The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 768: A dance of demons, Chang'an has been in chaos ever since

In the south of Chang'an City, a banquet was held in the palace of the Princess Mansion. There were not many people present. In addition to Ning Que, Sang Sang, and Xia Hou, there were also Emperor Li Zhongyi, Queen Xia and his wife, as well as the main guests. The princesses Li Yu and Xu Xin of the family and others.

This is the first time that Xu Xin meets the Empress of the Tang Dynasty. She is a beautiful woman in palace attire, about thirty years old, with beautiful eyebrows. She is charming but not too generous, very gentle and a little thick. His lips were pursed tightly, and his eyes occasionally looking at Xia Hou were full of worry.

Today's banquet at the Princess Mansion did not prepare any delicacies. There were only some very ordinary dishes on the long square table set among the autumn trees in the courtyard.

At this time, probably the entire city of Chang'an was paying attention to this banquet, but the atmosphere at the banquet was not as tense as people imagined.

The few people invited here today just ate in silence until the banquet was halfway through, when Xu Xin clapped his hands gently.

The sound of silk and bamboo orchestral music gradually began to play, and a group of beauties singing and dancing came to the venue to perform dances. Their graceful dance postures were heart-stirring. Suddenly, a woman appeared surrounded by many dancers.

She was wearing a lightly veiled skirt, and her face was covered with gauze. Her specific appearance could not be clearly seen, but there was something hazy about it that made people want to investigate.

She had a pair of smart and beautiful eyes. The moment she appeared, those beautiful eyes met Xiahou's. The misty light flickered, and Xiahou's eyes immediately changed.

Stars are hanging all over the sky, and countless starlight falls on the world, as if to set off a stunning background for this starry beauty.

The dancer in the middle moved, and the ribbons came from nowhere, floating in front of her body. I saw her graceful figure, her fair and delicate body, looming as she danced, making people see something in her eyes. A little confused.

She is like a fluttering butterfly, like a nimble bird, and her dancing posture fully demonstrates the beauty of a woman. The most praiseworthy words for a woman in the world can be applied to her.

A strange invisible wave suddenly rose up, a strange, profound and mysterious wave that spread from her body to the surroundings.

This woman has changed from her previous ethereal temperament, and her whole body is filled with a charming aura, like a succubus, and her every move and all kinds of amorous feelings can arouse people's inner impulses.

The graceful dancing posture is stretched, the gentle curves are undulating, the beautiful lady, the whole person is like a dancing butterfly, so beautiful.

Suddenly, thousands of ribbons shot out, and the elves under the stars spun in place and lifted into the sky. The beauty under the ribbons was like a fairy coming to earth. In this remoteness, her charm was fully displayed.

At this moment, a maidservant came to Xiahou carrying a bowl of carefully prepared bird's nest, golden dates and large tonic porridge. He put down the exquisite and beautiful porcelain bowl. The steaming porridge made Xiahou couldn't help but tremble. .

"Shuang'er, Shuang'er, Shuang'er...ah!!!"

Xia Hou suddenly lost his temper and yelled. He suddenly stood up and flipped the table. The royal flag he carried with him danced, and he was about to stab Tang Xiaotang, who was dressed as a dancer.

Xu Xin's voice sounded at the right time, and he said: "General Xiahou, even if you are dissatisfied with the princess's lack of hospitality, you can't flip the table like this!"


Xia Hou grasped the flagpole that could be turned into a war gun and resisted the urge to continue taking action. He knew that Xu Xin was deliberately provoking him, but in today's game, he had to come and withstand these "humiliations."

Xia Hou's three simple words represent his unbearable past.

More than ten years ago, General Xia Hou of the Tang Dynasty cooked and killed his most beloved concubine just because she danced.

It was a summer, the nights were short and the days were long, and the light spread by Haotian was not only warm but also blazing.

The stern inquiry letter from the Xiling Divine Kingdom was delivered directly to the Chang'an Palace. Even Zhishouguan, an unknown place, expressed serious concern, and it could be vaguely seen in the vast Minshan Mountains not far from the military camp. Countless sword lights.

"Shuang'er, you shouldn't have danced that devilish dance that day."

Xia Hou stared at Tang Xiaotang, twitched the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "You really shouldn't dance that dance, although that dance, and the ecstasy during the dance... are really beautiful."

Although many years have passed in a flash, many people still remember that incident. Faced with the pressure from Xiling, Xiahou decisively chose to betray.

He betrayed his lover, betrayed the demon sect, and betrayed the Tang state. When the Tang state was preparing to mobilize troops, he cooked and killed his lover, Murong Linshuang, the former saint of the demon sect, in public, and later became the guest minister of Xiling. He jumped repeatedly with the Tang Dynasty.

"Your Highness Princess, Judgment God's Throne, I'm sorry, I lost my temper."

Xiahou raised his glass and said, "Xiahou made a mistake and is willing to punish himself with three drinks. Please!"

After saying this, he decisively raised his glass, one glass after another, and poured himself three glasses in succession. A layer of rosy color finally appeared on his face, as if he felt a little bit better.

"Xiahou thanks the God of Judgment for allowing me to see Tianmowu again."

Xia Hou looked at Xu Xin and said: "I just don't know how the Judgment God is going to deal with this person who is dancing the Demon Dance in public, involving this contemporary saint of the Demon Sect who is disobedient to Haotian."

Xia Hou's words shocked everyone present, but they must also admit that he was right.

The Heavenly Demon Dance is the famous and iconic dance of the Demon Sect. The Holy Girl of the Demon Sect died at the hands of Xia Hou because of that dance.

"Xiahou, you are asking too much."

Xu Xin's voice sounded, and he gently raised his hand. Tang Xiaotang, who was dancing gracefully, crossed Xia Hou and came to Xu Xin's side, letting Xu Xin hold her slender and tight waist.

"If you were strong enough, you would have been able to protect your lover in the past, but now you are just like a dog..."

Waves of harsh sounds rang in his ears, which also made Xiahou's heart throb, making it difficult to calm down.

Although these words are very unpleasant to hear, they are also true and tell all the truth.

If Xiahou was strong enough, how could he choose to betray and kill his lover in the past, and do things that would make him feel guilty for the rest of his life?

In the bleak autumn wind, Xia Hou left the princess's mansion in the dance of the devil.

Xu Xin didn't make any other moves, everything he did was enough.

Today's banquet refers to the people who died in the Yan Kingdom. If you want to make them rest in peace, killing Xia Hou is one of the simplest and clearest methods.

After this devilish dance, Xiahou, who was in a state of confusion, stayed in seclusion, quietly waiting for Ning Que's challenge.

Until that day, Ning Que, who had been setting up at Yanming Lake for a long time, truly challenged Xiahou.

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