The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 723: Find a way to send your wife to heaven as soon as possible. Chen Pipi, your senior sist

Chapter 723 Find a way to send your husband to heaven as soon as possible... Chen Pipi, your senior sister is very smooth...

The sun gradually moved towards the top of the head, and when it was close to noon, Xu Xin left the forest path with a unhappy face. This old man is too protective of his shortcomings and has no structure. He must find a way to send his wife to heaven as soon as possible.

At this time, bursts of ritual music sounded, and His Royal Highness Prince Li Peiyan of the Tang Dynasty, Princess Li Yu, and several officials from the imperial court were all preparing to start the ceremony.

Envoys from various countries, as well as dozens of priests and Taoists from the Xiling Temple, stood up collectively. The students in the academy who were talking about it fell silent. Even the professors and doctors of the academy who were used to seeing the opening ceremony of the second floor took it seriously.

An academy professor came out, and both the prince and princess and the priests of the Xiling Temple stood up and bowed slightly in greeting.

This professor is a talisman master who lives in seclusion in the academy and has a very distinguished status. Today, he is responsible for presiding over the opening ceremony of the second floor of the academy.

The second floor of the academy is open today, and only one person is available.

The Talisman Master looked at the hundreds of people in the venue expressionlessly and said, the old voice clearly reaching everyone's ears.

He then pointed to the mountain behind the academy, which was covered by clouds and mist, and said: The stone path goes around the mountain. If you want to enter the second floor of the academy, please climb the mountain. Whoever can reach the top of the mountain can enter the second floor. If you all go If not, the winner will be determined by who climbs higher.

Use mountain climbing to determine victory and defeat, to decide who is qualified to enter the second floor of the academy? Such a simple and hasty assessment puzzled everyone, thinking that it was too ridiculous and childish.

Countless people raised their heads and looked at the mountain behind the academy.

At this time, the sun has risen to the top of the sky, and the light is the most blazing. However, I don’t know why, but the blazing sunlight cannot dispel the fog on the mountainside. People can’t see the appearance of the mountain in the clouds and fog at all. They can only see the clouds. The sloping mountain road down.

Many students in the academy then remembered that they had never seen this mountain directly. Although this mountain was tall and dangerous, right behind the academy, it seemed to have disappeared because of its silence and calmness. .

The mountain is there, and it will always be there. If that's the case, why bother going to see it?

After a period of wordless silence, many assessors began to climb the mountain. The first to take the step was the monk from the Moon Wheel Kingdom, followed by several people from other countries.

The disciples of the academy, led by Xie Chengyun, a student from the Southern Jin Dynasty, began to embark on the journey, while Ning Que was among them.

On the viewing platform, the academy prepared some simple meals, and many of the dignitaries also brought their own maids to accompany them. In a short time, many teas, soups and snacks were placed on the table, which further helped the conversation.

The main people chatting with the envoys from various countries were none other than His Royal Highness Prince Li Peiyan and Princess Li Yu, as well as Ye Hongyu, who was sitting motionless next to Xu Xin.

As for Xu Xin, the great ruling priest, there were almost no equals in the audience. When he did not take the initiative to speak, almost no one would disturb him to close his eyes and relax.

For the Tang Empire and the Xiling Temple, which no force in the world dared to attack, the other countries showed extreme gentleness and surrender. As for which side to surrender to, it was not the focus of their consideration at all. This kind of surrender, at least for now , must be double-sided.

In addition to establishing good relations with the Tang Empire and the Xiling Temple, the really important reason why envoys from various countries came to the academy today is to see if there are any young talents left behind in their countries.

If someone in the country is lucky enough to enter the second floor, they must of course make good friends and win over them. Even if no one can enter the second floor, as long as they are really talented in cultivation, they must pay attention to their respective courts.

The envoy from the Great River Kingdom was chatting happily with a deacon from the Xiling Temple next to him, perfectly hiding his humility between laughter and subtle flattery.

Suddenly, he looked at a line of smoke carrying dust coming from the distance, and his expression suddenly changed.

This smoke and dust were actually four academy deacons carrying a stretcher. Because they were moving too fast, their boots broke through the grass and kicked up the loess, which is why the smoke and dust were billowing and the flying dragon was walking close to the ground.

Four academy deacons came from the mountains with a stretcher. The man they carried on the stretcher made the envoy from the River Country cover his forehead and lamented repeatedly. He never expected that the first person to be defeated in today's test on the second floor of the academy would be a genius from the River Country.

Come on, boil the water.

Four college deacons carried the second climber back on a stretcher, and a teacher from his own college was waiting with ginger soup and medicine.

Rang Rang, there must be a lot of boiling water today, so don't block the way!

Noisy and noisy sounds came one after another. On the mountain road in the distance, the number of people climbing the mountain gradually decreased. Naturally, few people could resist such a temptation. However, the difficulty of the mountain road shattered the confidence of these people.

On the mountain road in the mist, streaks of smoke and dust rose from time to time. The big shots sitting on the viewing platform were surprised, because too many people were eliminated now, and too fast.

Prince Longqing, are you really not planning to climb the mountain?

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from the auditorium. Everyone looked at the sound, and then most of their eyes turned away.

The speaker was Li Yu, the fourth princess of the Tang Dynasty, the most beloved princess of the Tang Emperor.

It is said that during this period, Prince Longqing often went in and out of the princess's residence, and the relationship between the two seemed to be very unusual.

I originally had no interest in mountain climbing, but an old man who was protecting his shortcomings just made me angry. I really want to send him to heaven, but I can't do it now, so I'll bully his apprentice!

Xu Xin said matter-of-factly, and beside the hot sea, the tall old man snorted dissatisfied.

I'm going to take a walk right now!

Xu Xin said as he stood up and walked towards the road leading to the back mountain of the academy.

Xu Xin is very familiar with the road up the mountain. He has been there many times during his temporary stay in Chang'an.

He was particularly familiar with the stretch of road before going up the mountain.

When he passed the old library, a chubby little man leaned against the window and waved to Ning Que who was walking up the mountain to express his support.

This little fat man had a very high level of cultivation. He had just passed by so many accomplished climbers, but none of them could see him.

Chen Pipi, your senior sister is very smooth!

When Xu Xin walked around the old library, he suddenly rolled his eyes, raised his head and shouted loudly. At this moment, Chen Pipi, who was leaning by the window, could no longer maintain his composure. He quickly lowered his head to look, only to see that Xu Xin had already walked around. After passing the old library, a door opened.

Behind this door is a path paved with bluestones.

Hey! Don't leave, you haven't made it clear yet, who is it? Third Senior Sister or Seventh Senior Sister...

Upstairs in the old bookstore, Chen Pippi, who had always wanted to explore deeply about men and women, shouted at the top of his lungs, but Xu Xin, the riddler, had disappeared along the bluestone path without caring about burying him.

It was at this time that a beautiful figure in red quietly appeared behind Chen Pipi.

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