The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 729 If light comes, what is discovered is not the daughter of light, but the daughter of Plu

You want to use me? Then tell me the news you brought!

Within the wooden fence of You Pavilion, Wei Guangming slowly turned his head to look at Xu Xin.

In the first year of the Apocalypse, you saw a dark shadow in Chang'an, but what you saw at that time was not real, and what you met was not specific. You only knew that he existed, but you didn't know where he actually existed.

Then, you saw a person who was born to know him in Chang'an City, and you decided that he was the shadow of darkness and the son of Hades. But don't you think you are too arbitrary!

Xu Xin said calmly, what he said was the reason behind the murder of General Xuanwei's family in the past.

In the first year of Tianqi, Wei Guangming saw a dark shadow in Chang'an, and then discovered Ning Que, a time traveler who knew it from birth. He concluded that Ning Que was the son of Pluto, so he approached Xia Hou and Li Peiyan to massacre the entire family of General Xuanwei's mansion. But it failed to kill Ning Que.

After the Chang'an murder case, the opportunity between Wei Guangming and Ning Que faded away. For a long time, he could not see his specific location again, and could only sense that Ning Que was still alive.

It wasn't until later by chance that Wei Guangming saw Ning Que's location clearly, in Huangfengling on the border of Yan State, so Xiahou massacred the villages on the border of Yan State and framed the blame on Yan State, which indirectly changed the situation. The fate of Chongming, Longqing and others.

After these two failures, Wei Guangming could no longer see Ning Que and could only know that he was still alive.

At this moment, when Wei Guangming heard Xu Xin's words, he slowly raised his head and said: Children come into the world with a blank. There should be no people in the world who are born to know them. In addition to the son of Pluto coming into the world, there are also Any other explanation?

Don't forget, the academy is in Chang'an and the master is in Chang'an. Can you tell that he knows it from birth, but the master can't see it!

At the time of the murder in General Xuanwei's Mansion, the child had been born several years ago. The shadow of darkness did not appear until the first year of Tianqi. Why should you confuse the two.

You mean, I saw it wrong?

Wei Guangming, who was sitting in the fence, was silent for a long time, and then said in a hoarse voice: Eternal night is coming, and the son of Pluto will come to the world. I am the Great Priest of Guangming. I have been guided by Haotian, so I will not be wrong.

If you believe it, don’t doubt it. The Great Priest of Light is the existence closest to Haotian. Since the light allows him to see the shadow of darkness, he will naturally not be wrong.

Xu Xin said coldly: But what will be your final result? You will be knocked down from cultivation, fall into the apocalypse, and be trapped in this square inch with the cage formation. If you are not wrong, why would you end up like this?

What Wei Guangming did in order to solve the problem of Son of Pluto was similar to a tram debate, whether one person should die or more people should die.

If he just kept chasing Ning Que, it would be nothing. At most, it would mean that he was paranoid, and Ning Que was unlucky to be targeted by him.

But Wei Guangming's approach was even more brutal. He directly enclosed the territory and exterminated the family. He successively ordered Xiahou to destroy General Xuanwei's Mansion and several villages in Huangfengling. Those who were killed were so innocent.

Therefore, Wei Guangming was wrong. What he did not only violated the laws of all countries in the world, but also made the Tang Dynasty dissatisfied.

The dissatisfaction of the Tang State was also the dissatisfaction of the Master, and Xiling was unable to fight against the Master, so he had to take responsibility for his own mistakes and was knocked down from Tianqi and imprisoned in Youge.

Wei Guangming was silent for a long time before he said: You probably didn't come here specifically to mock me, right! These clichés you said, I have heard some idiots say them countless times before I was knocked down from the You Pavilion. Are you here? What did Changan see?

I saw the one who was born to know that you wanted to kill. He has been accepted as a disciple by the Master.

I observed him for a long time and discovered some interesting things. Perhaps he did have contact with darkness.

He carried a big black umbrella with him, and I saw a thick glow of night on it. It was a glow of night that could block the light.

In addition, it seems that the original owner of the black umbrella is not him, but his little maid.

His maid was born with a cold body. I used Shenhui to treat her, but she was almost injured by the backlash of cold air. Whether the cold air belongs to darkness is hard for me to judge. But she was born in the first year of Tianqi, and her biological father His mansion is on the same street as General Xuanwei's mansion...

After Xu Xin said these words, he stood quietly in front of Fan Cong and looked at Wei Guangming.

He wasn't sure whether Wei Guangming believed what he said, but as long as he listened to what he said, it would be a very interesting scene when the light came to Chang'an and found that it was not the daughter of light, but the daughter of Hades.

Xu Xin wanted to send his wife to heaven as soon as possible, so he naturally had to push forward some things. But Sang Sang couldn't suppress the coldness at all, revealing that light and darkness were one. That was the moment when Haotian and Confucius showed their cards.

In addition, he also wanted to see how Ning Que and his wife would make a choice when they saw the truth about Sang Sang at this point in time.

You want me to go to Chang'an to deal with the Master's disciples and his little maid?

Wei Guangming guessed part of Xu Xin's thoughts. He didn't know much about some more things, so he naturally didn't know them clearly.

It is said that in order to deal with the reincarnation of Hades, the Buddha specially left a Buddhist treasure, the Ullama Pure Bell.

The God of Light can go to the Buddha Sect to borrow the Ullama Pure Bell, and then go to Chang'an. Let's try to see if the master's thirteenth direct disciple is the son of Hades.

What does the Buddha sect mean? What does the Buddha mean? I am the Great Priest of Light in Xiling. How can I believe in those heretical methods?

Wei Guangming said calmly, he firmly believed that his eyes were not wrong, and he wanted to distinguish the son of Hades clearly. He also had some mysterious magical powers. If he met the master's disciple in person, he would naturally be able to determine whether he was the son of Hades. The son of Hades.

After he said these words, he slowly turned around and looked out from the tiny glass-lined hole in the room. Outside the hole was deep fog and darkness, and no sunlight could be seen.

Wei Guangming sunk deeply into his eye sockets, and the dense holy light gradually dissipated. The black pupils were strangely enlarged, occupying the entire eyeball, and looked like a transparent black jade without a trace of dust.

No matter what method the God of Light uses, it is your own business. I just hope that you will not get the wrong target and do the wrong thing.

Wei Guangming was unwilling to borrow the Ullama Bell, but Xu Xin did not persuade him. The God of Light has its own will and judgment. If Wei Guangming could be persuaded so easily, he would not have led those two killings.

It seems that it's time to spread the word to the Buddhist sect.

Xu Xin looked at Wei Guangming's back and already made a decision in his heart. Wei Guangming was not willing to borrow the Ulan Jingling, but he could let the Ulan Jingling go to Chang'an.

When the Ullana bell rings and the daughter of Hades appears in the world, everything will come to an end.

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