The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 649: Seven Illusions of Immortality, Weng Ci and Son-in-law are filial

On a moonlit night in Chang'an, inside the Wulu Temple.

The Evil King wants to find this thing!

A voice suddenly sounded in the backyard of Wuluo Temple. The figure standing on a high place and scanning all directions suddenly stiffened and turned around suddenly.

This is a rather handsome monk. No matter inside or outside, he exudes an awe-inspiring righteousness that is unworldly and can deceive anyone.

Holy relic? He's Bi? Are you Xu Ziling?

The monk's pupils shrank when he saw the two things in Xu Xin's hands. His eyes fell on Xu Xin's body, and all the disguise on his body disappeared in an instant.

The virtuous holy monk of Wulu Temple, who was originally a pure and refined monk, disappeared, and an elegant Confucian scholar appeared in his place. He was tall and straight, handsome and good-looking, with a bit of gray on his temples, and had an indescribable and strange temperament.

His eyes were as cold as ice and snow, and seemed to contain no human emotions. His hands were crystal clear and seemed to contain infinite magic power.

Shi Zhixuan's aura is easy to recognize. His face looks very similar to Shi Qingxuan's, and his temperament is also very special.

Yes, it's me.

Xu Xin nodded, talked to Shi Zhixuan more than ten feet away, and said: The Evil King wants the Evil Emperor's relics to make up for his shortcomings, but I don't think this is a good idea. If you really regret what happened back then, you will be the last to What you should do is to admit your mistake to Qingxuan.

Shi Zhixuan sighed deeply, and his cold eyes suddenly changed, revealing a look of nostalgia for memories. His tone was surprisingly calm, as if he was talking to himself: Qingxuan has grown up!

However, it's not your turn to criticize me.

Shi Zhixuan suddenly looked up at the bright moon in the sky, his eyes becoming extremely cold and ruthless. After schizophrenia, he was extremely emotionally unstable, and no one could figure out how his thoughts would change.

call out!

As soon as Shi Zhixuan finished speaking, Xu Xin felt his eyes blur. The evil king had already arrived about five feet in front of him. His hands used elusive and mysterious moves to attack him. His speed was so fast and his body skills were so powerful. It's so weird that it's the best in the world.

The evil king's magic skills are good, but I promised Qingxuan that I will teach you a lesson. If you only have this ability, then the evil king will be humiliated today.

Xu Xin stood there and laughed dumbly. He stood about half a foot away from Shi Zhixuan with a leisurely expression. It seemed that he couldn't see the punch that Shi Zhixuan hit in front of him. It seemed that he was about to be punched with a hole in his face. , but until Shi Zhixuan's fist fell, Xu Xin remained calm and calm and talked.

When Shi Zhixuan's blow was actually carried out, Xu Xincai quietly took action, reached forward with his left hand, and drew nearly ten circles on his chest with a swift and unparalleled technique. They were of different sizes and angles. They were extremely weird and weird, and he suddenly felt energetic. Ring is empty.

As Xu Xin smiled casually, he put his left hand behind his back as if he had retreated, and it was his right hand's turn to form a knife with his fingers, following a mysterious path and slithering like a snake through the more than ten qi that he had just drawn. The core of each ring is so powerful that it is unbelievable.

More than a thousand lethal energy rings were hanging on Xu Xin's wrists, and the howling wind blew up the virtual and real energy. The edge of his right palm was wrapped around Shi Zhixuan's fist. That was the strongest point and also the weakest point.

Peng! Peng!

The sound of energy clashing was endless. The energy from Xu Xin's palm first knocked Shi Zhixuan back three steps, and then each energy ring knocked Shi Zhixuan back one step.

Shi Zhixuan released more than ten balls of true energy in succession, and when he blocked the last energy ring, he hit the wall with a bang, his throat felt sweet, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Have you merged the Immortal Seal Technique and the Phantom Demon Body Technique into one?

Shi Zhixuan looked at Xu Xin in shock. The ultimate state he had pursued all his life had been achieved in others. This was equivalent to being repayed in return. It was really hard to accept NTR's face to face.

Xu Xin nodded and said with a smile: I obtained the Immortal Seal from Qingxuan, and learned the true meaning of the Phantom Demon Body Technique from Yang Xuyan. With these two unique skills, I integrated them and reduced the complex into simplicity into seven forms. It’s called “Seven Immortal Illusions.”

This is the first illusion method of returning reality with virtual reality. Yin Feng comes to send you to the funeral and demands your life. Take its meaning instead of focusing on the reality. It is ever-changing. It is very rare that you can only be injured but not die.

Immortal fantasy, great name, come again!

Shi Zhixuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his figure moved again, taking the initiative to attack Xu Xin. Wherever he passed, several phantoms that were difficult to distinguish from reality floated, and the reality was uncertain and unpredictable.

Xu Xin's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, ethereal, but in the next moment it turned from nothing to something, and instantly solidified. When he reappeared, he stretched out his middle finger with his right hand and pointed it at the center of Shi Zhixuan's eyebrows.

Within a short distance, Xu Xin's techniques changed a lot, making subtle and exquisite changes every moment. As long as any one of the changes could not be seen through, it would be the tragic ending of defeat, and every change would cause An illusion that makes it impossible to tell what is true and what is false.

Xu Xin's infinitely changing finger poked, and the finger wind completely enveloped Shi Zhixuan, and the distribution of Qi strength in it was constantly changing subtly, making it difficult for people to guard against and unstoppable.

Shi Zhixuan finally chose to strike with one palm, and the angle kept changing to cope with the unpredictable and mysterious technique of the ghost and god. Seeing the fingers and palms clashing, Xu Xin swept with his long fingers in an almost impossible situation.

The fingertips swiped at the palm, and Shi Zhixuan was forced to fall away, spurting out a second mouthful of blood.

After Xu Xin made a move, he retracted his palm, put his hands behind his back and turned around to look at Shi Zhixuan's figure.

Shi Zhixuan stood up with difficulty and said calmly: What's the point of this finger?

Xu Xin raised his steps with his hands behind his back, and came to the stone table in the courtyard to sit down. He cast his eyes on Shi Zhixuan and said: This is the partial generalization in the Seven Illusions, where life and death are destructive. It seems that the evil king is still not there. Understand the principle of partiality and completeness.”

Good move, try again!

Shi Zhixuan screamed again, but this time it was not his turn to take the initiative to attack. Xu Xin's figure moved faster than his phantom magic.

The third form of the Seven Illusions of Immortality is to test the method with one's own body.

Yin and Yang are judged in the Hall of Yama.

When he settled in front of Shi Zhixuan, his eyes were shining brightly. He stretched out his right arm and struck out with his palm. He also extended his left palm at the same time, attacking Shi Zhixuan with the two qi of life and death that were both strong, soft, cold and hot. The sound of splitting the air with his palm was immediately heard. The agitation back and forth in Wulu Temple is like the roar of wind and thunder, which is heart-stirring.


Shi Zhixuan's palms collided with Xu Xin's palms heavily. His throat moved and his face turned red. He opened his mouth and fired a blood arrow towards Xu Xin's face. At the same time, the wind suddenly rose and the cold wind was directed towards Xu Xin's lower third road. greeted him.

This cheap old father-in-law is playing dirty tricks like this even though he can't beat me. He is really a very unscrupulous person!

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