The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 738: Light descends on the wasteland, and the magic talisman arrives from Chang'an

In the wilderness in the early morning, a slim figure came outside the coalition camp, carrying a bamboo basket filled with delicate flowers.

A young man wearing a golden uniform stood at the gate of the camp to greet him. When he saw the young man, Lu Chenjia from the Moon Wheel Kingdom was stunned for a moment, and then quickly ran to Xu Xin. Before the beauty arrived, waves of fragrance from her body were already lingering on the tip of his nose.

When did you come?

When Lu Chenjia saw Xu Xin appear, her beautiful face showed a look of surprise, and her watery eyes were filled with tenderness and sweetness.

She gently dropped the flower basket, and like a cheerful butterfly, it floated over and fluttered into her husband's arms. The amazing soft touch came, Xu Xin smiled slightly, and hugged the beauty in his arms tightly... The nympho girl's beautiful face is really something that people will never tire of seeing.

I came here yesterday and found out that you were out looking for flowers.

Xu Xin circled Lu Chenjia's slender waist and whispered softly: Yesterday, I had a conflict with your aunt in the tent.

Then it must be my aunt's fault.

Lu Chenjia's heart was with Xu Xin, and she also knew what kind of temper her aunt Qu Nimadi was. She immediately stopped Ai Lang from continuing to speak, put her arms around his head and neck and kissed him actively. No need for so many explanations.

At this moment, Xu Xin and Lu Chenjia were immersed in it, and the love between them seemed to have been sublimated. This was a wonderful feeling.

The relationship between men and women is sometimes so delicate. If you are tired of being together every day for a long time, even a fairy-like beauty may have a boring day.

But occasionally after being separated for a while, there is a sense of anticipation that a small farewell is better than a wedding when we meet again.

Just like now, after not seeing each other for several months, Lu Chenjia misses Ai Lang very much.

Even if it was some of Xu's more and more outrageous actions, she would only give in half. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, the two of them might have had their wedding in advance.

In the dense forest outside the coalition camp, a group of girls looked at the two people hugging each other and kissing each other from a distance. The youngest Tmall girl, with a red face, approached the cold white-clothed mountain master and whispered: Senior sister, Young Master and The nympho girl seems to be a perfect match indeed!

They are an unmarried couple.

Mo Shanshan's voice was very soft, and no emotion could be heard.

Tmall Girl whispered again: But I heard that the young master and that Taoist idiot girl are also... They lived together in Chang'an for several months and were inseparable.

Mo Shanshan glanced at the youngest junior sister and slapped her on her smooth forehead, stopping the conversation from continuing.

When Xu Xin was at the hot spring lake, he had a harmonious relationship with the girls from the River Country, and he seemed to want to get close to Mo Shanshan.

It is said that both the nymphomaniac and the Taoist idiot have fallen one after another. Maybe they want to embrace all the three idiots in the world, and this young master does have the qualifications.

Lu Chenjia returned to the coalition camp and, with the support of Xu Xin, replaced Qu Ni Ma Di as the leader of the Moon Wheel Kingdom. A few days later, the coalition forces set off one after another and headed north again, preparing to go to the Prairie Royal Court. region, and formed an alliance with the tribes of the royal court to fight against the deserters.

One carriage after another went north. Xu Xin and Lu Chenjia were in the same carriage. Behind them were the large troops from the temple and the Moon Wheel Kingdom, and in front were a group of disciples from the Great River Kingdom.

As the deep dark night descended on the earth, Xu Xin took Lu Chenjia to the camp in Dahe Country to have a meal. Being among a group of young and beautiful girls always made him feel happy.

call out!

call out!

Just when he had eaten and drank and was about to take his fiancée and his intended maid, Tmall Girl, for a walk, he suddenly saw two bunches of fireworks rising into the night sky in the distance, brightening the deep night.

This is a firework signal to request support. Are the people walking in this direction the academy disciples of Tang State?

After Mo Shanshan and Zhui Zhihua noticed the movement, they quickly came to Xu Xin's side. Everyone present looked at Xu Xin.

The academy's team was attacked. I'm afraid it's not that simple. Pass the order and provide immediate support.

Xu Xinxin knew that this matter was most likely caused by Xia Hou. He couldn't get involved in the grudge between Xia Hou and Ning Que, but the academy team was attacked and he had to give due feedback.

Immediately, there were elite cavalry from the temple and the Great River Kingdom, one person and two horses rushing through the night, rushing to the direction of the fireworks warning.

In the early morning, the sun shone brightly on the earth again. Outside the temporary camp of the academy, the corpses of countless people and horses were piled up in a circle.

Within a few hours, a large number of horse thieves launched multiple charges towards him. Although they were all repelled, their losses were also very serious. If no reinforcements arrived, they might all be dead.

Zhenbei Army! Xiahou!

Among the team in the academy, Ning Que held two swords in his hands and stared at the dozens of elite cavalry in the distance. He could be sure that the group of people commanding the horse thieves to besiege them were definitely the elite of the Zhenbei Army.


At the dawn of dawn, Xiahou's confidant Lin Ling led a group of elite Zhenbei troops disguised as horse thieves, preparing to complete the harvest of the academy's disciples and get rid of Ning Que, a fish that slipped through the net.

It was at this moment that an old man in white robes came outside the battlefield carrying a dead branch. Wei Guangming sensed the scene, stared at Ning Que, and said: Haotian is immortal, and the light will last forever!

He broke out of the secluded pavilion and walked around the world for many days before he came to the wasteland. When he saw Ning Que with his own eyes, there was doubt in his eyes.

He found that the big black umbrella behind Ning Que was indeed very problematic.

Dongxuan...the Great Mind Master...

In the chaotic battlefield, Lin Ling, the master of telepathy, personally dealt with Ning Que, a young monk in the No-Confusion Realm. His powerful telepathy controlled the vitality of heaven and earth and crushed Ning Que. An offensive like a sound wave pinned Ning Que to the ground, his mouth and nose Blood oozed from all the orifices.

Sir, let's go down and save people quickly!

Smoke and dust filled the mountains in the distance. Xu Xin led the girls from the River Kingdom and the temple cavalry to arrive. Tmall Girl, who was not very good at riding, was protected in his arms. He saw the academy disciples in a bad situation from a distance, so he whispered Talking to save people.

The God of Light is here.

Xu Xin raised his hand to stop everyone and pointed at Wei Guangming's position. Only then did everyone realize that the old man was slowly walking towards Ning Que, who was being controlled on the ground.

Wei Guangming walked into the battlefield and walked towards Ning Que step by step. He stared at the big black umbrella of the team behind Ning Que, Sure enough, it was a touch of thick night.

How did you get Pluto's artifact?

Let me see if you are the son of Hades.

Wei Guangming waved his right arm, and the blazing Haotian divine light spread out from his fingers, shrouding Ning Que. One of the best ways to identify the son of Pluto is to baptize with the Haotian divine light.

Brother, stop.

At this time, a thunderous shout came, and a wretched old man came with a dusty face. He was the Talisman Master of the South Gate of Haotian Dao and Ning Que's master, Yan Se.

Ever since the news of Wei Guangming's escape came out, Yan Se has been feeling uneasy. He came from Chang'an, but he didn't expect to see Wei Guangming attack his disciple.

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