The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 672: The heart of the sword is clear, the demons are eighteen, the Tao and demons merge, yin


Concubine Shi entered the room and saw the scene in front of her. Her face was flushed and she suddenly felt a little embarrassed. She originally thought it was a love battle between a man and a woman, but she didn't expect that they were actually doing business.

Huanwen stepped on Xu Xin's back with her bare feet. It looked like it was just an ordinary step on Xu Xin's back, not that many bad things happened.

Sister Concubine is here!

Huanwan sat down and sat cross-legged on Xu Xin's back, greeting him with a smile.

Sister! Xu Lang!

Concubine Shi actually accepted Huanwan as her sister, which seemed to be a deliberate attempt to soften her words. As she spoke, she came to the bedside and sat down, and said softly to Xu Xin: Xu Lang, something happened over there at Yuhe Nunnery. Several holy monks brought the holy relics into the Chang'an Palace...

It's just a small thing, don't worry about it.

Xu Xin said casually, not taking this little thing to heart. He raised his body slightly, and Huanwan slid down to Xu Xin's side, leaning against him very obediently.

Let's practice. The immortal fetus with a clear sword heart has been considered a success. The eighteenth level of the Heavenly Demon Dafa has been completed, which is also the beginning of cultivating a demon body. With my guidance, you can complete the fusion of Tao and Demon and explore the mutual support of Yin and Yang. The mystery of...

Xu Xin didn't care about the little things about the Evil Emperor's relics. He had sensed some powerful aura coming to Chang'an in the past two days, but he didn't pay attention to it, because even if these people were added together, they couldn't really deal with it. What threat does he pose.

Okay, I'm looking forward to it!

Huanwan raised her head and stared at Master Concubine's body, covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, her cute appearance was as charming as it was.

There were two blushes on Shi Fei's pretty face, which made her even more brilliant. She said angrily: Sister, don't say such shameful words.

Xu Xin didn't know if she was pretending to show her true feelings. Anyway, under normal circumstances, the concubine would never be so coquettish and bright.

Sister, come quickly, I can't wait!

The little demon can't wait, just like a female hooligan.

The blush on Concubine Shi's face became more and more vivid, and the color of her icy skin and snowy skin became more and more ambiguous, but she still moved up to her gums lightly.

The fairy and the enchantress were in the same bed, and Xu Xin was squeezed in the middle. When he looked up, he could see two stunning beauties.

The master's concubine's fairy face is dignified, and Huanwan's jade face is charming. They all show their beauty without any reservation, with their hair flowing and flowing, and their faces like the scenery of a spiritual mountain.

Xu Xin tilted his head and looked at the concubine. Her natural undulations were as beautiful as a knife's cut, her moving demeanor as she spoke fairy sounds, and her fairy quality coming out of her bones. The more he looked at her, the more he couldn't help but fall in love with her. The embryo is becoming more and more mysterious and has transformed towards the right path.

Huanwan on the other side is also as delicate and beautiful as a demon flower, with a slightly strange halo all over her body. This is the ultimate eighteenth level of reincarnation of the demon. It creates a supreme demonic body. It will be followed by the Purple Blood Technique. However, Xu Xin was not prepared to let her practice this method.

The Cetian Demon Scroll about the Purple Blood Dafa in the Demon Sect has been lost, and directly practicing the so-called lower scroll is not necessarily the correct way.

After all, the most suitable technique for a technique created by others is the creator himself. After Xu Xin helped Hanyu advance to the 18th level of the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, he had other insights and ideas, which might allow Hanyu to transform his demonic body into a yang. Let the master's concubine take the path from the immortal fetus to the underworld.

Fairies and witches, Tao and demons fight, yin and yang complement each other, this may also be a way.

Of course, the Cihang Sword Code and the Heavenly Demon Dafa are definitely not as suitable as the Cihang Sword Code and the demon seeds of the Dao Heart Demon. However, with Xu Xin's guidance, in view of the special circumstances of Shi Fei and Huan Huan, it can be done Huanwen took an alternative path of devil species and transformed into a Yang demon body.

Moreover, this kind of transformation is also beneficial. A woman's original yin first transforms into yang, and then refines herself into yin from her own pure yin, or she can be broken into yin and yang on her own.

Of course, this way is more difficult. Cultivating yang qi as a woman is similar to cultivating yin qi as a man. If you are not careful, it is easy to make mistakes, such as... the sunflower manual, the sword manual to ward off evil, and so on. Why do you want to be a woman and play the role of heavenly being?

In a world of low martial arts, a guy with no innate talent is talking about the transformation of gods and humans. It is obvious that there is something wrong with his brain while practicing martial arts. Do you really think that cutting off two ounces of flesh is a trivial matter?

Even for Xu Xin now, it is difficult for him to regenerate his limbs. This is the case for heavenly beings. It is only the day after tomorrow... if it is gone, it is useless, and if it is incomplete, it is incomplete.

Concubine, I feel that the fairy fetus is more lively and unpredictable than before. Can you let me taste your fragrant lips? I promise that there will be no further action. I really can't stand your temptation.

Xu Xin's words made Concubine Shi's jade face turn crimson, and her bright eyes were locked with his. Another strange and beautiful red color faintly emanated through the ice skin, which was obviously different from the ordinary white and rosy skin. It was so beautiful. Touching and extraordinary.

Xu Lang, please stop tempting others.

When people practice later, they must restrain themselves from the fairy fetus, and you can't invade them either...

Xu Xin raised his head and reached less than an inch from Master Mei Xiang's shoulder.


Xu Xin spat out a Taoist sound, which flowed straight down from the Heavenly Spirit Point on the heads of Master Concubine and Hanhan like an icy fairy stream. Thousands of rivers and hundreds of rivers flowed down the meridians of the whole body. Huanwan and Master Concubine were suddenly distracted by their thoughts. It's all gone, and the whole person is floating, and it's indescribable.

They closed their eyes at the same time, put their hands together to circulate their true energy, and Xu Xin became the key transmission link between them, able to control their situation at any time.

Huanhua, concubine, you must remember not to be distracted by distractions or thoughts of sexual desire between men and women when practicing. Especially for you, concubine, the fairy fetus is still in the initial stage of stability. If you are emotional, you can do it afterwards...

Xu Xin's voice reached the ears of the two of them. Huan Huan's master concubine gradually drifted away, and traces of white light and purple energy entangled out, and spread into Xu Xin's body at the same time.

Two special energies emerged in Xu Xin's body, the true fire of the sun and the true water of taiyin.

The true fire of the sun can be compared to the devil species. Demon species and fairy fetuses are extreme in every aspect. Because Cihang Jingzhai's skills are not perfect, fairy fetuses that pretend to be yin are easily attracted by the power of yang.

As long as Xu Xin is willing, he can arouse the feelings of his concubine, as violent as a mountain torrent, making her lose her Taoist heart. It is a subtle and hot emotion that cannot be expressed in words. It is passionate and warm, even more powerful than direct sexual intercourse. Bliss is even more intoxicating.

Huanwan's Devil Body was created under Xu Xin's direct guidance, but she was left to his fiddling to create a different kind of Zhiyang Demon Body, a true devil figure.

Xu Xin guides the fairy fetus and the demon body to transform on the right path, looking forward to the day when the fruit is ripe, when he will have sex with the fairy fetus and the witch, and let the fairy fetus and the devil become one, it will be endless fun.

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