The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 720 What he wants to plot is Haotian

Chapter 720 What he wants to plot... is Haotian

Li Yu, the fourth princess of the Tang Dynasty, was the most beloved princess of Tang Emperor Li Zhongyi. Although she lived in the imperial city all year round, she also had her own mansion in Chang'an City.

On this day, Xu Xin went to visit Li Yu in a carriage and came to the princess mansion located in a quiet place in Nancheng.

Prince Longqing!

When Li Yu saw Xu Xin, he bowed very seriously.

Today she was wearing a red and black short skirt. The midskirt was embroidered with large exotic flowers in bright colors. She paired it with a deep skirt and a skirt with a slight mountainous feel hanging to the top of her feet, making her look luxurious. And yet not vulgar.

your Highness!

Xu Xin nodded slightly in response.

You guys go down first!

Li Yu turned his eyes to the eunuchs and maids beside him and asked them to go down and guard. Naturally, these slaves did not dare to say anything and all left obediently. Only Xu Xin and Li Yu were left in the huge pavilion.

Prince Longqing, please take a seat.

Xu Xin asked Xu Xin to sit down at the guest seat, then took the initiative to come to him, poured him a glass of wine himself, raised the glass himself, and said loudly: Brother Chongming and I have known each other since childhood, and Prince Longqing is We should also be close to Brother Chongming’s younger brother.”

Xu Xin raised his glass and clinked it with Li Yu, acknowledging this close relationship.

Li Yu had previously hosted a banquet for Chongming, and had planned to ask his subordinate Hua Shanyue to help Prince Chongming fight for the throne of Yan. At that time, Xu Xin was considered a potential opponent.

But what none of them expected was that Xu Xin had actually killed the former Xiling Judgment Priest and successfully sat on the Xiling God's Throne.

Compared with the Xiling God's Throne, the Emperor of Yan's dragon throne was nothing.

There is no conflict of interest between Chongming and Xu Xin, so they are naturally brothers, friends and brothers respectful.

This situation is not good for Li Yu, but she can't change anything and can only find ways to make amends. And Xu Xin's proactive visit was her opportunity.

Chongming only has the possibility to control the power of Yan State, and Xu Xin is already the ruling priest of Xiling. If she can change the partner of cooperation to Xu Xin, her inner plan may be more likely to be realized.

I heard that the princess went to the Northern Territory Royal Court to practice for several years, but I didn't expect that her skin is still fair and her hair is still tender!

Xu Xin and Li Yu drank several glasses of wine one after another, and a faint red cloud could be seen on the latter's face. But at this time, Xu Xin, who usually seemed gentle and elegant, suddenly reached out to grab Li Yu's left hand and rubbed it, and put his head close to her charming face.

Such a move was undoubtedly bold and unbridled, but Li Yu did not avoid it, and even took the initiative to get closer.

Your Highness, I know your purpose.

Xu Xin looked at Li Yu, who was more delicate than a flower, and said with a smile: You want to form an alliance with me and borrow my power to help your brother Li Hunyuan become the next generation emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Prince Longqing, for you and me, this is a matter of mutual benefit.

If you promise to help me, I can help you get to the second

Li Yu was about to negotiate some conditions with Xu Xin, but she never thought that someone's palm would boldly penetrate under her skirt. This was completely different from what she had imagined. Didn't Prince Long Qing's reaction to female sex be average?

Shh! Don't say anything. If outsiders discover the truth here, rumors will spread tomorrow.

Xu Xin easily restrained Li Yu's resistance and said with a smile: Princess Li Yu of the Tang Dynasty took the initiative to seduce the high priest of Xiling Judgment. If such a thing is exposed, not only your reputation, but also your brother will be greatly affected.

Long Qing, what do you want to do!

You ruined my reputation, and you don't want your own reputation either!

Li Yu's eyes were panicked, but as Xu Xin said, she didn't dare to shout loudly and could only silently endure someone's increasingly outrageous behavior.

I am the High Priest of Xiling Judgment. Have you ever heard of any High Judgment Priest with a good reputation?

And my reputation is much better than yours. Do you think the world will believe me or you if the matter gets out?

While Xu Xin was speaking, he had already laid Li Yu down on the table. The belt around his waist was loosened, and a corner of the obscene clothes under his skirt could be seen.

Your Highness Princess, if we want to discuss cooperation, we must always have a handle on each other.

I think making you my woman is a very good choice.

You are the childhood sweetheart of Prince Chongming. It is said that you two almost got married, so do I have to call you sister-in-law?

Xu Xin's words made Li Yu collapse little by little. This scheming princess was completely defeated in front of Xu Xin.

You... um...

In the end, Li Yu couldn't defeat Xu Xin. His plain underwear was untied, and his red and black short skirt was turned up. Li Yu's figure wasn't that good, it was just a little bigger than A. Diudiu, barely passed the airport.

She had little experience in matters between men and women, so she could only let Xu Xin guide her. When the red plum blossoms bloomed, the fiercer storm made it difficult for her to withstand. Xu Xin's deliberate sister-in-law In the middle, Li Yu could only choose to faint in shame and anger.

She prepared a lot of tricks to entertain Xu Xin today, but she never expected that Xu Xin would break the plan like this and choose to sleep with her directly.

When everything really happened, the methods Li Yu had prepared before could no longer be used, and she had to help Xu Xin hide what happened today.

When Xu Xin left, Princess Li Yu slept peacefully. The two had a happy chat on the bed and reached a consensus on cooperation and alliance.

When Xu Xin left, he happened to see Huashanyue standing outside. The captain of Gushan County who had returned to Beijing had always been in love with Li Yu.

Xu Xin gave him a smile, and then left under Hua Shanyue's puzzled eyes.

Hua Shanyue was also full of doubts. Her Royal Highness the Princess had obviously arranged for him to do some small tricks, but now... it was gone?

Xu Xin's trip to the Princess Mansion was considered a complete success. Capturing the Tang Emperor's favorite princess would be beneficial to his future plans in the Tang Kingdom.

During his temporary stay in Tang State, with Li Yu's help, he was able to do many things, such as... buying Yanming Lake, which was about to be dredged.

And in the future, Li Yu's younger brother Li Hunyuan, a loser who ascends the throne and messes around, will inevitably create a gap between the royal family and the academy, and he can be used to cause trouble.

Xu Xin has great ambitions in this life. He is not planning to be the emperor or the lord of the world. What he wants to plot... is Haotian, and the targeted layout can be launched very early.

There is a connection between heaven and earth, and changes in the world will affect the strength and weakness of Haotian.

The key point of Xu Xin's layout is that there cannot be a transcendent kingdom in the world. Similar to the Tang State, the overlord of the world, he will definitely be attacked by him.

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