The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 770 Ulan Pure Bell, Hidden Arrow and Open Spear

The wind and snow are furious tonight, but by the Yanming Lake in Chang'an, there are many people sitting in the snow, watching the battle from a distance.

In the winter forest on the east bank of Yanming Lake, snow fell from the sky at night, and a monk walked slowly in the snow-covered forest.

It was pitch dark in the forest, but the kapok cassava on the monk's body and the hat on his head were so clearly visible, naturally conveying a sense of fairness.

The monk was walking in the forest, heading towards Yanming Lake.

He is Seven Thoughts, a Buddhist sect walking around the world, and has not been born for fifteen years.

Fifteen years ago, in front of the black line he saw in the wasteland, he smiled slightly, chewed his own tongue, swallowed it in his belly, and never spoke again. He has been practicing silent chanting ever since.

Tonight he sets foot in the mortal world again. No one knows whether he will speak or what he will say. People only know that after fifteen years of silence, once he opens his lips, the Buddha's voice will be as clear as thunder.

Even Ye Su, the powerful successor of Zhishou Temple, didn't want to face the first words he spoke.

Just when the mute monk was about to reach the ice surface of Yanming Lake, a thin sheet of snow fell from the sky above the night forest.

The snow was extremely thin, so thin that it was translucent, like a cicada wing.

There was a sudden wind and dense snow in the forest at night. The seemingly light and fluffy snow was not blown away by the howling night wind, nor did it disappear into the dense snow. Instead, it fell from the sky alone and coldly, ignoring the evil around it. The wind and companions slowly drifted down and landed on Qi Nian's shoulders.

When the thin snow fell, the monk stopped walking towards the lakeside. His straw sandals sunk deeply into the thick snow. Then he turned his head and looked at the thin piece of snow on his shoulders, silent.

Suddenly there was a sound of thin ropes in the forest. The sound was like the grinding of sharp ice flakes. Accompanied by the wind and snow, it naturally showed a sad feeling, and it sounded like the chirping of cicadas.

Bursts of shrill cicada sounds suddenly resounded through the snow forest, colder than ice and snow, more elusive than the night wind. They chirped everywhere, fell silent everywhere, revived everywhere, and finally fell in the ears of the monk.

It's safe to turn around!

The cicadas in the forest seemed to be saying these four words indifferently.

The mute's expression became more and more solemn as he listened to the increasingly mournful chirping of cicadas.

His name is Qi Nian, he comes from the Xuankong Temple, an unforgettable place, and he is an extremely powerful Buddhist sect walking around the world.

Because of the records in the temple's scriptures, he came to Chang'an City to see the legendary son of Hades. He was even ready to kill that person even in the face of the academy's wrath.

Since he started practicing closed-mouth Zen, his Zen mind has become stronger and his will has become more resolute. Not even the countless powerful people in Chang'an City, nor the mountain of academy in the south of the city, can make his mind wander even a little bit.

Logically speaking, no sound can stop him.

But the sound of these cicadas is different. It represents the most mysterious person in the world, the leader of the Demon Sect who has disappeared for many years, the twenty-three-year-old cicada, Lin Wu.

Not to mention him, even if the head lecturer of Xuankong Temple is here, listening to these sad cicadas must be treated with the most caution.

Qinian's expression was solemn, even with the respect that a junior should have, but his eyes were still firm, and he slowly stretched out his hand to point to Yanming Lake behind him.

He used this action to tell the person behind the cicada that his other shore was over there.

Qi Nian knew why this twenty-three-year-old cicada reappeared in the world and why he used the cicada's sound to stop him from walking towards Yanming Lake.

Because Xiahou is a traitor to the Demon Sect, and he is the person Cicada must kill in the Twenty-Three Years.

Since the leader of the Demon Sect is still alive, he must kill Xiahou or watch Xiahou die.

So he came to stop Qin Nian and asked the Buddha to stop walking around the world and not to interfere in the duel.

Qi Nian could understand Cicada's intention, but that didn't mean he could accept it.

The Buddhist sect has always been called a heretic by the Haotian Taoist sect, but after all, it belongs to the righteous path. Even though he knew that the powerful demon sect in the forest was unfathomable and had a strong will like him, how could he stop there?

Qi Nian, the descendant of Xuankong Temple, became angry because he was angry.

He still pursed his lips tightly, his eyes were firm, and his hands were changing in front of the kapok cassock. In a moment, they formed a handprint that meant coldness.

Among the Buddhist Mahamudras, it is the brightest and most powerful Fudo Myoyo Seal.

He didn't want to stop there and was ready to fight with all his strength.

"If you open your mouth and speak, I will create a hundred thousand dumb people in the world."

However, at this moment, a voice sounded deep in the night forest. When Qinian heard this, he wanted to fight the twenty-three-year-old cicada regardless.

The sound of cicadas chirping at night echoed in the winter forest. At this moment, Xu Xin, who was in the courtyard beside Yanming Lake, suddenly looked at Li Manman, the senior scholar of the academy, and said, "Sir, after all, Master Qinian is my invited guest. , please help me invite him here!"

"I can promise to persuade him to stay and not interfere in this duel."

Li slowly heard Xu Xin's words in the lakeside garden. After a moment of silence, he nodded with a smile, and then disappeared into the garden. Within a few breaths, an embarrassed monk with half his body covered in ice and snow was caught by him. Brought all the way here.

"Master Qin Nian, please be patient and wait until after this duel."

Xu Xin spoke up to stop Qin Nian from continuing to take action. He looked at the mute monk who was practicing silent meditation and said loudly: "Master, you have already brought that magic weapon over!"

Qi Nian turned away the ice and snow on his body, looked up at Xu Xin, opened his mouth and took out a copper bell.

This bell has an ordinary copper color, but its style is somewhat unique. It is round and wide in shape and looks more like a small bell.

Qi Nian held it carefully with both hands, respectfully and reverently. It could be seen from his attitude that the origin of this bell was definitely extraordinary.

"Is this...the legendary Buddha's magical weapon?"

Li slowly looked at the bell on Qi Nian's hand, his eyes suddenly changed, and there was some worry in his eyes.

This seemingly ordinary copper bell is called Yulan, also known as Jingling. "

The cold wind brought snow into the courtyard, blowing the copper bell between Qi Nian's fingers, making a crisp sound. The bell was crisp but there was absolutely no hint of coldness, and it seemed extremely soft and compassionate.

Bon orchids grow in the pure land of the far west. They are the best at detecting evil and suppressing evil spirits. The copper used in the Bon orchid bells has been resting in the vast fields of Bon orchids for countless thousands of years. It is the purest. It was later cast into a bell and followed the Buddha in the world to practice hard. Over countless years, Buddha nature gradually emerged on its own.

It is said that this magic weapon left by Buddha can confirm who is the real son of Hades.

So when he was in You Pavilion, Xu Xin suggested that Wei Guangming borrow the Bon Purple Bell.

But the God of Light had his own pride and did not go to the Buddhist sect.

Xu Xin knew that the Ullama Pure Bell was indeed useful, so he asked the Buddha Sect to bring it with him.

At the moment when the Ulan Jing bell rang, Ning Que and Xia Hou, who had already started dueling on the central battlefield of Yanming Lake, each showed their trump cards, and an even more intense fight broke out.

"Xiahou is out with his gun, open gun!"

Ye Su, a Taoist traveling around the world, suddenly spoke, with some expectation in his words.

Ning Que had previously used hidden arrows, Yuan Shisan Arrow. And Xiahou also has a bright spear, and this bright spear comes from Zhi Shouguan, so he is naturally looking forward to the next battle.

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