The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 690 The true role of Broken King Kong, the sign of return?

Heaven and earth are unkind and treat all things like stupid dogs!

Next to the ancient calligraphy, a man sat cross-legged on the ground, with a solemn face and a serene smile on his lips. Most of his hair and clothes had been removed, but the expression on his face was the same as that of a stranger.

When Xu Xin stretched out his hand to touch this body, the clothes where his fingertips touched turned into ashes. It had undoubtedly gone through a very long time. But the strange thing is that the skin under the clothes is smooth and the body is extremely hard, as if the whole person has been transformed into another unknown hard substance.

This person's left hand is hanging on the ground, and there is a line of small characters on the ground, which reads Guangchengzi proves the Shattered Vajra here. And the middle finger touching the ground is just embedded in the last part of he Yu's castration.


When Xu Xin's longevity secret energy rushed into the body of Guangchengzi's broken Vajra body, all his clothes turned into fly ash and disappeared in an instant. The whole body became bright and bright, with countless paths of light intertwined into a pattern, everywhere in the body Start swimming.

Is this... a more perfect longevity formula? Guangchengzi's Vajra body is still alive?

Various streams of light were swimming in Guang Chengzi's body, and his body seemed to be reviving. Xu Xin could even hear the gradually rising and falling heartbeat, which surprised him even more, and he had some thoughts in his mind.

Senior, I'm sorry that I'm not polite enough to be a junior, please forgive me...

Xu Xin first bowed respectfully, and then said that he was going to do something rude.

After waiting for a long time, Guangchengzi's Vajra Body naturally did not reply. Xu Xin said again: Senior, if you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence!

Guangchengzi: ...


If Guangchengzi could speak, he would definitely scold this damn sixth man and beat up this underachiever. How could there be such a shameless person in the world? It's not enough to take his skills, but you are also interested in the vajra body he left behind. It is simply without a bottom line!

Xu Xin bowed respectfully a few more times, and then slowly placed his right hand on the Tianling cover of Guangchengzi's golden body.

Sucking power·swallowing the sky!

Xu Xin suspected that Guangchengzi's golden body was still alive, so he boldly wanted to try the power-absorbing method. This time he used the infinitely enhanced version of his own Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique.


A large amount of brilliant light moved like water, and a round of golden light rippled rapidly, passing through Xu Xin's palm that fell on Guangchengzi's Tianling Gai, and directly crashed into Xu Xin's body.

His expression changed instantly, and the palm that rested on Tianling Gai trembled, and majestic energy surged into his body. Even someone as strong as Xu Xin found it difficult to digest at once, so he let go after absorbing part of it.

Guangchengzi was by no means an ordinary Shattered Void in the past. This Broken Void was left behind on purpose by him.

After Xu Xin withdrew his palm, the light and shadow on his body intertwined, seeming to be radiating a different kind of splendor, and his energy and spirit had undergone extremely subtle changes.

These energies should... Guangchengzi's golden body can be repaired even if it is damaged. It seems to act as an anchor. This is a special signpost for his return. Is the Broken King Kong his way out?

Xu Xin tried to refine and analyze this special energy, and diverged his thinking to deduce extraordinary discoveries. He kept walking in the Temple of War, observing and comprehending, and as he walked, he came to the entrance of the Temple of War.

Senior, junior, please take your leave for now.

Before Xu Xin left, he told Guang Chengzi and left him a coat to wrap himself up. This was very polite regardless of what he had done before.

He walked out of the Temple of War and looked down at the stone steps extending down to the underground lake. In the distance, he saw a stone turtle at the bottom of the stone steps, raising its head towards where he was standing.

In the distance, at the crack of the lakeside, the ground fire flickers out. Although this place is hidden deep underground, the air is fresh and sweet. The calm water surface of the lake and sea is constantly churning with bubbles and waves, full of infinite vitality. Occasionally, there are strange fish and monsters jumping around. Leaving the water surface, there is a strange sound of splashing water, forming a unique and dynamic rhythm in the rumbling sound of the waterfall.

Xu Xin walked along the stone steps toward the underground lake and dipped his feet in the lake water to observe. Suddenly, his mind moved and his whole body soared.

While he was still in the air, a huge green monster rushed out of the water with a roar, opened its mouth with flashing fangs in the air, and bit into his feet. Its green mane flew back, looking hideous and terrifying.

Xu Xin quickly ascended to the sky, and after the monster jumped into the air, it soared to the top of dozens of stone steps, revealing its complete appearance.

The monster has a round body, three feet long, and is covered with thick green, green, and red armor. It has four big feet that look like palms but not palms, and look like claws but not claws, and are covered with scales and webs. The tail is pointed and long, waving powerfully behind it.

Its head is extremely huge, with two small antelope-like horns on the top. Each mane line on its head is as thick as an arm, hanging down on both sides. Its green eyes are large, its nostrils are flat and upturned, its mouth is tightly closed, and there is growth under the mouth. The short, needle-like beard looks very similar to the legendary dragon.


Xu Xin stared at this monster that resembled a dragon. It was similar to the dragon that was the mount of the God of War depicted in the catalog of the God of War. In the original work, it seemed to be called a magic dragon. I wonder if it was the mount of the God of War? Or the descendant of that mount?

The magic dragon's four claws touched the ground, turned around like a whirlwind, and its two green eyes shot out, staring at Xu Xin suspended in the sky.

In front of the Temple of War, Xu Xin faced off against the demon dragon. The latter's eyes were filled with green light, and the green dragon's mane moved automatically without wind. The big tail behind him began to swing wildly, sweeping the stone steps with a rustling sound. It was extremely powerful.


With the roar of the demon dragon, his hind limbs exerted force, and the three-foot-long dragon body stood up, flew into the air towards Xu Xin, and grabbed him with a pair of front parts.

Xu Xin quickly lowered his figure as soon as he moved, narrowly avoiding a pair of dragon claws, and quickly approached the position of the dragon's head.

The demonic dragon let out a strange cry, shook its head, and followed the movement of its head, turning into a whirlwind of mane that rose up in the air and whipped towards Xu Xin like a whip.


The dragon's mane whistling like a long whip struck with such force that Xu Xin's palm collided with the dragon's mane. The demon dragon's head flew back, and the three-foot-long dragon body was blown away with a roar.


After the magic dragon hit the ground, it quickly shook its head and stood up again. It raised its head and hissed wildly, and jumped up from the ground to attack again.

This time, it held its claws in front, protecting its face and not giving Xu Xin a chance to take advantage of it. Its claws shone brightly, as sharp as a knife, and there seemed to be a shimmer of light flowing throughout its body.

Xu Xin moved and stepped with one foot between the two horns on the dragon's head. This move avoided the dragon's claws.

Under the tyrannical force, the dragon's head suddenly fell down. Xu Xin took advantage of the situation and turned around, flipping over the head of the demon dragon. He grabbed it with both hands and grasped the short horn on the demon dragon's head tightly. At the dragon's head, both feet hold the dragon's neck tightly.

The demon dragon was ridden, running around in panic, rushing into the underground lake and sea, tumbling back and forth crazily. Sometimes it flew over the lake, causing the entire underground lake to turn upside down, and all the fish and beasts fled in all directions.

Xu Xin, who was riding the dragon, held both horns in his hands and could easily sit still, letting it move around without being moved at all.

The demon dragon has infinite energy, scurrying up and down, and tossing and turning from time to time. After an unknown amount of time, the demon dragon sprang out of the lake again.

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