The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 686: The abandoned fairy gate, looking for the Temple of War


In the sky above Chang'an City, a thick and heavy dark cloud quickly descended above the Tai Chi Hall with flashing electric light. The overwhelming momentum chilled the hearts of all those who escaped from the Tai Chi Hall.

Man follows the earth, the earth follows the heaven, and heaven follows nature. The interaction between heaven and man, the changes of the four seasons, and the myriad of visions...

When strong men in the realm of heaven and man fight, there is a certain chance that they will touch the secret of brokenness, which will cause the world to interact with each other and create visions. Later generations will tell the story of the long street battle between Ying Ying and Meng Chixing, the billowing clouds, and the full moon. The battle to block the river was all like this.

In the stormy Tai Chi Hall, only Xu Xin was left at this moment. Even Song Que and Shi Zhixuan had withdrawn. In front of the isolated Xu Xin, the evil emperor's relics were suspended and moving, shining brightly.

The strong wind howled, Xu Xin's clothes suddenly flew into the air, there was a wild sound, wind, rain, clouds and mist swirled around him, the scene was extremely strange.

At this moment, Xu Xin exists between heaven and earth, but it seems vague and uncertain. He is still in his state of unity between heaven and man, but it seems that under the influence of some kind of power, he is about to reach a higher level and break through the boundaries between heaven and man.

There was constant thunder in the sky, and Xu Xinzhuo stood in the thick fog and thunderstorm that was swirling wildly.

The essence of the entire world can't help but be sucked into his body through his pores, and transformed into true energy. His spirit can't help strengthening and condensing.

This mysterious method of seizing the creation of heaven and earth and seizing the essence of the universe cannot be performed by ordinary powerful beings. It is extremely dangerous.

The human body is always limited, but the universe is infinite. If we only gather together without dispersing, and only swallow without spitting out, we will easily lose balance between ourselves and the world. At the least, we may become possessed by evil spirits, and at worst, we may be shattered into pieces.

Xu Xin's hair was flying into the sky. Suddenly he opened his eyes, and his eyes were gleaming with light, with golden and purple lights flashing. At this moment, he seemed to become a part of the universe, and heaven and man merged into one.

The sun moved westward and the moon rose. Unknowingly, there was a strange phenomenon of bright sky and sun and moon in the same sky.

The light of the sun, moon and stars shot into the Tai Chi Hall at the same time. The thunder was deafening, the world was caught in the violent raging of thunder and rain, and endless thunder also blasted into the Tai Chi Palace that should have exploded long ago.

Such a shocking sight is like a bizarre and absurd miracle.


An electric light pierced through the clouds like a golden spear, and Xu Xin's head split into countless root-like flashes of light.

The sun and moon are dimmed, and dark clouds cover the sky.

The heavy rain fell all over the sky, and Xu Xin and the Evil Emperor's relics were submerged in the vast wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Xu Xin's eyes are as bright as lightning. He has already entered an unprecedented realm of superhuman saints. He uses his body as a medium to absorb the energy of the heaven, earth and universe, and continuously absorbs it into his body like the Yangtze River. The essence, energy and spirit are competing to transform, and he is even better. Another level of weirdness.

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue.

Xu Xin was like a greedy glutton, an invincible abyss, absorbing this earth-shattering energy and integrating it completely into his body.


Xu Xin punched out violently, and the world in front of the Tai Chi Palace suddenly tore apart. The rotating two-color energy shook the space, tearing open a magical light hole that was enough for a single person to enter, and in an instant, brilliant lights poured out crazily.

A phantom of embarrassment rushed out of Xu Xin's body, and his body trembled with excitement, his eyes regained their vitality and clarity, and his whole person was shrouded in dazzling light, becoming more and more sacred and unpredictable.

You have successfully opened the fairy gate, aren't you ready to leave?

Xiang Yutian's voice sounded very weak. The phantom that popped up was naturally his demon soul. At this moment, it had lost most of its energy and was about to be wiped out. Looking at the circle of immortal gates, Xiang Yutian had a complicated expression.

If he had not been able to escape from Xu Xin's grasp, he would have rushed in the moment the Immortal Sect appeared.

The sky roared incessantly, lightning struck and thunder struck, flickering on and off endlessly, and the power was extremely frightening.

Thousands of electric lights struck down, piercing between Xu Xin and Xianmen, and exploded into a huge electric light fireball that could be seen from far and near, shattering the void, and being so intense that people could not open their eyes.

The next moment, the world turned white.

A fierce light came from Xu Xin. After he stretched out a palm, all the energy of the Immortal Sect poured into Xu Xin's body, and the vague passage quickly became illusory and closed.

What are you doing?

Xiang Yutian's ghostly soul stared at Xu Xin in disbelief. He never expected that this man would give up the opportunity to break the void and take the initiative to destroy the Immortal Sect. Is this man crazy?

Although the Immortal Sect is good, I don't want to leave so early. Didn't you also stay in the world for more than two hundred years before leaving?

Xu Xin looked at Xiang Yutian and made a grabbing motion with his five fingers as he spoke.

Xiang Yutian's soul instantly became frightened. The originally dim demon species and the radiant evil emperor relic were driven towards Xu Xin by an extremely terrifying suction force, and finally they all collided with Xu Xin. on the palm of his right hand.

This feeling is really wonderful...

Xu Xin let out a cheerful moan, and while shouting unwillingly to Yutian, the most exquisite energy of the latter's demon seeds and essence became the nourishment for Xu Xin's transformation to a higher level.

Xu Xin did not plunder all the energy, but only ate the purest fine grains. The remaining part could be given to Kou Zhong or given to himself by many women. It was his choice.

This time, Xiang Yutian's demon seed creation was seized, allowing him to quickly complete the practice of devil transformation. The ultimate Yin and the Ultimate Yang go hand in hand. The broken void where both Yin and Yang can achieve great success is available to him at any time, but he is not prepared. Leaving so early.

Xu Xin has not gained enough in this world, and is also planning to collect more resources and nutrients. For example, he has never been to the remaining parts of Tianmo Ce, the Ten Jue Pass and the Temple of War, and there are many ancient sect classics. He also I haven’t visited enough, how could I leave so early?


Conquer Chang'an!

Surrender quickly!

At this moment, Chang'an Imperial City was also filled with the sounds of killing, and war broke out suddenly.

Xu Xin is making a big fuss in the Imperial City here. Shi Zhixuan, Song Que and the two factions of Liudao are here. It makes no sense that Kou Zhong and others are not here. Naturally, he arrived at the Imperial City early to watch the battle, and Xu Xin and Xiang Yutian were engaged in a battle. During the Battle of Gods, the plan to capture Chang'an began.

Yang Gong's treasure house was opened by Xu Xin. The weapons and armor in the treasure house can arm tens of thousands of elite soldiers. Such a force can play a big role at critical moments.

Li Yuan and his son never dreamed that when Xu Xin was causing trouble in the imperial city of Chang'an, a force of tens of thousands of elite soldiers would suddenly emerge from all over the Taiji Palace, take control of the imperial city with lightning speed and besiege most of the top officials of the Tang Dynasty.

On this day, Chang'an was in chaos. Although the imperial city fell, the Li and Tang dynasty was not without resistance. Some high-level officials escaped and wanted to mobilize an army to put down the chaos.

But as Xu Xin walked out of the Tai Chi Hall, everything was settled. Li Tang, the last powerful separatist force in the Central Plains, was captured. Yangzhou's twin dragons moved from south to north, thus unifying the Central Plains and ruling the world.

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