The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 774: The silence is broken, the Buddha’s light shines everywhere, the daughter of light, the

By the Yanming Lake, the threatening voice of the twenty-three-year-old cicada was still in my ears, but Qinian, who was walking in the world of Xuankong Temple, shook his head, with a look of determination on his face, and his slightly pale lips gradually separated.

Since the day the son of Hades came into the world sixteen years ago, he has been chewing his tongue with seven thoughts. After practicing closed-mouth meditation, his mouth has never been opened again except when he smiles.

At this moment, facing the pressure brought by the academy's first and second teachers, and the threat from the Demon Sect leader, he was naturally not in the mood to laugh.

So, the action of opening his mouth was naturally intended to break his closed mouth.

Qi Nian has been cultivating the closed-mouth meditation for fifteen years. Once he breaks through the meditation, Qi Nian will have an extremely terrifying level of combat power at this moment.

Qinian's lips were slightly open, and the broken half of his tongue could be vaguely seen inside. The expression on his face was very calm, and he whispered a word, which seemed a little unclear because he had not spoken for too long.



The second word of Qi Nian was settled. What he said was so ordinary and casual that people could not feel it at all. He was like a person who had not spoken for sixteen years. The words he spoke had a huge impact on people's imagination. gap.

It was quiet beside Yanming Lake, and the chirping of the cicadas in the winter forest nearby became more and more shrill.

The words "Qi Nian" were a response to the previous threat from the leader of the Demon Sect, and Qi Nian's behavior violated the will of the twenty-three-year cicada, so he would naturally respond.

The Buddha's light filled the void, faintly forming an image of the Buddha looking down at the world. The Buddha's face was extremely vivid, and he looked extremely compassionate.

All the Buddha's light shone on Qin Nian. At this moment, he seemed to be the incarnation of the Buddha in the world. He shook the Ullama Bell and released the purer Buddha's light, which fell beside Ning Que and Chen Pipi. On the weak little maid.

The bell rang, the Buddha's light grew stronger, and countless breaths of heaven and earth gathered together, forming a partition above Yanming Lake that could only be sensed but not seen, containing the supreme power of Dharma.

When the bell rang, Ning Que, who was lying on Chen Pipi's back, was preparing to carve magic symbols to deal with this situation. However, before he could draw a complete line in the void, accompanied by the clear sound, a compassionate and majestic Buddha nature appeared. , passed into his ears, and entered his sea of ​​consciousness silently.

In just an instant, countless hallucinations appeared in Ning Que's mind. Those filthy and ugly demonic bodies that could not be described in words, and those charming goddesses that were also indescribable in words, kept shuttling back and forth, sometimes approaching and sometimes far away, exuding the radiance of All kinds of temptations and fears lead him to the Pure Land or the underworld.

Ning Que's sea of ​​consciousness was torn violently and he was in great pain, but he still woke up from the illusion in a very short period of time.

He confirmed that the Buddha's Ullama Pure Bell was not as powerful as imagined, and seemed to have no special restraint on him. Ning Que quickly raised his head, ready to continue carving magic symbols to solve this dilemma.

"Sangsang, oh..."

Suddenly, Ning Que felt his body fall to the side uncontrollably, and Chen Pippi screamed in fear. It was the fat man who subconsciously dodged, tripping his left foot and right foot, causing them both to fall together. Chen Pippi was the one who subconsciously panicked. , but it was Sangsang.

At this moment, the eyes of Qi Nian, who was shaking the Ulan Jingling Bell, became very strange.

Behind the great priest Tianyu, the senior officials of the Haotian Dao Sect who followed him to Chang'an, Cheng Lixue and others, all looked at them with fear and confusion.

Countless pairs of eyes looked at the little maid who was originally called the Daughter of Light. She was the successor chosen by the God of Light, the Guardian of Light.

but why?

Chen Pipi subconsciously dodged in fear, causing Sangsang to stumble and fall to the ground. Her body was illuminated by the Buddha's light, and her face became very white. As the Buddha's light grew stronger, the ground in front of her was covered with mottled The blood marks were not coughing up blood, but vomiting blood.

The bells continue to echo on the shores of Yanming Lake.

There was a pop.

Another mouthful of blood spurted out from her lips, wetting the cotton-padded jacket on her body and the ground in front of her.

The Buddha's light penetrated everything and fell on her body.

That Buddha's light is so compassionate and yet so cold.

In the Buddha's light, Sangsang's face looked paler and her thin body looked smaller.

She looked at Ning Que who was staggering outside the Buddha's light and trying to stand up. She shed tears silently and shook her head hard at him.

The great priest Tianyu looked at Sang Sang in shock, the Tang Dynasty master Li Qingshan looked at Sang Sang in shock, Chang'an eminent monk Huang Yang looked at Sang Sang in shock, Cheng Lixue and all the Xiling priests also looked at Sang Sang in shock.

Almost everyone present looked at Sangsang with extremely shocked expressions.

It's like seeing a ghost.

Only Xu Xin's eyes did not fall on Sangsang, but looked at the academy, waiting for the master's choice.

After the master made another move, it was time for him, Xu, to make a final move.

The great priest Tianyu let out a painful sigh and murmured with a complicated expression: "How could this happen? Why is this happening?"

He clearly saw Sang Sang shining brightly on Peach Mountain, so he decided that Sang Sang was the daughter of light, but the scene in front of him could not be faked. Could it be that Haotian's oracle was wrong? Or is there something wrong with the Buddha's magic weapon?

The expression of the great oracle priest changed. After thinking for a moment, he decided to believe the oracle's revelation. There must be something wrong with the Buddha's magic weapon.

But before the Heavenly Mandate Seat could speak, Xuankong Temple's World Walk Qinian spoke first, "Amitabha, it turns out that Master is not wrong. Mr. Thirteen is not the son of Pluto, but this girl is the daughter of Pluto."

Did the deceased Great Priest of Light want to use his light to transform Hades? "

Qinian's voice echoed by Yanming Lake, and everyone believed this statement immediately, because this statement sounded very "reasonable" and made sense.

"No, it's not."

Ning Que stood up relying on his sword. He looked at the extremely painful Sangsang in the Buddha's light and sternly refuted this statement.

At this moment, Ning Que felt that he had been abandoned by the whole world, just like he felt in the woodshed many years ago.

He had actually been prepared to be abandoned by the world. After all, after so many years of investigating the tragedy in the first year of Tianqi, he had long known that those people were looking for the son of Hades. And he, as a time traveler, is naturally special, and being forced to become the son of Pluto is not unacceptable.

And the reason why he was abandoned by the world was his own choice. He abandoned the entire world, not the world abandoned him.

At this moment, Ning Que made another choice.

He walked into the Buddha's light, opened a big black umbrella, and covered Sangsang's head.

His movements were natural, just like what he had been doing all these years, shielding her from the wind and rain. Where did he need to think?

This is his habit, and habits are more powerful than Buddha's light.

"Ning Que, the bond between you and Sangsang is really deep, but in this matter, your choice is not enough. Your choice has no effect."

Xu Xin watched silently as Ning Que opened the black umbrella to cover Sangsang. If possible, he would also like to be the one holding the umbrella.

But unfortunately, several attempts to bring Sangsang to his side failed. If the goddess didn't give her a chance, then he could only be cruel.

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