The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 652 Absorbing power and searching for souls, man-eating demonic power

In the small courtyard, Xi Ying walked up and down, as if he was carefully observing the Yue Shan played by Xu Xin. His breath constantly changed as he walked, adding to his threat and pressure infinitely.

Xi Ying, please stop looking around. You will definitely die today. You only have one chance to make a move.

Seeing that Chen Ying was still looking for an opportunity to escape, Xu Xin sneered and interrupted his fantasy.

Xi Ying has never been regarded as an opponent by him, but Ziqi Tianluo seems to be interesting. He needs this guy to push it to the extreme before harvesting.

Xi Ying's heart sank after hearing Xu Xin's words. According to his careful observation, there was indeed no sign of betrayal between Zhu Yuyan, Hanhan, and Bai Qing'er. This showed that today's situation was really a decisive blow against him, but he I’m not willing to let it end like this!

Xi Ying's thoughts kept changing and he kept walking. After walking around twice, he stood opposite Xu Xin. A disdainful smile escaped from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were filled with purple light, but his tone was surprisingly calm. He shook his head and sighed. Said: Since Xi's completion of the Purple Qi Tianluo, there are only a handful of people who can be recognized as opponents by me.

Even though Xi knows that Brother Yue is still alive, Brother Yue is not yet qualified to be included in the list. However, Xi is still very grateful that someone like Brother Yue comes to Xi's door to try out his skills.

Although Xi Ying was bluffing, he had to say that he was pretending to be very similar. People who didn't know better thought he could fight back!

Hurry up and do it! If you activate the Purple Qi Tianluo to the extreme, you might be able to force Yue to use the knife.

Xu Xin casually spread his hands to express his disdain for Xi Ying. As everyone knows, Ba Dao Yueshan is good at sword skills. Yue Shan came back to fight with Zhu Yuyan and also won with sword skills. Now he can't even fight Xi Ying with a sword. If it doesn't light up, it's obviously looking down on people.

Although Xi Ying was angry in his heart, he also felt that this was an opportunity, and the purple light shone brightly in his eyes.

Purple Qi Tianluo and Tianmo Dafa seem to have a very deep origin, and the characteristics of the techniques have the same origin but different differences.

When the Heavenly Demon Technique is running, the phenomenon of space depression will occur.

The Purple Qi Tianluo is just the opposite, with Xi Ying as the center, it produces expanding and fluctuating energy, as if the space is constantly expanding.

The space is constantly fluctuating, and the dense purple energy forms a net in the air. At this point, the average opponent is already completely at a disadvantage. Once they hit the net, they will be fully entangled by the net-like purple energy. The harder they struggle, the worse they become. Tightly entangled, extremely weird and evil.

If the opponent is the first to attack, Xi should lure the opponent to let go and attack wildly, and then use silk power to control the rigidity with softness. It is best to wait until the opponent's hands and feet are bound and unable to attack, then kill the opponent in one fell swoop.


Xi Ying suddenly let out a sharp scream, stepped on strange steps, and his face turned purple. Behind the several fakes that were drifting uncertainly, he rushed to Xu Xin's left side and slashed with his left hand. It seemed ordinary, but the three women who were watching could feel it. The force of his palms was so strong that the three armies were able to break through the changes and become irresistible.

Such a palm would make even a great master consider retreating.

However, Xu Xin made no move, and even slowly closed his eyes, without any fluctuations of true energy coming from his body.

Such a strange scene naturally frightened Xi Ying, but he decided that this was Xu Xin's bluff, and after hesitating for a moment, he struck out with a more powerful palm.


Xi Ying groaned and flew back, his face full of disbelief.

Just when he was three feet closer to Xu Xin, an invisible but qualitative wall of air not only blocked the attack, but the force of the rebound also bounced him away. His blood is still boiling even after he landed.

Such a method is really terrifying, and it is completely different from the Yue Shan in his impression.

Yue Shan, aren't you doing the magic of changing the day?

As Xi Ying spoke, countless phantoms appeared in his hands, and he used all his strength to use the Purple Qi Tianluo. He used both hands to weave a Tianluo Qi net composed of thousands of intertwined hairsprings, and then withdrew toward the opponent.

This invisible net can not only withstand the opponent's fist, wind and palm force, but can be sent and received by the heart and can change its shape at any time. When he folded his hands and gathered energy, Tianluo gathered into a wheel-sized energy, cutting horizontally towards Xu Xin, expecting to cut through the invisible body-protecting energy wall.

Your life is almost gone, why do you care so much!

Xu Xin responded calmly, the body-protecting innate Qi changed as he pleased.

When Xi Ying was covered by the Purple Qi Tianluo, the Tianluo Qi suddenly became weak and was torn out of shape by a powerful rotational suction force. The Ziqi Tianluo's true energy was almost exhausted.

Xi Ying lost his soul and quickly stopped his attack, even more embarrassed than before.

If your Purple Qi Tianluo still can't reach the ultimate level of Dacheng, then don't blame me for not giving you a chance.

Xu Xin took the initiative to take a step forward as he spoke. The invisible power was like a mountain, pressing heavily on Xi Ying's body, forcing him to no longer have any intention of testing. He could only mobilize his whole body's true energy to fight, and use the great purple energy of heaven. Luo.

Xi Ying's eyes flashed with purple light, and his eyes seemed to change into amethyst, and his palms pierced through flowers, like butterflies, and the shadows of his palms appeared in the sky. Following his forward steps, he attacked Xu Xin overwhelmingly.

The Purple Qi Tianluo, the gossamer energy, covers the space of two feet in radius, and is extremely powerful.

The skin of his body exposed outside his clothes was filled with purple energy, and his whole body seemed to transform into a ball of purple light, with a faint powerful power of purple light corroding the body.

Waves of bright purple air formed a web in the direction of Xu Xin, each wave getting stronger than the last. Xi Ying, who has the ultimate ability to activate the Purple Qi Tianluo, is considered the top powerhouse among the innate masters. But with this ability, in front of Xu Xin, he was barely qualified to be a source of nourishment.

The great method of absorbing energy!

Xu Xin rarely used the power-absorbing technique in this life, but this time Xi Ying's Purple Qi Tianluo aroused his interest, so he made an exception and used it for him. He saw that the palm he pushed out suddenly became claw-like, and the void was instantly distorted. Collapsed, and a black and purple hole quickly expanded.

What kind of martial arts is this?

Queen Yin Zhu Yuyan, Bai Qing'er and Hanhan were all shocked. Xu Xin's martial arts seemed to be similar to the Heavenly Demon Kung Fu, but they had never heard of it.

Xi Ying couldn't even last three breaths under Xu Xin's suction technique. Countless purple energy, together with himself, lost control under the powerful suction force, and all rushed towards the one released from Xu Xin's palm. Tuan Youguang.

You are not Yueshan...ah...

Xi Ying's screams were short and rapid, and as his body fell between Xu Xin's fingers, the extreme pain made his screams extremely sad.

His energy and spirit were being drained away bit by bit. Xu Xin slowed down the speed of absorbing energy and slowly refined his spirit.

The original method of absorbing energy can only absorb martial arts and practice experience. But now Xu Xin has a deeper understanding of this magical skill and can extract more useful memories from the essence. As long as he continues to derive it, he may be able to develop the Xianwu version of the soul search method.

The screaming Xi Ying became the first test subject of Xu Xin's soul search and became the sacrifice of this man-eating demon. He should be proud!

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