The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 746 It’s like Tiga sealed his good brother and wife. It’s enough for me to be the only one w

In the room of the Demon Sect's main hall, as Liansheng Thirty-two roared and shouted, a bright light shone on his body.

This light is very weak, but extremely bright, like a small oil lamp in the night wind or a fishing fire in the storm. It seems that it may be extinguished at any time, but it will never be extinguished.

Haotian Shenhui?

Ye Hongyu looked at the holy brilliance on Liansheng's body, her eyes showing solemnity. As a practitioner who knew fate and had cultivated Haotian's divine brilliance, she could sense that the light blooming in Liansheng at this moment was not the normal cultivation of Taoist magic. Haotian Shenhui.

The expressions of Lu Chenjia, Mo Shanshan and Tang Xiaotang were not much better than Ye Hongyu's. They were all full of shock. They could clearly feel the sacred aura contained in the light.

Tang Xiaotang discovered the magic of the Demon Sect, but aren't the people in the Demon Sect most afraid of Haotian's divine glory?

Ning Que, the weakest, is not very good in terms of cultivation and knowledge. Because he doesn't understand, he is not so shocked, but just a little surprised.

The radiance blooming on the lotus body is transparent and warm. It will not cause burning pain in the eyes, nor will it spread the high temperature of moxibustion. Instead, it shines on everything like the sunshine between heaven and earth, revealing an indescribable supreme state.

I don't want to judge you, I just want to judge you.

Xu Xin looked at the seemingly immortal brilliance, and then said calmly: Ke Haoran didn't kill you back then, just because he wanted to torture you, break your Taoist heart, and slowly wait for death.

Ke Haoran is dead, but the master from the academy is still alive. He is in the wilderness.

When the Demon Sect Mountain Gate opens, you have only two outcomes, escape or die. Which outcome do you think the people in the academy would like to see?

Master, Master, Master...

Liansheng raised his head and roared Master's name, then suddenly turned to Ning Que and sneered: Master, let this junior come to take my life, Liansheng, it's really ridiculous!

When he heard what Xu Xin said, he naturally knew that the master knew about what happened at the Demon Sect Gate today. Liansheng single-handedly led Ke Haoran into trouble, will Master let him go? It's impossible, so Liansheng Thirty-Two will definitely die. The only difference is in whose hands he will die.

So, I'm here to give you a decent ending, which also makes my path complete.

Only one of the great ruling priests is enough.

Moreover, the inheritance of judgment has always been that the inferior conquers the superior and succeeds to the throne by force!

If I kill Mo Yu, and then I kill Min Liansheng, I will naturally become the only ruling throne.

Under the true Haotian, above the throne of God.

Xu Xin's words were calm, but they were the rules that ruled the bloody succession of the temple.

And he also thought so in his heart, it was like Tiga sealing his good brother and wife, and I am the only one who shines.


Okay, okay, okay, I'll see how you want to kill me.

As Liansheng laughed, the light on his body suddenly dissipated. Just as Xu Xin's figure approached him, the withered right hand that had not been raised for decades grabbed it out, and dark red breath overflowed from Liansheng's five fingers. , a shrill roar echoed throughout the Demon Sect.

The expressions of Lu Chenjia and Mo Shanshan suddenly became painful. Tang Xiaotang was enduring it, but Ye Hongyu, a great practitioner who knew his fate, was not affected. As the divine radiance surged from her body to protect Lu Chenjia and Mo Shanshan, the expressions of the other two people also softened.

As for Tang Xiaotang, she was unwilling to ask for help. While Ye Hongyu would not kill the Demon Sect girl in person because of Xu Xin, he could not take the initiative to show his kindness.

Ning Que, who was the weakest, covered his ears and blocked his senses so as not to listen to the shrill roar, but it was still useless. If nothing happens if the senses are closed, then wouldn't this lotus life be too useless?

Xu Xin's footsteps stopped three feet away from Liansheng. The breath between the two of them flowed. He chuckled and said: The lion's roar of the Buddhist sect, combined with the magic sect of the demon sect, is so powerful. I am very curious, except for twenty-three Apart from Nian Chan, do you know all the Demon Sect techniques?

What you said is right, and it's not just the magic sect, but also the three sects of Taoism, Buddhism and Demonism. I know all the dharma.

Liansheng's body burst out with powerful telepathy, which was the last strength he had after surviving for many years. His only choice now is to defeat Xu Xin and seize life. He does not believe in fate. Even if the Master is paying attention to this place, he will still struggle and he will fight. Victory over heaven, defying heaven and changing destiny.

I once learned the Lotus Seal of the Xuankong Temple, and the wonderful self-realization seemed to come naturally. I once learned the Peach Mountain Fan Cage Formation, and I could trap everything in the world with just a wave of my fingers. I am proficient in all the techniques of the seven and twenty-eight schools of the Demon Sect. Except for... two Thirteen years old cicada, that method cannot be successful.

Liansheng roared angrily: Back then, I once saw the hope of the Demon Sect's nirvana, and it was a little boy. But unfortunately, when I returned to the mountain gate, I killed his father in order to establish my authority, so he didn't believe me at all. anything.”

He refused to learn so many wonderful exercises that I brought back from the holy land of Buddhism and Taoism, but he insisted on learning the twenty-three-year-old cicada that has no hope of success!

Why! Why! If he didn't choose the Twenty-Three-Year Cicada, but became my disciple, maybe I wouldn't have to deal with Crazy Ke...

Liansheng shouted angrily, The only hope has been shattered again. What should I do? Finally I thought of a way. I want to destroy this world. I want to destroy all the demon sects, Buddhism and Taoism, so that peace can return to the world. , new shoots sprout from the scorched earth...

You are indeed a genius, a true master of all laws, a true master of the gods, but you are only in the fifth realm. Even if everything is really shattered, are you sure you can succeed? And your method is even better than that of Pluto. cruel.

Xu Xin said calmly, the infinite energy became his weapon, squeezing Liansheng's breath little by little, his palm stretched out, as if it was about to fall on Liansheng's head.

Five realms? Haha, I have read two volumes of heavenly books to understand the divine will of Haotian. If I didn't want to be a dog, I could have enlightenment at any time. The immeasurable power of the Buddhist sect and the demons of the demon sect are no secrets to me. I didn't want to enter the fifth realm in the past. territory……

But you just can't get over it now. Ke Haoran's awe-inspiring Qi is still there, and you can't get over the five realms. Even recovering your vitality is a luxury.

You are about to die, do you have any last words?

Xu Xin's bright palm fell on his forehead. The latter seemed to have given up resistance, and the blood-red aura gradually dissipated.

Last words?

Liansheng's expression seemed to become confused, but the next moment the deep-set pupils in his eyes turned red, with a red light as thin as rice grains, which looked extremely monstrous, and his withered chest and abdomen looked even hollower than before.

This seemingly understated glance actually contained an extremely terrifying level. The old monk had been imprisoned for decades, and it took decades for him to regain his mental power. Just with this glance, all his mental power was consumed.

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