The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 753 This is the power of Apocalypse. The ultimate showdown between Fu Tao and Shinto.

Master, it's getting late, and it's getting late.

We won't disturb you in teaching your disciples. Goodbye!

Outside the Demon Sect Mountain Gate, after Xu Xin said these two sentences, countless pink petals flew up to the sky, tearing apart some mysterious channel between the vitality.

No distance?

Li Manman, the college student, is actually proud. He originally thought that he was the most stable person in the world in the realm of distance. But now I see Xu Xin's operation. He has not yet entered Wuju, but he understands the principles and can open this kind of channel. This is almost the same as Wuju.

In other words, Wuju has no secrets about Xu Xin, it just depends on whether he wants to join Wuju or not.

He looked at Xu Xin's mysterious method of opening the passage. At this moment, he deeply felt the real gap between himself and Xu Xin.

call out!

A ray of light enveloped the outside of the Demon Sect's mountain gate, and except for Xu Xin, all the women present, including Tang Xiaotang, were also teleported away.

As for this group of stinky men fighting and confronting each other, Xu would not give them a second glance.


The master turned his head and stared in the direction of Chang'an, and sighed. For the first time, he regretted that he had decided that Ning Que would be the disciple at the back of the academy. He could have had one more!

Teacher, heavenly book...

Li walked slowly to the master and lowered his head. The clear-letter scroll that the teacher gave him was snatched away. This was his responsibility.

Li Manman, Li Manman, why are you looking like this? If something was robbed, it's because you're not good at it. If you're not good at it, then go practice and learn. Once you learn how to fight, practice your skills, and then snatch it back. that is……

The master scolded Li slowly, hating that iron could never become steel, and was very dissatisfied with his reckless temper even though he couldn't beat him hard.

He didn't care about the loss of the Mingzi Scroll, but was more concerned about the growth of his eldest disciple.

The eternal night is approaching, and he also has a premonition that something may happen to him.

So before something happened, he wanted to cultivate the skills of a great disciple.

In the northern suburbs of Chang'an City, there is a little-known mountain. This mountain is not high, and there are no literati and anecdotes to help it become famous. The mountains are full of miscellaneous trees, and it lacks some beauty, so there are few tourists on weekdays. .

The wind and snow were coming that day, and the roads were covered with snow and it was difficult to walk. There were no traces of people on the mountain, and it was so quiet that it seemed as if it was not in the world.

A black carriage stopped at the foot of this unknown mountain, and the horses were grazing leisurely.

An invisible barrier stretches across the cliff at the top of the mountain, and seven-color streams of light spread across the barrier, like a beautiful rainbow in the snow.

There were two old men dueling on the cliff, but there were three people watching the battle, Jun Mo from the academy, Chen Pipi, and Sang Sang.

Wei Guangming went to the wasteland and then to Chang'an, and still found Sangsang.

Then, he still didn't kill Sangsang and taught her how to suppress the dark and cold atmosphere with divine brilliance.

In the end, Yan Se came to the door, and there was a decisive battle to the death together.

It's as if nothing Xu Xin has done has changed... With a loud bang, a beam of light accompanied by petals entered the top of the mountain. Xu Xin and others were teleported directly from the wasteland to the place of decisive battle, becoming the final audience.

The sleeve of the God of Light is torn, and Master Yanse actually hurt him.

Except for Xu Xin, among the several spectators he brought along, Ye Hongyu had the highest level. With her sharp eyes, she could see at a glance that Wei Guangming seemed to be at a disadvantage. His cotton sleeves had been shredded, and the skin on his arms had been cut into pieces. There is a crystal light outside.

Yan Se had previously used a powerful well character to suppress Wei Guangming. But Wei Guangming stubbornly pointed his bare fingers towards the eastern sky, the tip of his index finger burning with bright light, extremely firm and persistent.

Perhaps the belief in light is so firm and persistent that it moved the Creator above the sky...

If the Great Priest of Light had some enlightenment, he looked at the clouds quietly, his deep eyes were crystal clear, his old cheeks were filled with tears of emotion, and he murmured in a trembling voice: Thank you Haotian for giving me strength.

The rising sun suddenly rose outside the clouds, and a majestic power passed through the snow clouds, penetrated the infinite void, and poured directly into Wei Guangming's old body.

This force is so overwhelming that it should even be described as brilliant and brilliant. It just falls from the sky and enters the human body.

Without any experience or preparation, the relatively small and fragile human body may be directly shattered into countless fragments of light by this force, or become an idiot in despair.

But this situation is not unfamiliar to the Great Priest Guangming. Many years ago, he had taken that step and understood Haotian's revelation.

He understood that as long as he fully opened his mind and body, he could get the most precious gift from Haotian to mankind, and thus be able to use this power that should not appear in the human world.

This is the power of apocalypse.

The High Priest of Light's crystal-clear eyes fell, calmly watching everything between the cliffs. He seemed to see every line cutting through the space of the hash mark, and the divine light lingering between his index fingers had turned into a mass of white that seemed to be substantial. Brilliance.

The beautiful and holy milky white light exudes an unimaginable and terrifying atmosphere.

Countless rays of holy milky white light spread from his fingers. Some hung down like umbrellas to protect his body, while more pierced out instantly like sunlight, piercing into those who were split into countless pieces. space.

After the strands of light pierced into the space fragments, those fragments suddenly became brighter. The terrifying aura contained in the light supported the edges of the lines, preventing the space from continuing to fragment.

Yan Se used powerful talismans that transcended five realms to cut the space into pieces.

The Great Priest of Light uses the power of apocalypse to forcibly maintain the existence of space.

Tens of thousands of bright broken spaces are like tens of thousands of tiny mirrors. Images of cliffs, air, snowflakes, grass and trees appear in the mirrors. Although they are all fragmented images that have been cut and have no connection, they still exist.

On the edge of tens of thousands of bright light mirrors, those cutting lines are trembling slightly.

When these lines break, the power of light will break through the confinement of cutting and return to the real and complete world.

As these lines continue to cut into finer points, the space continues to fragment, and no matter what kind of light aura is filled in it, it will only gradually dim in the end.

The horizontal talisman borrowed from the breath of heaven and earth, and the light power borrowed from Haotian, this is the ultimate showdown between the apocalypse and the divine talisman.

The Tao of Talisman is the truth that human beings have understood from heaven and earth, and the deepest laws of the world that they can master on their own. Light is Haotian's reward or punishment to this world. Who can beat whom?


The small cliff was cut instantly, including the cliff itself, and the flowers, plants and trees on it were all destroyed immediately.

But because they were indifferently supported by Haotian's bright aura, they did not turn into smoke, but died completely.

Of course, there is still a tree that has not been shattered or sealed into the bright mirror.

It was a straight poplar tree, and squatting under the tree was a little girl, that was Sangsang.

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