The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 664 Close the door and release the evil king

Burn my remains in the raging fire, how joyful is life, how painful is death...

Xu Xin's voice rang out in the courtyard of Daming Zunjiao. Along with his chanting, some of the powerful people in Daming Zunjiao gradually showed a conversion attitude and bowed to him respectfully.

The Wisdom Sutra on the Origin of All Dharmas? Who are you? Why do you know the Sutra of Ming Zun?

A woman's voice came out, and a charming middle-aged lady walked out. Her face was like a full moon, her temperament was noble, her figure was plump and attractive, she was holding a shining silver stick, about two feet long, which looked more like an ornament than a weapon. Bang, his face was full of surprise.

She is dressed luxuriously, wearing brocade boots, a mink collar, a purple and gold phoenix shirt, an apricot gold coin skirt, a bun with a hundred treasures on her head, the front of her long skirt touches the ground, the back skirt drags more than a foot, and her hands hang with red and yellow ribbons. , strangely enough, still gives people a sense of elegance and dexterity.

Good Mother Sha Fang, the leader of the Ming Zunjiao Ming family, is considered a master among the innate masters, comparable to the top eight masters of the evil path.

Good mother, why don't you surrender?

Xu Xin's eyes fell on Sha Fang, and with just a slight movement of his figure, his aura became more fierce, as if he had the power to dominate the world.

His movements and breath changes immediately aroused the reaction of the masters of the Ming Zunjiao. Looking at the enemies who were trying to encircle them, Xu Xin looked cold and did not take them seriously at all.

There are many masters of the Ming Dynasty Zunjiao. Five Mingzi, Five Categories of Demons and Good Mother Sha Fang all appeared. Only Great Master Xu Kaishan and Atom Yang Xuyan are still hiding in secret, perhaps preparing for a sneak attack or something.

Sha Fang calmed down her emotions and said solemnly: Mr. Xu, Sha Fang would like to express my greetings to you on behalf of the Great Ming Dynasty. Is there any reason why I, the Great Ming Dynasty, have offended you?

If you don't want to surrender, you have no choice but to die.

Xu Xin's plain words immediately made the atmosphere tense.

Sha Fang's beautiful eyebrows frowned, and the gorgeous clothes and ribbons on her body suddenly fluttered automatically in the absence of wind.

The two faced each other in the air for a moment, and Sha Fang moved forward quickly. Because her long skirt covered the movement of her feet, she seemed a bit like a ghost that was not touching the ground, and floated past Xu Xin.

As soon as the figure flashed, Sha Fang had arrived to the left of Xu Xin, her movements were smooth and graceful. Dots of silver light erupted from her hand, pointing towards Xu Xin's neck.


Xu Xin took out his palms and struck each other with his palms and sticks. The aftermath was a violent storm, with the two people as the center and splashing outwards. The momentum was so shocking that the many masters of the Ming Dynasty quickly dispersed.

Since Sha Fang created the Twenty-Eight Split, no opponent has ever been able to play the Twenty-Eight Split from the beginning to the end. Will Mr. Xu be the only exception?

Sha Fang's sweet laughter rang out. After trying out one move without missing a beat, her confidence increased greatly. She felt that Xu Xin was nothing more than that and that she could fight. She stepped on her feet and the silver stick named Yu Xiaoyao in her hand was dexterous in her hand. It's unbelievable, painting countless dazzling lights and shadows.

She used fast and strange techniques to hit Xu Xin fifteen times from different angles, and sent out fifteen sharp bursts of energy. Some of them directly attacked Xu Xin's vital points, and some seemed to hit empty places, but in fact they hit Xu Xin. Seal Xu Xin's dodge changes.

Fifteen rays of energy, like fifteen qi arrows, completely enveloped Xu Xin.

If Sha Fang's true energy can be endless and remain as strong as it is now, perhaps no one in the world can stop her Xiaoyao Demo.

However, she faced Xu Xin, a bad guy beyond ordinary people's imagination.


Xu Xin is just a palm, allowing you to have thousands of magical powers and all kinds of changes, I can break them all with my own strength.

The endless Qi arrows settled down, and the sound of roaring energy sounded one after another, as densely as the firecracker tower of Chang'an Tai Chi Palace on New Year's Eve.

Sha Fang retreated and turned around, as if she had turned into a thousand-armed Guanyin. Yu Xiaoyao transformed into thousands of imaginary and solid silver shadows of light, tightly enveloping her body in the light and shadow, and took the initiative to attack again.

Xu Xin stood on the spot and punched out, which seemed to be slow but was actually fast, with the punch coming from behind. When Sha Fang stabbed eight air arrows through Yu Xiaoyao, his fist just hit the real God in the phantom.


Sha Fang's delicate body trembled violently, and her desire was about to fall back, which was obviously a secret loss.

All the subordinates led by Wu Mingzi and Wu Category Demon were stunned. Sha Fang clearly had at least nine Qi arrows hitting Xu Xin's vital points, but he acted as if nothing was wrong and launched the most fierce counterattack.

Good Mother, why should you leave in such a hurry and continue to be close to me!

Xu Xin turned his fists into claws and was about to catch the good mother Safang in his hands.

At this moment, a sharp roar resounded through the courtyard. Sha Fang, who had fallen behind, quickly picked up her weapon and burst into a circle of silver light. Wu Mingzi and the five types of demons were stunned for a moment, then decisively rushed forward to besiege Xu Xin, but they were not the fastest. .

At this time, the shadow above Xu Xin's head covered the sky, and a black shadow flew from the sky like a roc spreading its wings, pressing the air with both palms. Although it was not solid, Xu Xin noticed that the space around him seemed to have changed.

He had clearly just stepped into the void, but he no longer felt as relaxed as a bird swimming like a fish. The air became as solid and as heavy as a mountain, which made him feel depressed. The most frightening thing was that it was difficult to move his limbs.

Your Majesty promised to open the mountain.

Xu Xinxin knew that the great master of the Ming Dynasty had finally been fished out, and he was running the true method at the moment, and got rid of the influence in less than a breath.

Xu Kaishan, the great master of the Ming Dynasty, is about the same strength as the Four Holy Monks, Liao Kong, Fan Qinghui and others. He is considered to be the peak master, and his energy and spirit are not big problems. If he can get the opportunity, he is expected to be promoted to the grand master.

Xu Kaishan hid for a long time in search of a good opportunity. When Sha Fang failed and Xu Xin arrested her, he took action decisively. His technique was very clever. He used the Wisdom Sutra on the Origin of All Laws to inject the true energy into the air, and used spiritual interference with matter to make it possible. The air turned into a boulder weighing as much as ten thousand kilograms.

The solid air restricted Xu Xin's movements, making it impossible for him to dodge for a moment. Then the Ming Zunjiao masters swarmed forward and resisted the joint attacks of so many innate masters. Even Shi Zhixuan, who was good at moving and borrowing power, and the art of life and death, was afraid that he would not be able to dodge. He was beaten to death on the spot.

You are so talented but you dare to do the same thing!

Xu Xin gave a cold shout, and in the next moment infinite zhenqi swept over him, and the terrible storm swept away all the opponents around him.

He and Sha Fang had done a few moves before, using only physical strength and not even a hint of Qi. He was still worried that if he used too much force, he would seriously injure someone, they would not dare to hit him, and Yu'er would just do it. Will run around and get uncoupled.

Fortunately, his acting was quite good, and Xu Kaishan still jumped out of the trap. As for the remaining Yang Xuyan, even if he really chooses to run away, Xu Xin has plenty of ways to deal with him.

Just like... close the door and release the evil king.

After the storm dissipated and the dust settled, a majestic man in rich attire stood in front of everyone in the Ming Dynasty. He was in his thirties, with a slightly longer nose and a wide mouth that always seemed to have a smile on it, full of confidence.

Mr. Xu, the evil king, I wonder if I have offended my Ming Dynasty Zunjiao? I hope you can tell Haihan...

Xu Kaishan spoke loudly, but neither Xu Xin nor Shi Zhixuan, who had just appeared, bothered to look at him, but looked at another location.

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