The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 710 What is the sixth realm of no distance?


Five spiritual lights rushed out of the alchemy furnace, and were caught by Xu Xin in his hand. They were stored in special vials. The remaining four first-class elixirs were left at the bottom of the furnace. Their light was dim, with only Mild medicinal aroma.

Xu Xin also kept these medicinal pills and put them into another small bottle.

Uncle Master, thank you very much for borrowing the land to refine the medicine.

Xu Xin threw one of the vials to the middle-aged Taoist priest Zhi Shou Guan, and borrowed Zhi Shou Guan's place, medicine cauldron, and materials. It would be fine if he could only refine one elixir. He could refine many and give them to others. Keeping some is the right thing to do.

The middle-aged Taoist took the vial and felt very complicated in his heart. At his level, just by smelling the fragrance of the medicine, he could be sure that this holy elixir would be of great use to him, and it might be even more precious than the Tongtian Pill.

But when I think about it being made by a strong person of my own master's generation, I feel... a little bit...

Let's go back!

After Xu Xin completed the alchemy, he returned the Sand Volume Heavenly Book, said goodbye to the middle-aged Taoist, took Ye Hongyu and Lu Chenjia away, returned to the familiar Taoshan, and began the relaxed and enjoyable life of a great priest.

Time always passes by inadvertently. When Xu Xin returns to Taoshan, his daily work is basically to sit on the throne, issue orders based on feedback from some situations, and then flirt with two stunning girls to get closer to each other. Of course time management is indispensable.

Early this morning, Xu Xin was taking a bath again.

Although it is said that with practice, the life essence of monks undergoes transformation, and they rely more on the vitality of heaven and earth to make up for their own consumption. The dependence on food has been reduced, and the metabolism has also slowed down. At the sixth level, you can even stop going to the toilet, and you can still feel fresh even if you don't take a shower for more than a month.

But habits that have been formed for a long time cannot be changed for a while.

Besides, if there is no bathing, wouldn’t it be a lot less fun?

Moreover, the High Priest of Judgment sits on a black jade throne that looks like blood condensed every day. The burden of the entire Haotian world is on him, and he always feels uncomfortable unless he washes himself off.

In the steamy white bathroom, Xu Xin was lying in the tub, and the nymphomaniac girl behind him was scrubbing his body with a pair of jade hands. Her face was red and extremely attractive.

The three idiots in the world are all stunningly beautiful, but compared to the Taoist idiot with amazing combat power, the Talisman Master is a bookworm. The nympho girl in the original work looks a bit like a flowerpot, and she also looks like a love brain.

But, the object of his love is himself, so that’s okay!

During this period, Xu Xin spent all day with his fiancée, breaking through the bottom line bit by bit with intimacy. This kind of life was also very fun.


Xu Xin's eyes suddenly flashed with evil energy, and he called his fiancee, the nymphomaniac girl.


The girl raised her head in confusion, but her round chin was pinched by a hand.


Xu Xin suddenly turned around and launched a sneak attack, kissing the beauty's delicate red lips fiercely.

Plop! With a sound, water splashed from the bathtub, and the thin dress clung to the body, making the exploration more difficult, but for Priest Xu, who had a maxed-out skill in undressing and undressing, this was not a problem.

After a long time, the lips parted.

When Xu Xin walked out of the bathroom, the nymphomaniac girl also changed her clothes. They walked hand in hand through Taoshan, from the highest temple to the foot of the mountain. Finally, Xu Xin hugged his fiancée and sent her to the moon wheel. country carriage.

There was a strange movement on the other side of the wasteland, and it was suspected that people from the wasteland were heading south. The temple issued an order to mobilize people from various countries in advance.

Yuelun Kingdom is under the command of the Buddha Sect and the situation is special, so Lu Chenjia, as a princess, is asked to go back in advance to contact the royal family.

Although Xu Xin was reluctant to give up, he also knew that he could not keep this girl by his side to make vases. When he said goodbye, he left a bottle of holy elixir for her and a special method on her body.

In this Haotian world, his eyes are always focused on the few people he cares about.

The tragedy of Ke Haoran and Jian Xiaoxiao would never happen to him.

Xu Xin said goodbye to Lu Chenjia, then went back to Taoshan, all the way to the dark-style Judgment Temple. In front of the ink jade throne, the chief minister Ye Hongyu was already waiting here.

When Xu Xin walked over and sat down, he naturally stretched out his hand, asking the chairperson to sit with him for a while. He felt sorry for her because she was tired from standing, and wanted her to rest. He had no other intention, but he was flexible The little red fish ducked away.

There was no embarrassment on Priest Xu's face, and he still asked about the work of the Judgment Department as usual.

There is basically nothing going on here at the Adjudication Department, but there is news from the border between Yan and Tang. Someone from the Yan Kingdom assassinated Xia Hou, and caused quite a disturbance in Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Kingdom. It seems to be related to the crown prince of the Yan Kingdom.

Ye Hongyu responded meticulously and seriously. There was really nothing important about the Adjudication Department. She had been doing the work recently, and Xu was the boss, so there was nothing to say.

But when it came to the border between Yan and Tang Dynasties and the prince of Yan State, she felt it was necessary to say that Xu Xin was not only the ruling priest of Xiling in this life, but also the second prince of Yan State, the most popular one in Yan State and the most capable one. Prince.


Xu Xin frowned when he heard this, and countless messages passed through his mind to sort out the key information. He didn't really want to deal with the affairs of Yan State. But in this life, as the prince of the Yan Kingdom, he cannot avoid certain things, and his role in the main plot is also very exciting.

Let's go!

Xu Xin said to Ye Hongyu, who nodded slightly, stood close to Xu Xin, and put a delicate hand on his shoulder.

Xu Xin's hands slowly came together and separated, and countless pink petals flew, wrapping the two of them, affecting the void and rippling at the same time.

He wanted to teleport directly to the border between Yan and Tang. Such spatial magical power was very rare in the entire Haotian world. It was a reference to the no distance in the sixth realm.

Wujian is one of the most miraculous cultivation methods in the world. It is an astonishing magical power above the five realms. It is like controlling the wind or riding on clouds. It can cross mountains and ridges and cross countries in a moment.

There is no movement technique in the world that can be faster than Wuju. Even the sword master Liu Bai's Ten Thousand Miles Sword is still a movement technique. It still has a trajectory and can be stopped midway, but Wuju cannot stop it because It is not only a body technique, but also the application of space laws.

After practitioners advance to the realm of knowing destiny, they can feel some of the most subtle changes in the vitality of heaven and earth. Some people with keen spiritual senses can detect that the vitality of heaven and earth is divided into many layers, and between two layers, there is an extremely faint area. A smooth space full of light.

The human world is covered by the vitality of heaven and earth, and the vitality of heaven and earth has its own layers. Probably because this world is twisted, there are also some twisted passages in these layers of vitality, which can allow people to reach thousands of miles away in an instant.

The distanceless realm above the five realms means that practitioners have the ability to walk between these heaven and earth aura passages or countless doors that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and move at unimaginable speeds, or in ways that exceed speed. Similar to teleportation that does not consume mana and has no CD.

After entering the distance-free realm, even if Haotian wants to kill such a practitioner, it will become more difficult and he can run for several days and nights. Therefore, Wuju is basically invincible in the sixth realm. As long as he wants to escape, strong men in the same realm will basically be unable to catch him.

Naturally, Xu Xin has not achieved no distance, but he has traveled through time and space many times, breaking through world barriers, and reincarnated in time and space. At the end of his previous life, he shattered the void and traveled around the universe. In the field of time and space, he has already reached an extraordinary state. .

He knows the principle of distancelessness and uses his own ability to open a certain channel for teleportation. Although it consumes a lot of money, it is an excellent method compared to traveling slowly, surpassing 99% of the practitioners in the world. .

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