The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 772: Footsteps in the darkness, body in the light, on the Yanming Lake, the divine glory shi


The simple sword in Ning Que's hand suddenly shone brightly, and countless golden rays of light splashed out from the dark blade. It was like the golden light reflecting off the Chang'an city wall in the twilight, or like a sudden appearance of the sun, instantly turning the darkness into darkness. The Yanming Lake shines like daylight.

The golden and holy brilliance, after leaving Pu Dao, passed through the cold air and turned into a cloud of gold sand-like things, hitting Xiahou hard on the face.

For thousands of years, Tao and demons have always been at odds with each other.

The divine magic of the Xiling Temple is undoubtedly one of the nemesis of the Demon Sect's techniques.

"Haotian... no, it's the divine brilliance of light. He interprets the divine radiance of light with awe-inspiring energy!"

Ye Hongyu on the shore of Yanming Lake frowned slightly when she saw Ning Que shining brightly. Today, she already understands the difference between the divine brilliance of Haotian and the divine brilliance of light.

Although it also interprets infinite light and is the power of sunlight, Haotian's divine radiance has the majestic connotation from Haotian, and the bright divine radiance is the practitioner's own will. Therefore, everyone who cultivates the light and divine brilliance is, in a sense, a betrayal of Haotian.

Of course, a certain ruling priest is under Haotian and on the throne of God. Anyone in the world who dares to doubt his belief in Haotian will definitely be judged.

Divine magic is a gift from Haotian to the Taoist sect, and it is also a punishment to the Demonic sect.

What the strong men of the Demon Sect fear the most is the holy Haotian Shenhui. That is why Ke Haoran imprisoned Liansheng Thirty-Two, and he also used the light and Shenhui to formulate the Fan Cong formation.

Now Ning Que is using the same method. Those golden rays can ignore the powerful bodies and powerful Qi of the Demon Sect practitioners, directly affect the flow of Qi in their bodies through the air, and can even directly melt the crystals of the meridians in their bodies. wall.

In the blazing Haotian divine light, Xiahou's cheeks seemed to be so pale that they were about to become transparent, and his pupils seemed to be really burning.

His eyelashes fell off in the divine light, then turned into coke, then into ashes, and finally turned into nothingness. A flash of fear flashed in his pupils, followed by a playful smile.

Xia Hou looked at Ning Que who was outside the divine brilliance and laughed wildly. He almost roared: "You think I don't know that you know magic! But your magic is fake! You are still awe-inspiring!"

"How can candlelight turn into sunshine! What is fake is fake and can never become real! You are not Ke Haoran, what can you do to me!"

Ning Que was knocked into the water by Xiahou, while Xiahou, who was said to be very afraid of water, stood on the water. He stared at Ning Que and said coldly and disdainfully: "As a disciple of the academy, you actually chose to become a demon and refused to cultivate your natal objects. You even What I mean is that I don’t know anything..."

Ning Que looked at Xia Hou, his face suddenly turned ferocious, and shouted: "Of course I have a natal creature, do you want to see what it is?"

An extremely condensed thought force was released from Ning Que's body. The thought force broke away from the mottled blood on his body and floated towards the sky above the snow lake.

The adjective "misty" does not mean the slowness of this thought power, but the feeling it gives people. This thought power is extremely pure, permeating the vitality of heaven and earth on the snow lake, as if it doesn't know where to touch at all.

Xia Hou's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he quickly raised his hand to summon his spear to kill Ning Que.

He clearly felt that the thought power released by Ning Que captured a very fine ray of heaven and earth vitality on the snow lake, and began to expand at an extremely terrifying speed. It seemed that there was something on the cliff that was constantly pouring in. Into this ray of vitality of heaven and earth.


Xiahou caught his own spear, but he failed to stab Ning Que immediately. Instead, his burly body trembled and he opened his mouth to spit out blood.

He tilted his head to look. If he had seen movies from later generations, he would probably blurt out "I'm sorry."

Xiahou was stabbed in the waist. It was Sang Sang who was originally on the cliff. She stabbed Xiahou in the waist with her big black umbrella. Ignoring the armor and its protective energy, she suddenly broke through the peak of martial arts. Strengthen the body.


This was supposed to be a "fair" one-on-one duel between Xiahou and Ning Que, but Sang Sang finally rushed into the battlefield to intervene. The injured Xia Hou screamed angrily and fired a shot across the face. Sang Sang was beaten and fell into the lake, with his mouth Blood kept vomiting out.

"Sangsang, come!!!"

Ning Que on the other side shouted at this moment, and Sangsang's body instantly rushed out of the lake and flew to Ning Que's head. Becoming someone else's natal creature is an extremely close connection. Any life with independent consciousness will instinctively resist such a connection.

But Sangsang had chosen Ning Que a long time ago. She was originally his little maid, and she was his destiny.

Sangsang ascended to the sky in the cold night wind, and a ray of light appeared on her body. Then the light grew rapidly and became perfect. She turned into a weak flame. The color of the flame was extremely white, without a trace of impurities, and exuded a sense of holiness. the taste of.

Sangsang's body emitted this kind of holy flame, and these flames grew rapidly, illuminating her delicate body with an unusual whiteness.

These holy flames are the divine brilliance of Haotian. The holy divine radiance seeped out from the gaps in the fabric of her brand-new clothes, from her slightly dark face, and from the ends of her slightly yellow hair, covering her. Thin body.

The big black umbrella originally held by Sangsang in her left hand seemed to sense something. It closed slowly without wind, and silence rested beside her legs.

"With your feet in darkness, you are in the light..."

In the villa beside Yanming Lake, Xu Xinyuan's eyes were condensed as he watched this scene from a distance. He opened his mouth slightly and moved, saying such a sentence from the bottom of his heart.

On the Yanming Lake, there is a bright light.

Sangsang shines brightly.

It was as if endless Haotian divine light erupted from her thin body, illuminating everything in front and behind her in an instant, including the messy snow lake, the people in the other gardens by the lake, the snow bridge and reeds on the west bank, The chilling cicadas in the winter forest on the east bank also illuminate the entire city of Chang'an.

The holy and blazing light shoots from the bank of Yanming Lake to the sky and spreads to every corner of Chang'an City. The deep night seems to usher in a solemn sunrise, as bright as day.

In the sky of Yanming Lake, light continued to pour out from Sangsang's body, and the endless Haotian divine light seemed to have no temperature at all. Because her hair was not curled and her clothes were not scorched, the flames that had become blazing seemed to be really burning.

The blood stained on her clothes was burned away without leaving a trace, and the dirt and snow on her shoes were all turned into smoke and drifted away. All the dirt was purified and turned into something more transparent than clean. , as transparent as her person.

That year Wei Guangming escaped from You Pavilion, went to the wasteland and then to Chang'an. When he came to Lin 47 Lane, he saw a dark and thin girl in the old pen studio. Even though he knew there was something wrong with her, he still chose her to inherit The light.

Behind Xu Xin, the great priest Tianyu raised his head, looked at the divine light that illuminated the night sky, and sensed the atmosphere there. His face was filled with a look of pious yearning and shock, and he murmured: "So pure Light, light will eventually shine on Taoshan."

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