a blank slate time traveler like Ning Que. He is also an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years and reincarnated, and he also has many tricks.

It's just that those methods must be above the fifth realm in order to be better used. However, until now, Xu Xin has not wanted to break the situation.

"Master, I'm not the one. It's better for you to cut her."

Xu Xin quickly cut off the light that was reaching him and ran behind the master. The master's expression was a little strange, as if he had never seen such a shameless person.

"I sincerely invite you to ascend to heaven!"

Xu Xin's shouts resounded throughout the world, and then the world in all directions seemed to come to life. The rays of light that entangled the master there fluctuated, causing the "Goddess" to quickly strengthen her power against the master.

The Master finally chose to take action, preventing the goddess's power from continuing to spread.

Although he also wanted to drag Xu Xin along with him, he was not sure of success. And if Xu Xin is left in the world, it is foreseeable that he will definitely cause trouble against Haotian, and may be able to involve Haotian's power from another aspect and gain a chance for his victory.

"You'd better stay!"

Strong human power erupted from the Master's body, and the infinite light in the Heavenly Girl's body seemed to be suppressed by him, and a voice sounded from her body.

This sound has countless syllables, most of which are so complex that they are impossible to understand. It is like countless sounds of nature coming together.

But Master and Xu Xin understood, so they both laughed.

Ning Que in the distance didn't understand, but he also knew that the time for separation had come.

The words Haotian said were like howling wind and thunder, resounding throughout the world, and finally converged into a repeated sentence.

The whole world began to echo with one sentence.

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

At the highest point of Taoshan in the Xiling Divine Kingdom, outside the solemn temple, there was a crowd of black people kneeling on the stone flat. Led by Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, and the great priest Tianyu, countless followers of Haotian knelt down and touched the ground with their foreheads. .

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

Deep in the wasteland of the far west, on the top of the huge peak in the center of the sinkhole, is the head of the Xuankong Temple. He sincerely clasped his hands together and prayed with great respect.

In the countless yellow temples looming in the clouds and mist of the giant peaks, the sound of chanting scriptures and the same words are constantly ringing, quietly waiting for the Master to ascend to heaven.

"I sincerely invite you, Master, to appear as a saint!"

Countless Taoist temples, countless temples, all royal palaces, and countless dignified figures in the world all knelt on the ground with utmost respect and kept repeating this sentence.

Somewhere in the distant South China Sea, Chen, the master of Zhishou Temple, did not shout out that sentence. He just looked silently in the direction of the land, with an unusually solemn expression on his face. He was very nervous now.

He had waited too long for this moment, and he couldn't rest assured until the end.

There were many people who did not respectfully invite the Master to show his sage, such as Xu Xin who was almost pulled in front of him. He was watching the two people who were about to fight from the nearest position. His energy and spirit state reached its peak, and he could break through the fifth realm at any time. above.

"I've been taking care of human affairs for too many years. I'm a little tired, a little annoyed, and a little disgusted, so I don't want to take care of it anymore. Little Thirteen, the future choices will be left to you."

The master waved away a piece of light that floated in front of his eyes. He first told Ning Que, then he looked at Xu Xin and said, "And you kid, don't forget to promise me."

"Master, please rest assured."

Xu Xin answered seriously, while on the other side, Sang Sang continued to move with an expressionless face. The light threads on his body became more and more dense, forming an overflowing light, which seemed to take away several people present.

"Over the years, you have tried every means to find me and invite me to fight in the sky, but have you ever thought that I actually want to invite you to the human world as a guest?"

The master finally said this to Haotian. In the infinite light, the bright goddess with an icy expression could be vaguely seen. Her thin and delicate brows were slightly frowned. It seemed that the master's words did constitute some kind of threat to her.

Above the blue sky, a light gate gradually appeared in a bright location. The door is opening, and the bright kingdom of God is faintly visible behind the door.

"The moon in the Book of Heaven should be very beautiful!"

The Master looked at Ning Que and Xu Xin, both of whom nodded.

The moon is naturally very beautiful, and if the Master ascends to heaven and becomes the moon, he will definitely not perish. They will still have a chance to meet again.

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